How to create a new funnel analysis in Zoho PageSense | Help Guide

Create your first funnel analysis

If you want your business’s sales process to run as efficiently as possible, you absolutely must get your marketing funnel right on your website. A funnel analysis is a series of ordered steps taken by a visitor to reach a destination or achieve a goal, and is best method to understand the flow of visitors through your website

For example, analyzing the buyer's journey on an eCommerce website whose ultimate goal is to get users who visit the site to make a purchase. Using the funnel reports, it's easier to visualize how many users are getting through each stage of your funnel, and discover the bottlenecks that reduce conversions at every step.

To create a new funnel analysis:

1. Click Funnel Analysis on the left pane, then click the New Funnel Analysis button.

Enter a descriptive name for your funnel analysis in the Name box.

3. Enter a suitable step name and add the URL of the page to be included in your funnel. Click + to add all the required steps and the URL paths in your funnel. 
You can also use different URL match types by clicking on the drop-down menu.

For example, let's say a large number of people visit the homepage of an e-commerce website, but only a few eventually go on to see the thank you page after a purchase. In this case, you can set up a funnel process named 'Zylker buyers journey' to identify the exact pages where your visitors are dropping off or exiting from your website on their path to conversion as shown below:  homepage > category page > product page > cart > checkout > thank you page

4. Click Activate to launch your funnel analysis on your web page.

Zoho PageSense will now begin to track conversion rates, drop-offs , and other relevant metrics in your funnel analysis under the  REPORTS tab. However,  if you wish to make changes to your funnel,  click the  Pause button at the top - right corner and click  Relaunch to run the experiment again.
Ensure that the Zoho PageSense code snippet is installed to all the URLs of your funnel experiment.

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