Is it possible to rename the issues tab and issues icon?
Yes, you can rename your issues tab and icon. To do this:
- Click
in the top navigation band.
- Navigate to Portal Configuration > Configuration > Rename Module tab.
- Enter the name to be displayed in links or comments under NAME TO BE DISPLAYED IN LINKS OR COMMANDS field.
- Select the name and icon to be displayed in tabs under NAME AND ICON TO BE DISPLAYED IN THE TABS field.
- Click Update.
Is it possible to link two issues?
Associate or Link Issues
- Select the required project from Projects in the left navigation panel and click Issues.
- Click on the issue that you want to edit in the issue List view.
- Click the Link Issues tab to link start linking issues.
- Select the desired option in Link Type.
- Enter the issue title or issue ID in Select Issues to search and select the Issue(s) to link.
- Click Link Issues to create a link between the issues.
Can I create Service Level Agreement (SLAs) for my issues?
Yes, you can create as many SLA rules as desired for the issues.
Learn More.
- Navigate to
> Issue Tracker > SLA and click Create SLA.
- Enter a Name.
- Select the desired option for the rule to Execute On and then click Add targets for this SLA.
- Select the criteria as to when the SLA must be executed for the issue.
You can choose your criterion from the various options that are displayed. You can set targets to view only issues based on Modified Date, Last Closed Date, Milestone, Severity, and so on.- Select the due date or the target time for the SLA.
- In Target Action, you can choose Close Before or Resolve Before and set their respective target field and target time based on the Calendar or Business hours.
- If you choose Resolve Before, the custom date field is also displayed in the Target Field. This helps in escalating the issue if it is not resolved within the set target time.
- If you choose Close Before, it helps in escalating the issue if it is not closed within the set target time.
- Specify Escalate on as to when to escalate the issue. You can specify a maximum of four levels if the ticket exceeds the target time.
- Specify Escalate to as to whom to escalate the issue. You can choose Assignee, Project Owner, or any of the project users from Users section, or any of the users from the User Pick List section.
- Select an existing Email Template from the drop-down or create a new Email template. Learn More about Email Templates.
- Configure the action to be taken for the escalation. You can specify a maximum of 10 actions.
- Click Save.
The escalation levels are highlighted in color-codes next to each issue in the List view and issue details view.
Is there a way to associate a task to issue(s)?
- Select a project from the Recent Projects section or from the Projects tab in the left navigation panel.
- Click on the Tasks tab in the top band to open the List view.
- Click on a task to open its details page.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the details page and click on the Issues tab section at the bottom of the task details page.
- Click Associate Issues.
- Type the existing issue title or issue ID to search and select the issue in Select Issues box.
- Click Associate Issues to link the selected issues to the task.
In addition, you can also link new issues to the selected task. In the Issues tab, click Associate Issues, and then click the Click here option to associate new issues to the task. Specify the new Issue Title and Issue Description and then click Save to link a new issue to the task.
Is it possible for the client users to change the status of the issues?
Yes. The client user will be able to change the issue status only if an issue is assigned to them.
To assign an issue to the client user, the following two conditions should be accomplished:
1. The Assign external issues to client users option must be enabled: Once you are in the Issues module, click Issue Settings --> Configuration menu and enable this option.
2. The issue's flag must be external: You will be able to see the list of client users while filing the issue only when the External flag option is chosen.
Learn more.
Is there a consolidated view to see the issues assigned to me across all projects?
Yes. My Issues view provides a consolidated view of issues assigned to you across all the projects.
- Navigate to
> Customization > Layouts and Fields > Issues > Fields.
- Open an existing layout or create a new layout.
- Click
on the right-side of Status & Workflow.
- Change the default status for an issue under Set Default Status section.
- Click the +Add Status link to create a new issue status.
- A new status will fall under either Open or Closed status types.
- Default Status can't be deleted and there should be at-least one open & one closed status.
- Enter a status name.
- Click
to the left of the status name to assign a color. Pick any color from the palette that matches the status name and type.
- Define a Workflow by selecting the next available status. The workflow determines the next available status as specified in the box.
- Click Done and then click Apply changes to add the Status.
Default Status Types
Open - All issues which are posted newly will be assigned to the Open status by default.
In progress - All the issues that are under progress.
To be tested - All the issues that are to be tested.
Closed - All the issues that are resolved and tested.
Reopen - All the issues that are reopened from the closed status. The issues that are in the reopen status can be moved to the In progress or Resolved or Closed status.
You can modify the status as per your requirement. In addition, you can reorder the status using the drag and drop option. Further, you can delete the existing statuses too (Default status cannot be deleted).
Learn more.
Is it possible to import the custom fields for issues within a project?
Yes. we do have a option to
import the issues along with custom fields. The supported file formats are XLS, XLSX and CSV file.
What is a Business Rule? How can I define business rules for my project?
Business Rule is a filter that you will apply to your issues to organize them. You can define Business Rules that will enable you to classify the issues and perform actions such as changing the severity, status, module, classification and assigning the issue to a user. Business Rule will be triggered when the issue matches the defined business rule criteria.
Is issue tracking module available as part of free plan?
Yes, the issue tracking feature is available in the free plan. But, you can access the Issues module only in a single project.