When records meet the entry criteria of a particular process, they will become active records in the process. The Details page of the record displays the current state of the record and the transitions available for that state. To execute a transition, click the relevant transition button. For example, candidates whose email ends with zylker.com are set to enter the Candidate Pipeline process. The Transition Owners will be able to click the transition buttons and execute the process automation.
When a button is clicked, a pop-up will appear, prompting the user to add notes or update fields as defined in the process. For example, when a user clicks the Hire button, they are prompted to enter a mobile number and the candidate's experience in years. Entering a candidate record with less than three years' experience triggers an error. This allows Recruit to validate the values entered by users.
If you select Allow on Interview Decision Made for any transition in a process, the user will receive an on-screen notification for all the pending decisions.
How Transition Ownership Works
Transition Ownership precedes
Profile Permission, i.e, if a user is made the owner of a transition, they can execute it for a record even if they don't have the required profile permission to access the record.
Transition Ownership precedes
Module & Record Permissions. Users can access records of related modules through lookups while executing transitions.
Example: If a user executes the Submit to Client transition for a Candidate record, they will be able to view and select a Client via a lookup, even if they do not have access to the Client module.
View Blueprint Process
To view a configured Blueprint:
- Go to the Details Page of a record which meets the process criteria.
- In the Automation Strip, you will see the current state of the record and the transitions available for that state.
Transitions are only available for records which meet the criteria specified in the Before Transition.
- Click View Configured Process. You will see the process flow from the current state to the next state.
The field you used to configure the process will be locked for editing once the record has entered the process.
For example, if you configured a process automation for a Candidate Pipeline process using the Candidate Status field, you will not be able to manually update the stage once the record has entered the process automation until the process is fully executed.
This ensures that the record goes through every stage of the process as defined in the flow and no one can change the status without meeting the required conditions.
Access My Blueprint Records
Once the Blueprint has been configured, records meeting the process criteria will enter the process and the Transition Owners mentioned in the Blueprint will be able to execute their respective Transitions.
In order to start the process, you must know which records are waiting for you to perform your part of the actions in the entire process.
To access Blueprint transitions from My Actions
- In your Zoho Recruit account, click the My Actions module.
Under My Actions, records waiting for your approval and Blueprint Transitions are displayed.
- In the list view, select Only Blueprint.
- Click on any entry to go to the respective record and execute your share of the process.

View Blueprint Usage Reports
Blueprint Reports will give you valuable insights about your business processes and their execution and help you streamline them better. Zoho Recruit offer blueprint reports of two types - Built-in and Customized reports.
Built-in Blueprint Reports
Following are the various Blueprint reports readily made available to you.
To check Blueprint reports
- Go to Setup > Automation > Blueprint.
- Click the Usage tab.
- The various blueprint reports are listed.
- Click on a report to view the insights.
Example, the following image is a report on Average time per Blueprint for the Candidate follow-up process.
This gives you details on the average time it takes to complete a Blueprint from start Transition to any end Transition, within a given time period.

Customized Blueprint Reports
The Zoho Recruit Analytics module presents you with a myriad of default reports for various insights such as Hires by Candidate Source, Candidates by Origin, Candidate Status Reports and so on.
You can customize these reports based on Blueprint insights. When you create a report for a module you will see Blueprint insights as part of the Select Related Modules section. From this you can build your own reports based on Blueprint insights.
To create a report based on Blueprint insights
- Go to the Analytics module and select the Reports sub-section.
- Click Create Report.
- Select the primary module: Example, Candidates.
- From the list of Related Modules, select the appropriate process from the list of blueprints in your account.

- Select a Report Type. Example, Summary Report.
- Select the columns you wish to have on the report. You can select the required details from the Blueprint section on the list of available columns.

- Add Filters if required.
- Name the report and sort it into a folder. Example: Hiring Process Blueprint Status Report.

- Run the report to see the blueprint details of each candidate.
Choose bulk actions in Blueprint
You can perform actions in bulk in Blueprint, including changing the status of candidates, submitting candidates to the client, and un-associating candidates. When you perform bulk actions, the records already in process will not be affected by the action that has been initiated. For example, you have 10 records and five are in process. If you want to update the status of candidates from Associated to Schedule Interview, only the records that are not being processed will be updated.
Points to remember:
- There are currently no limits to the number of processes you can create using Blueprint.
- Remember that processes will be executed in the order they are listed in the Blueprint page. You may reorder the processes.
- When you have all the automation features configured, the order they are executed in is: assignment rules, workflow processes, approval process, and finally Blueprint.
- Different users can own different transitions in a process. If a user does not have access to a record but is set as a transition owner, then the user will be able to execute the transition but not edit the record.
- Users with the Interviewer or Guest profile will not be available to choose from Owners in the Before Transition stage of a process.