Connects customer's remote server with Qntrl
On-Demand data processing
Provides secured gateway
Provides data protection by allowing only authorized access
Sample use cases
Loan approval process
Fintech services can validate sensitive information against their local database before processing loan applications.
In Qntrl, loan request forms can be added along with customer details, such as Social Security Number (SSN). This SSN is encrypted and sent to bridge, which then sends it to the local database to validate the customer's credit score, credit history, income details, and other details. After validation, the local database decides whether the loan can be processed, and sends a yes/no response to bridge, which then passes on the response to Qntrl. Based on the response, either the process is continued in Qntrl or terminated. In this process, there will be no unauthorized data retrieval or storage from the local database.
E-commerce order management
E-commerce sites can use Bridge to manage orders and offer a secured gateway.
A process for order management can be set up on Qntrl. Once an order is placed on the website, Qntrl checks the inventory for stocks, and then uses an API to request a payment link from the payment gateway server. Once the transaction has been completed, the payment gateway server uses bridge to deliver a success message and transaction ID to Qntrl. The Qntrl workflow then continues to successfully deliver the customer's request. No private or unneeded data is collected or saved by Qntrl.
Retrieve Data from the local database
Bridge can be used by any organization to interact with their own systems on their local network.
Let's say an organization wants to retrieve a list of all their employees along with specific information from their MySql server and display it in Qntrl. They can accomplish this by utilizing bridge. The ability of the data to be processed is entirely dependent on how the administrator configures bridge.
Device Monitoring and Failure Management via IoT
Bridge can be used to monitor data in an organization's IT workflow.
A process can be created in Circuit to monitor, troubleshoot, and re-calibrate IoT device parameters. IoT devices such as sensors, switches, and so on are typically installed in physical locations to monitor various parameters and then send the data back to a local storage server/disk. This data is also displayed locally on a dashboard to monitor various parameters. A bridge can be installed on these storage servers/disks to monitor those data as a part of Circuit's flow to perform troubleshooting or re-calibrating parameters.