Most organizations secure their remote databases using firewalls. If you are looking for a way to navigate these firewalls to access remote databases, Bridge can be of help.
Let us try to solve a real-time business case where bridge is used to access a MySQL database inside a private network.
Business Scenario
Zylker Corp maintains all their data in a MySQL database inside their secure private network. They use Qntrl for automating different workflows. In one such workflow—Leave Approval, they are looking to retrieve the employees' remaining leave balance for the current year and display it in Qntrl. If the leave balance is sufficient, the card will be sent to the employee’s manager for approval. Else, if the leave balance is nil or less than the requested number of leaves, the card must be automatically rejected.
Also, once the leave is approved in Qntrl, the remaining leave balance must be updated in the client’s MySql database as well, thus maintaining uniform data throughout.
To address this business case effectively, you can create a Orchestration with required fields for leave request Form and utilize a combination of Bridge and Custom Function functionalities.
Follow the steps below to implement the solution:
Bridge is an installable java application that runs on the customer’s local network to facilitate communication between a Qntrl’s instance and the client’s application inside firewall.
Create a bridge and configure the bridge’s agent from your Window’s or Linux machine. Get to know the step-by-step process to run a bridge from our help documentation.
Step 2: Create Messages in Bridge
Create two messages in bridge to hold basic details like module used, database query, bridge values, etc. We will later use these messages to communicate with the database. Click here to learn about Execution of Messages in bridge.
Message 1: Fetch Employee Details
Message 2: Update Remaining Leaves
Step 4: Create a Connection
Create a Connection using the following scopes:
- Orchestly.job.ALL
- Orchestly.message.CREATE
- Orchestly.message.UPDATE
Step 4: Create Custom Functions
The Function has to be executed 'on-create' stage of a card by configuring in Business Rule.
Code custom functions to
Fetch data from MySql server
Update data inside MySql server
Here’s the sample code to retrieve employee details from SQL database:
//Fetching selected employee details from local database
params = Map();
data = '{"task_name": "db_task","credential": {"name": "mssql1"},"task_details": {"database": "Employee","db_query":
"SELECT * FROM Employee where Employee_id =' + "'" + emp_id + "'" + '","port": 1433,"query_timeout": 10000,"host":
"localhost","sql_type": 3,"connection_timeout": 10000,"allow_multiple_columns": true}}';
resp = invokeurl
url :""
type :POST
info resp;
response = resp.get("response_to").getJSON("results");
//Updating employee details in the current job
if(response != null)
d = response.get(0);
job_params = Map();
name = d.get(1);
email = d.get(2);
remaining_leaves = toNumber(d.get(3));
r = invokeurl
url :""
+ job_id
type :POST
//check for leave count. if leave count exceeds available leaves then 'Rejected' transition will be performed.
leave_days = daysBetween(from_date,to_date);
if(leave_days > remaining_leaves)
trans_params = Map();
trans_params.put("content","Leave count exceeded.");
r = invokeurl
url :""
+ job_id
type :POST
Here’s the sample code to update employee details to SQL database:
leave_days = daysBetween(from_date,to_date);
remaining_days = remaining_leaves.toLong() - leave_days +1;
params = Map();
data = '{"task_name": "db_dml_task","credential": {"name": "mssql1"},"task_details": {"database": "Employee","db_query": {"update":["UPDATE Employee set Remaining_leaves = ' + "'" + remaining_days + "'" + ' where Employee_id =' + "'" + emp_id + "'" + '"]},"port": 1433,"query_timeout": 10000,"host": "localhost","sql_type": 3,"connection_timeout": 10000}}';
resp = invokeurl
//Upadte org name and message ID here
url :"<org-name>/message/<message_ID>"
type :POST
info resp;
job_params = Map();
job_params.put("<parameter-for-custom-field-remaining leaves>",remaining_days);
r = invokeurl
//Upadte org name here
url :"<org-name>/job/"
+ job_id
type :POST
info r;
Step 5: Create a Card in the Leave Request Orchestration
Initiate leave request by creating a new card within the orchestration. Refer to the resources for guidance on creating new cards within the orchestration interface. Here is the sample card template to get the employee inputs for Leave Request devised by Zylker.
The Leave Request card contains fields like ‘Employee ID’, ‘Date from’, ‘Date to’, and ‘Reason for leave’. When the employee ID is filled, other employee details are fetched automatically from the database.
On filling ‘Date from’ and ‘Date to’ fields, the difference between them is calculated and validated with the ‘Remaining Leaves’ field. If the difference is lesser than or equal to the remaining leaves, the card is sent to the manager for approval. Else, the card is rejected automatically.
Once the manager approves the card, the Remaining Leaves field is updated and also, the second custom function gets triggered to update the same value in the client’s database.