Understanding Status Propagation

Understanding Status Propagation

Status propagation is a helpful monitoring feature in Zoho IOT Applications. It is an integral part of Parent-Child asset relationships and Location Hierarchy.
Status: Status represents the current state/health of an asset, a location, or a device in the application. The state/health has a severity level and there are totally five severity levels: Clear, Warning, Minor, Major, and Critical, which progressively indicate the urgency associated.

Clear < Warning < Minor < Major < Critical

Note: Status propagation is applicable only when networks are created using system defined fields. It will not be enabled when custom lookup fields are used. 

Status Update 

When an incident occurs and an alarm is triggered, the alarm's status becomes the status of the asset, location, or device. This process is known as a status update.
Here's a simplified example to illustrate the concepts of status and state using a diesel engine as the asset. The engine is monitored by an alarm rule named "Engine Temperature," which has three states defined by specific trigger conditions related to the engine's temperature:

Severity Level
Temperature Normal
temp_c < 50
Temperature High
temp_c > 50
Temperature Exorbitant
temp_c > 65
  • Temperature Normal: For this state, the severity level is Clear. If the engine temperature remains below 50°C, the status of the diesel engine asset remains Clear.
  • Temperature High: When the engine temperature exceeds 50°C it triggers an event, changing the state to Temperature High, and consequently, the status of the diesel engine asset updates to Major.
  • Temperature Exorbitant: If the temperature rises above 65°C. Another event is triggered, changing the state to Temperature Exorbitant, and the status of the asset becomes Critical.
This is an example of user-defined conditions.
Additionally, there are default system-defined conditions within the application that can influence the status of an asset, device, or location.
For instance, a device instance has a few default system-defined conditions.The connected state of the device, where the status is set to Clear. If the device is in a disconnected state, the status becomes Critical, and if it is in a registered state, the status is marked as Warning.
Severity Level
The application is connected to the physical device.
The connection between the application and the physical device has not been initiated at all yet.
The application has lost its connection to the physical device.

Status Propagation

Status propagation is a mechanism where the most severe state of the asset, location or device in a lower level of a connected network is reflected as the status of the associated location, asset, or device in a higher level of the network.
Three types of status propagation occur in the Zoho IOT Applications.
  1. Child Asset to Parent Asset
  2. Child Location to Parent Location
  3. Device/Asset to an associated Location

1. Status Propagation from Child Asset to Parent Asset

In a parent asset network, status propagation occurs from the child asset to the parent asset. When multiple child assets are involved, the highest severity level among them is propagated to the parent asset.

Note: Status propagation is applicable only when networks are created using system defined fields. It will not be enabled when custom lookup fields are used. 
The following scenarios depict how status propagation occurs within different configurations of parent-child asset networks.

Status Propagation: Single Level

In simple parent asset networks with a single parent and single child asset, if the status of the child asset has higher severity than the status of the parent asset, this higher severity status is propagated to the parent asset.

Status Propagation: Multiple Levels

Consider a network where a single parent asset has a child asset, which in turn is the parent of another child asset, creating a two-level hierarchy.
If the status of the child asset at level 1 has higher severity than that of the parent asset, it is propagated to the parent asset.

In this scenario, since the status of the child asset at the second level has lower severity than that of the level 1 child asset, no status propagation occurs between level 2 and level 1 child assets.
However, if the status of the child asset at the second level is more severe than both the immediate parent asset and the main parent asset, the severe status is propagated to both parent assets.

Status Propagation Single level with: Multiple Child 

Consider a parent asset with four child assets as shown.

When the status of the child assets changes, the status with the highest severity is propagated to the parent asset. In this illustration, since child asset 1B has the highest severity, this status is propagated to the parent asset.



Status Propagation Multiple Level: Multiple Child

Consider a complex parent-asset network with three levels of parent and child assets, as shown below.
In this, the status of child asset 3A in level 3 is propagated to its immediate parent asset in level 2, and then to the parent asset in level 1. However, the higher severity status of asset 1A is ultimately propagated to the main parent asset.


2. Status Propagation Between Child Location and Parent Location

Child locations are associated to the parent location using the Parent Location property of a location. The status of any child location is updated to the parent location using the Status Propagation mechanism.
In the case of multiple child locations, the parent location is updated with the highest severity of the child location.
Consider the scenario where the Parent Location SP - F2 has three child locations where multiple assets and devices are associated to these locations.  If any device or asset fails in Conf Room, the severity of the location will be updated to Critical. And by the Status Propagation mechanism the location SP - F2 and South Plaza which are the parents will also be updated with Critical severity.
Child Locations
Parent Location
SP - F2
South Plaza
SP - F2
Conf Room
SP - F2
Pantry 1
SP - F2

3. Status Propagation Between Device, Asset, and Location

Assets and devices can be associated with a location, and if the health of the asset or device is severe enough, it can be reflected in the associated location. This helps in the high-level monitoring of the managed entities.

Note: Status propagation is applicable only when networks are created using system defined fields. It will not be enabled when custom lookup fields are used. 

Status Propagation Rules

  • Status propagation occurs from a device to its corresponding location and from an asset to its associated location.
  • No status propagation can occur from a location to either a device or an asset. Similarly, status propagation does not occur between a device and its associated assets.
Below are a few scenarios illustrating how status propagation occurs in networks of various assets, locations, and devices.

Case 1:
A device, asset, and location are all associated with a parent location.
In such a cluster, the most severe status among the asset, device, and child locations is propagated to the parent location.
In the network illustrated below, the device status is Critical, which is more severe than the Minor and Major statuses of the child location and asset. Consequently, the Critical status of the device is propagated to the parent location.
Case 2:
A device is associated with an asset, and the asset is associated with a location.
In this setup, if a status change occurs in the device, no status propagation happens.

For status propagation to occur, the device must be directly associated with the location.
Case 3:
The parent asset in a parent-child asset network is connected to a location.
In this setup, the status of the child asset is propagated to the parent asset. If this status is higher than that of the location, it is propagated to the location.
Case 4:
A child asset in a parent-child asset network is associated with a location.
In this setup, if the status of the child asset is severe enough, it will be propagated to the parent asset. However, the status of the child asset will only be propagated if the location is associated with the parent-asset chain of the child asset.
Case 5:
The parent asset in a parent-child asset network, along with a device, is associated with a location.
In such a case, if status propagation occurs in the parent-child asset network, the updated status will be reflected only if it is severe enough compared to both the device and the location, and if the location is associated with the asset.
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