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Configuring user profiles

This document will explain about the various options for configuring a profiles.

Profile Permissions

A profile will have the following sections, and the permission of each of these sections can be controlled.

Device Modules, Asset Modules, Location Modules,
System Managed Modules, Automation, Custom Modules, Integration, Global Dashboard, Reports, Maps, and Menu Customisation.

Note: Admin Permissions are available only to Administrator and Manager profile types.

Access/View: On enabling, the corresponding module/model will be visible and accessible to the user associated with the profile.

Once a module's or model's Access/View is enabled, users can further adjust its permissions to manage instances of that model. You'll have three options to manage the instance: Create, Edit, and Delete.

  • Create: Allows users to create new instances of the corresponding model/module.

  • Edit: Allows users to make changes to the instance of the corresponding model/module.

  • Delete: Allows users to delete the instance of the corresponding model/module.

View Only: With Access/View enabled, and Create, Edit, and Delete disabled, users are assigned a view only option for the instances of that model/module.

Note: Users here refers to users associated with the profile with the said configuration.

Device, Asset, and Location Module configuration

For the device module, asset module, and location module, with Access/View enabled, you will be able to add models under the corresponding module. These models, once added, will appear under the corresponding module section, and can be specifically managed with Access/View, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions for each model.


Every device, asset, and location comes with specific actions. These actions can be made available or unavailable to a user by adjusting the permissions for those actions in the associated profile.
Access/View ON: Displays the action under the Actions button dropdown.
Access/View OFF: Hides the action from the Actions button dropdown.
The adjustments of these actions are reflected across all the instances with in the modules, irrespective of the model.
Example: If the Manage/Unmanage option in the Device Module is disabled, it will not appear under the Actions button for any user managing a device instance.

The actions available for each module is tabulated below:
Device ModuleManage/UnmanageActivate or deactivate the device.
ReregisterChange the authentication type of the device.
SimulatorInbuilt simulator to simulate data for the device.
Execute CommandsSend command payloads to the connected device.
Clear AlarmClear all the non-clear alarms generated for the device.
Assign UserAssign a user to manage a specific alarm.
Edge Agent ConfigurationConfigure the edge agents and update remotely.
View Device MessagesView messages received by the device.
CertificatesActivate/DeactivateActivate or Deactivate a particular certificate.
Assign PolicyAssign new policy to a certificate.
RevokeInvalidate a certificate
Asset ModuleExecute CommandsSend command payloads to the connected device.
Clear AlarmClear all the non-clear alarms generated for the asset.
Assign UserAssign a user to manage a specific alarm.
Location ModuleAdd AssetAssociate an asset to a location instance.
Add DeviceAssociate a device to a location instance.
Execute CommandsSend command payloads to the connected device.
Clear AlarmClear all the non-clear alarms generated for the location.
Assign UserAssign a user for a generated alarm.

System Managed Module and Automation configuration

Adjusting permissions of the system managed modules and automation impacts the end application, irrespective of the module.
For example, if the Access/View is OFF for datapoint instance configuration. The user will not be able to view datapoints instances for device, asset, and location instances in the End application.

Similarly, if the Access/View is ON, and create is not applicable for Command Instances configuration, then the user will be able to view commands in all the device, asset, and location instances, but will not be able to edit or delete the commands for the same.

Custom Modules Configuration

Permissions adjusted within Custom Modules only affect the specific module. New custom modules appear under this section as they are added to the developer application.  

For example, if the Access/View is OFF for the Manufacturer module, the user will not be able to access the manufacturer module and its instances.

Similarly, if the Access/View is ON for the Vendor module, but delete is not applicable, the users associated with the profile will be able to create vendor instances in the end application but will not be able to delete any of the instances.

Global Dashboard, Reports, Maps, and Menu Customisation 

For Global Dashboard, Reports, Maps, and Menu Customisation, the entire module is enabled/disabled; if enabled, the ability to create instances of the features can also be controlled.
As new dashboards, reports, maps, and menu customisations are introduced, they will be displayed under their respective section. The permissions to edit and delete these created elements can be specifically managed.

For example, if Access/View for the Global Dashboard is enabled, but the options to create, edit, and delete are not available, users associated with the profile will only have the capability to view existing dashboards. Conversely, if the create option is enabled, users can create new global dashboards; however, these dashboards cannot be edited or deleted once created.


Reports created in the applications have a set of executable actions. The Access/View privilege for each of these actions can be controlled.
Access/View ON: The selected action is available.
Access/View OFF: The action is unavailable.
Schedule Reports
Schedule reports to be created at defined intervals or specified time.
Export Reports
Export the reports as
pdf or excel files.

Admin Permissions

Admin permissions are inherently enabled for Administrator and Manager profiles. Permissions under this category generally cannot be modified, with exceptions like GDPR settings and Managed Modules and Model, which can be adjusted to fit organisational requirements.

GDPR Settings: Enabling this option grants the user associated with the profile the ability to manage GDPR settings within the application. This control is crucial for complying with privacy regulations and managing data protection preferences effectively.

Managed Modules and Model: Disabling this setting restricts the user's access to the device, asset, and location modules. 

See Also
Adding and managing user profiles

Updated: 5 months ago
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