How to create click on links goal for a/b test in Zoho PageSense | Help Guide

Add a link click goal to your variation

A/B testing in Zoho PageSense enables you to create 'Link Click' goals that lets you to test which location in your web page gets thee maximum click on links and conversion rate. In this goal type, you can track how many visitors clicked on the hyperlinks that lead to a different destination page, such as your product’s sales page, sign up for your email list, or even just follow your social media page. More specifically, you can test two different placements of the same link, and run a test that determines which placement attracts the highest percentage of clicks. Once you have concluded the test, you can adopt the optimal placement, and enjoy higher click rates. You can use different URL match types to track the goals on multiple pages. 

To create a click on link goal: 
1. Go to the GOALS tab in your A/B test (or split URL test) and click + New Goal.

2. Choose Link Clicks from the left pane, then enter a descriptive name for the goal in the text box.

3. Click the Type dropdown to choose the specific URL match type and the corresponding URL you want to track. 
For example, your home page contains a link to your company's instagram account with the text link 'Follow' added to a banner. In this case, the link click goal helps track visitors to this particular link, and counts it as a conversion whenever a visitor clicks to open the Instagram account page link.

4. Click Save and then Next to proceed with the remaining settings in your A/B or split URL test
You will be able to track these conversions and analyze your visitor metrics for the set goal under the REPORTS tab of your experiment. 

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