Employee onboarding is facilitated through Zoho People web application. Once administrator has trigger the employee onboarding process for an employee, the employee will receive an email invitation to access the Zoho People and complete their onboarding.
If Restrict access to service is enabled by an administrator in settings, an employee cannot access access the Zoho People services without completing their onboarding process.
Steps to Complete the Employee Onboarding
The employee should open their mailbox, locate the invite email, sign up and accept the invitation.
Ensure the pre-filled details are correct, set up the password and click
Sign up & Accept.
Once signed up the Employee Onboarding page will appear, you can view the company information video on the left side and click
Lets get started to proceed.
You will need to complete all the tabs of the onboarding process. As you complete each tab, you will progress to the next one. You can also go back to any tab to alter or delete information if required.
Write a comment to post message to your department members.
In the Profile and Other Forms fill in the required details
In the Documents and Policies tab, read and acknowledge the document that are for perusal, sign the document that required signature.
Team tab list your team members, you can introduce yourself to them by click on
Say hi and starting a conversation.
Company Information tab provides insights into the company's goals, vision, and mission.
The Objectives tab lists the organizational goals you are expected to achieve upon joining the organization to streamline your work area and enhance your performance.
The Training tab contains courses that you must complete in the onboarding process. Click on the course and click Start Course to begin.
Once you have completed all the above tabs, ensure the details provided are correct and click
Complete Onboarding.
You will be direct to Zoho People services upon completing the onboarding.