How to make your campaign failsafe with these seven tips

How to make your campaign failsafe with these seven tips

While marketers spend a lot of time ideating and designing email campaigns, many often hit send on a campaign without making sure elements like the text, images, CTAs, and URLs work properly. If these aren't verified before sending, you run the risk of not being able to offer the perfect campaign for your contacts and of the campaign not achieving the desired conversions. To get the best out of an email campaign, you need to build time into your schedule for one last glance at various aspects of your campaign so you can verify that they're working correctly before you hit the send button.
Here are some tips that you can follow to deliver campaigns that hit your conversion goals:

Proof the content 

An email campaign's content is one of the most important factors that determines its performance. When a mailbox provider's receiving server receives a campaign, its content will be scrutinized to identify patterns of spam. If the email content has grammatical errors or spammy words, the receiving server may quarantine the email or move it to the spam folder. After crafting a campaign, comb through the copy to identify grammatical errors, typos, and spammy words. Ensure that the content is relevant to the recipient's needs, interests, age, gender, and other demographic factors. This will give you the best chance of ensuring your email lands in the recipient's inbox.

Verify the images 

Images are an integral part of an email campaign. Whenever you craft an email campaign, ensure that the images load properly on different devices and are perfectly aligned. Also, ensure that you don't use images that are more than 1MB in size. If you use images that are more than 1MB in size, there are chances your emails might land in the spam folder. Also, we recommend you use a ratio of 60% text to 40% image. This is because even if mailbox providers disable the auto-download of images in an email campaign, the text will convey the message.

Verify the CTAs 

Calls to action—or CTAs—are the gateway to achieving conversions. Double check that your CTAs are visible and clickable. Verify the CTA text to ensure that there are no typos. We recommend using "action-oriented words" that trigger the recipient's interest and drive them to click the CTA button.

Verify the URLs 

If your email content has URLs, ensure that they work properly. Use link-checker tools to ensure there's a functioning site on the other end. Also, make sure that the URL doesn't have multiple redirects. We urge you to ensure that the URLs in your email don't take the recipient to blacklisted sites. If a mailbox provider's receiving server receives an email with URLs that take recipients to blacklisted sites, the receiving server may quarantine the email.

Test the merge tags

Using merge tags is the best way to personalize email content. Merge tags retrieve the first name and last name of the email recipient from a mailing list. They can also be used to insert YouTube videos as well as subscribe and unsubscribe links. After crafting the campaign, we urge you to ensure that all the merge tags work properly.  

Craft mobile-friendly campaigns 

Nowadays, people prefer checking their mailbox on the go. So the best way forward is to craft campaigns that are mobile-friendly. We strongly recommend you optimize your email campaign and verify how it appears on mobile phones of different sizes. While doing so, you can also correct alignment issues, if there are any.

Test the campaign on different email clients 

Your email campaigns will be rendered differently in each email client. To understand how your campaign will get displayed, we recommend you send your campaign to your test accounts of popular email clients like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. At Zoho Marketing Automation, you can send a test email to see how your campaign gets rendered on different email clients. This will help you correct alignment issues and craft responsive emails.
Sometimes, when you send your campaigns to test accounts of Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo, your email may land in the spam folder. In such situations, you must revisit your email campaign and your sending practices to understand the reason for the spam classification. You can click here to learn the best ways to pass through spam filters.
Marketers must realize that the testing phase is an integral part of an email campaign's lifecycle. We urge marketers to spend time on testing as it will help them deliver the perfect email experience for their contacts. 

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