The left panel of the Dispatch Console will list the service appointments and work orders whose details can be viewed in the Gantt or Map view.
Service Appointments List
You can view the Service Appointments List by selecting the Service Appointments tab from the All Work Orders dropdown and clicking All Service Appointments. The list will display all the service appointments created.
Tabular View
In the service appointments list, the details of each appointment are listed in a tabular view.
Column Customization
Based on the view that you have selected, certain details of the appointments will be shown by default. Other than these details, you can choose the columns you want to include in the tabular view. You can choose the columns using the
column selector on the
View page or by
editing the view.
Note: In the customized section of the tabular view, the default details will not be repeated even if the columns corresponding to those details are chosen in the column selector. E.g. Summary, since already included in the default section will not be repeated even if the Summary column is chosen in the selector.
Appointment Details
From each entry of the appointment, you can view its entire details. For each appointment, its related Services will be listed. Click

for the appointment or service to view its complete details.
For each appointment, you can perform the following actions:
- You can Schedule or Dispatch the appointment from the left panel.
- Edit: Click on [
] to edit the appointment.
- View on Gantt: Clicking on [
] will highlight the service appointment in the Gantt view.
- Details: Click on [
] to view the complete details of the appointment.
Filter the Service Appointment List
Filter the Service Appointments List using the following filters:
Views Filter: Filter the appointments based on
views. A View is a collection of records matching specific criteria.

Date filter
You can filter the appointments based on the following date fields:
- Actual Time: All appointments whose Actual Start/End date matches the selected date will be listed
- Scheduled Time: All appointments whose Scheduled Start/End date matches the selected date will be listed
- Preferred Time: All the appointments whose Preferred Date 1, or Preferred Date 2 matches the selected date will be listed

Advanced Filters
Use the advanced filters [

] to filter the appointments based on multiple field values. The value selected in the Date filter (outside the advanced filters) will be populated in the Date filter inside the advanced filters. You can also sort the
appointments based on a field.
Search the Service Appointment List
Search appointments based on their names by clicking the search [

] icon.
Work Orders List
By default, the work orders list will be displayed on the left panel with all the work orders created.
Tabular View
In the work orders list, the details of each work order are listed in a tabular view.
Column customization
The following details of the work orders will be shown by default:
- Work Order Name
- Summary
- Preferred Date 1 or Preferred Date 2
- Status
Other than these details, you can choose the columns you want to include in the tabular view. You can choose the columns using the
column selector on the
Work Orders List page.
Note: In the customized section of the tabular view, the default details will not be repeated even if the columns corresponding to those details are chosen in the column selector. E.g. Summary, since already included in the default section will not be repeated even if the Summary column is chosen in the selector.
Work Order Details
From each entry of the work order, you can view its entire details. For each work order, its related Services will be listed. Click

for the work order or service to view its complete details.
For each work order, you can perform the following actions:
- Edit: Click on [
] to edit the work order.
- Details: Click on [
] to view the complete details of the work order, open the work order in a new tab, or, create an appointment.
Filter the Work Orders List
Filter the Work Orders List using the following filters:
Views Filter: Filter the work orders based on predefined views. A View is a collection of records matching specific criteria.
Date filter
You can filter the work orders based on the following date fields:
- Preferred Time: All the work orders whose Preferred Date 1, or Preferred Date 2 matches the selected date will be listed
- Created Time: All work orders whose created time falls on the selected date will be listed
- Due Date: All work orders whose due date falls on the selected date will be listed
Advanced Filters
Use the advanced filters [

] to filter the work orders based on multiple field values. The value selected in the Date filter (outside the advanced filters) will be populated in the Date filter inside the advanced filters.
You can also sort the work order based on a field.
Search the Work Orders List
Search work orders based on their names by clicking the search [

] icon.
Create Work Orders
You can
create work orders from the left panel of the dispatch console.