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To run a test and track visitor data on your website, the first thing that you need to do is install the Zoho Marketing Automation's snippet code to all of your tracking pages. Adding the snippet code to your website is a one-time process, and does not require modifications every time to run multiple experiments. To complete this installation process, you must have access to your website source HTML code.
1.Go to Settings and click on Web under Marketing Channels. Tracking code snippet page will appear.
2. Copy the type of code snippet you want to insert on your web page.
Synchronous code: The scripts are loaded and executed sequentially starting with the <head> tag on a website.
Asynchronous code: The scripts are loaded and executed simultaneously alongside other functions on a website.
3. Paste the copied code snippet within the <head> tag of your website HTML script. You may need your Developers help to do this.
Adding the Zoho Marketing Automation code snippet to your website is a one-time process.
Multiple tests can be performed with the same code snippet installed on your web page.
We recommend adding the code snippet to all the tracking pages of your website.
If you want to track from a different Zoho Marketing Automation user account, the existing code snippet needs to be removed from your website pages, and replaced with the new code generated from the current account because the code snippet is unique.
4. To verify the code installation, enter the web page URL in which you added the code snippet inside the URL section, then click Verify. You will see the success message with a green tick mark on a new browser window.
If you see an error message in red, it could be due to any of the following reasons:
You've pasted a different code snippet on your webpage's HTML code
There are typographical mistakes in the code
Your web page takes a longer time to load than usual.
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