Model Templates and Instance Specific

Model Templates and Instance Specific

Monitor and control modules include datapoints, alarm rules, overview dashboards, and commands.

Model Templates  

Monitor and control modules are configured as templates in the managed entity models: device, asset, and location. When a managed entity (ME) instance based on the managed entity model is created, instances of the configured templates are also created in the ME instance.

For example, in a device model, a datapoint template: Temperature , command template: ON/OFF, and alarm rule template: Temperature Status are added. Creating a device instance based on this model results in instances of the datapoint, command, and alarm rule in the device instance. This applies to any number of device instances based on the model.

Adding a new template to a model will propagate instances of that template to all ME instances derived from that model, as detailed in the model instance relationship.

Learn more about model instance relationship.

Advantages of Model Templates  

  • They can be configured once in a model and automatically become available across all instances derived from that model.

  • They can be used in global dashboards and across multiple instances. For example, a datapoint configured in one device instance can be used to configure a scheduled KPI datapoint in another asset instance (if they are related).

  • Updating the parsing key, command key, or alarm rule state in the template will reflect in all instances, simplifying management. Keys can be overridden for specific instance if required.

Instance Specific

Monitor and control modules can be directly added to a specific device, asset, or location, making them available only for that instance and independent of any template. They are termed Instance Specific Datapoints, Instance Specific Commands, Instance Specific Overview Dashboard, and Instance Specific Alarm Rules, respectively.

For example, suppose an asset model named Diesel Generator includes a datapoint template for Engine Temperature, a command template for Engine ON/OFF, and an alarm rule template for Engine Temperature Status. In this case, individual assets such as Diesel Gen 1, Diesel Gen 2, and Diesel Gen 3 created based on this model will each inherit these datapoint, command, and alarm rule templates. However, if a datapoint for Engine RPM is added exclusively to Diesel Gen 1, a command for Coolant ON/OFF is added only to Diesel Gen 2, and an alarm rule for Fuel Level is added only to Diesel Gen 3, these additions become instance-specific datapoint, instance-specific command, and instance-specific alarm rule for the respective Diesel Generator assets.

Enabling Instance Specific Monitor and Control Modules

Instance specific datapoints, commands, and alarm rules can only be added to a managed entity (ME) instances if they are enabled in the model settings of the model on which the ME instances are based on.
For example, consider two asset models: "Diesel Generator" and "Fuel Tank." Based on these models, instances Diesel Gen 1, Diesel Gen 2, Diesel Gen 3, Tank 1, Tank 2, and Tank 3 are created respectively. If the option to add instance-specific datapoints, commands, and alarm rules is enabled only for the "Diesel Generator" model, then these additions can only be made to the Diesel Gen 1, Diesel Gen 2, and Diesel Gen 3 instances.

Limitations of Instance Specific Datapoints  

  • Instance-specific datapoints are not usable in global dashboards and reports when model based configurations are used and can only be used when raw option is selected.

  • They cannot be used for scheduled KPI datapoint configurations in related instances and can be used only in instance specific scheduled KPI datapoints.

  • They cannot be used to configure alarm rule templates and can only be used in instance specific alarm rules.

Limitations of Instance Specific Commands  

  • They are available only in the instances they were configured for.

  • They cannot be used as triggers in alarm rule templates and are available only in instance specific alarm rules.

Limitations of Instance Specific Alarm Rules  

  • They are applicable only to monitor the specific instance in which they were added.

  • They cannot be used in broader model configurations or in other instances beyond their specific instance.

Limitations of Instance Specific Overview Dashboard  

  • Once enabled, you will no longer be able to add Overview Dashboard templates for the model. Instead, you must configure the overview dashboard for each instance you create from scratch.

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