Establishing a connection between the Zoho IoT Application and the real world device is called onboarding.
This document outlines how to onboard devices based on each protocol.
Prerequisite: Before onboarding a device, make sure you have added a device in the Zoho IoT application with the required device connectivity protocol and know how to access the connection credentials. MQTT
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for low-bandwidth networks commonly used in IoT applications.
Connection Credentials
An MQTT Device created in the Zoho IoT Application has the following credentials.
Authentication Token | A sixty-one digit combination of alpha numeric characters that acts as the password. |
Authentication Type | Method of verifying the device. Selected when creating the device. |
Device ID | A sixteen digit numeric value to identify the device. |
Username | Username of the device. Required to connect to the Zoho IoT Hub server. |
MQTT Port | Port number indicating the protocol used for communication. |
Server URL | Web address of the Hub Server. |
Zoho IoT has a straightforward way of onboarding MQTT devices, you use the connection credentials of the added device in the application and updated it in the real world device once the application software in the real world device runs, communication will be established.
Here is a sample of how the connection credentials are used in an MQTT client.
No. | Field | Description |
1 | Client ID | Device ID value in Zoho IoT Device Connection Credentials |
2 | Host | mqtts , Server url in Zoho IoT Device Credentials. |
3 | Port | 8883 |
4 | Username | Username value in Zoho IoT Device Connection Credentials. |
5 | Password | Authentication Token value in Zoho IoT Device Connection Credentials. |
6 | SSL/TLS | ON (Authentication Type is Security Token with TLS). |
7 | Root CA | Certificate (.pem file) to ensure secure and authenticated communication |
8 | MQTT Version | 3.1.1 |
Telemetry Topic
When establishing a connection, it is essential to use the telemetry topic provided under the Publish/Subscribe topics sections. Using a different telemetry topic will result in device disconnection.
Once the credentials are provided and a connection is established between the device and the application, the raspberry pi will be able to send payloads to the application.
If a successful connection is established, the device instance status will change to connected.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of the HTTP protocol that encrypts data to provide secure communication over the internet, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of user data between web browsers and servers.
Connection Credentials
A device created in the application with HTTPS device connectivity will have the following connection credentials.
Endpoint | A specific URL for web applications, to access its resources or services securely over the web. |
Authentication Token | A sixty-one digit combination of alpha numeric characters that acts as the password. |
Endpoint Usage
Combinations of endpoint links and authentication tokens for telemetry and events are available in the Endpoint Usage section, allowing users to easily copy and paste the necessary links for streamlined onboarding.
Using the URL parameter implementation as the connection URL for your HTTPS device ensures seamless connectivity with the Zoho IoT application.
Here's an example of how URL parameter implementation is utilised in the Postman application to send payloads to the Zoho IoT application.
Note: Zoho IoT currently supports only the POST method for HTTPS communications.
LoRaWAN via LoRaDatastream
Devices created with LoRaWAN via LoRaDatastream can be onboarded by associating a datastream from the LoRa Network Server of the device.
See Also
- Adding and Managing devices and device models