Understanding Widgets in Zoho IoT: A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding Widgets

Widgets are the fundamental components of a dashboard, presenting vital statistics in intuitive formats within the Zoho IOT application. You can create various types of widgets, including cardschartsdialsimagetablescalendarscommandsmapstimelineimage layout, and date & time. You can choose the suitable format from the widget type gallery to display your data in the most effective way on the dashboard.

Image: Sample dashboard with multiple widgets

Types of Widgets 

The various types of widgets available in Zoho IOT and their description are provided below:
Note: Click on any available format link below to view the widget type-specific document. 

Card type widgets are used to display single or multiple values of historical or real-time data in various card formats.
Available formats: Simple Card 1, Simple Card 2,  Comparison Card, Multivalue Card 1, Multivalue Card 2, Multivalue Card 3(Assorted). Text Card (DPs & Fields), Text Card (DPs & Fields) with Icon, and Summary Card

Chart type widgets are used to display both historical and real-time data in simple, drill down, or comparison charts.
Available formats: Column Chart,
Bar Chart, Stacked Chart, Donut Chart, Pie Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, Combined Chart. Sankey, and Heatmap

Dial type widgets are used to display various ranges of a particular property, with a pointer indicating the current value within that range. These widgets are available for both historical and real-time data.
Available formats: Solid Gauge, Semi Dial, Full Dial, Progress Dial, Full Circle Dial, Full Circle Dial - Multivalued

Image type widgets are used to display values along with images.
Available formats: Simple Image, Image with Metrics, Image with Comparison Metrics, and Image with String Metrics.

Table type widgets, also referred to as list view widgets, are used to display the details of the selected module/model, assets, policies, alarms, and so on, in a table format.
Available Format: Custom View Table and Reports Table

Calendar type widgets are used to create calendar-based views on the dashboard. These widgets showcase the metrics of a managed entity date-wise for a given month.


Command widgets are used to execute different actions on the managed asset or device.
Available Format: Toggle, Numeric, Buttons, PickList, Horizontal Slider, Vertical Slider, Circular Slider, and Semicircular Slider.

Map widgets are used to display maps already configured in the Maps module of the application on dashboards. These widgets denote the geographical positions of the assets or devices in the setup.

Timeline type widgets are used to display datapoint values from devices in a time-based sequence. They offer a clear and intuitive method to track and study trends, events, and changes that occur over time.

Available Format: Timeline Widget 1 and Timeline Widget 2
Image Layout

Image Layout type widgets are used to display model information and metric details on a custom image. This widget construction involves setting the position and alignment of the metrics info box over the image.
Image Layout and Heatmap Image Layout

Data and Time 

Date and Time widgets are used to displaying the current date and time. These widgets can be configured to display specific time based on different timezones.


Historical and Realtime Widgets    

Both live and historical data are essential in IoT monitoring.
  1. Real-time widgets are created for live monitoring, where the incoming data is displayed instantly in the widget on receiving the message. This provides an insight into the current performance, and also helps to identify and rectify any issue without delay.

  2.  Historical widgets display data collected over a period of time and therefore help to study the performance of the devices and assets in the network. This ensures proper maintenance, which eventually leads to increased productivity and prolonged life of the components.

When creating widgets, you can use the toggle button to select historical or real-time type of widgets.

Image: Toggle button setting for historic and realtime widget

Timeseries and Instance Property Grouping   

Incoming data can be grouped and viewed in widgets using two options: Timeseries Grouping and Instance Property Grouping.


  1. Timeseries grouping is used in charts to create periodic charts with raw data as received. Here, the data can be aggregated or grouped for viewing.

       Sample Screenshots : 

(i) A simple time series chart displaying the temperature values received in the last 24 hours.

(ii) An aggregated time series chart displaying the daily fuel consumption every day (grouped by day) for a period of seven days.

  1. Instance property grouping is used in charts to create charts grouped based on the properties of instances (device, asset, location, etc.). Here, data can be grouped on instance properties such as name, type, time, addresses, and so on.
Sample Screenshot :
A simple instance property group chart displays assets with the number of generated alarms grouped by the name property.


 Widget Operations 

Most widget related operations, such as edit, clone, delete, switching styles, and refresh, can be performed from the dashboard view by clicking the ellipsis button located at the top-right corner of the widget.


 Ellipsis Options 

Basic widget operations such as edit, clone, and delete can be performed from the dashboard view using the ellipsis (...) button.

  1. Edit : This option is used to modify the widget configuration such as changing the name of the widget to modifying the data set to be displayed in the widget.
  2. Clone : This option is used to create a duplicate version of a widget.
  3. Delete : This option is used to remove a widget from the dashboard.

  1. Set Instance : This option is used to modify the instance for which the data is displayed.
  2. View Color Rule : This option is used to view the color rule applied.  The color rule can be viewed by clicking the paint icon at the bottom right corner of the widget.


Other Options 

  1. Change Style  
The Change Style option is used to modify the style of a widget to another compatible style.

  1. Refresh 
The Refresh option is used to reconstruct and view the widget with the latest data.

  1. Time Period Settings 
The Time Period options can be used for period-based widgets.

  1.  Drill Down View 
The drill down view is a granular view that is displayed upon clicking on any value on the widget. You can click on any part of a widget component such as a bar, column, or particular section of the chart or graph to view corresponding details. It provides a list view of data that contributed to the value on the widget.

Below is the drill down view of the IAQ Sensor count.

 Refer to the Different Widget Types document for more details on working with various widget type and style.


All Widget operations require necessary permissions. Refer to Users and Profiles document for more details.

Check Feature Availability and Limits

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