Zoho Recruit | Blueprint Glossary

Blueprint Glossary


Each stage in your recruitment process is a state. They will be the values of a picklist field. Drag and drop a state to begin drawing your Blueprint.

Example states: Picklist Values of the Deal Stage field.

  • Contact
  • Qualify/Unqualify
  • Associate Job Openings
  • Schedule Interview
  • Hire/Reject


A transition is a link between two states in a process. It prescribes the conditions required for a record to move from one state to another.

  • Each transition you configure is displayed as a button on the record's details page.
  • To complete a transition, click the transition button and execute the actions specified in the pop-up window.
  • When the transition is completed successfully, you will move to the next state in the Blueprint.

Example: In the Candidate Selection process, Submit to Client is a transition from the Job Associated state to Submitted to Client.
This transition will appear as a button when the candidate is in the associated state. A user will need to click the Submit To Client button and execute the conditions specified to complete the transition and move to the next state.

Before Transition

This section allows you to choose who is responsible for executing the transition amd the records the transition is applicable to.

  • Transition Owners: Specify the people responsible for executing this transition.
  • Criteria: Specify which records this transition is applicable to. The transition button will appear for the records that meet these criteria.

Example: Before a record transitions from Contacted to Qualified, the transition owners are the Pre-Screening Team. The criteria to enter the transition from Contacted to Qualified is that Expected Salary is <= 50,000.

During Transition

This section specifies the actions to be performed to complete the transition.

  • Users can be prompted to add mandatory fields, which may also be validated by Recruit.
  • You can add messages for candidates to read, and use merge fields to display data from Recruit on the screen.

Insert message and fields

  • Select the Make Notes as Mandatory checkbox to make it compulsory for users to add notes to the record.
  • Add mandatory fields: the transition cannot be completed without entering a value for a mandatory field.
  • Validate the fields by creating validation criteria.
  • Insert messages you wish to be displayed to users when they execute the transition.
  • Use merge fields to display data from Recruit on the screen.

Example: During a transition from Contacted to Qualified:
Prompt candidates to enter their mobile number and current job position.
Display messages that guide them to get qualified.
Make the Current Job Position field Mandatory and validate it. For example, if the Current Job Position is not "Project Manager", the transition cannot be executed.

After Transition

In this section, define actions to be automated when the transition is completed. The actions that can be automated are:

  • Send Email
  • Assign Task
  • Field Update
  • Webhooks
  • Custom Functions

Example: At the end of a Hire Transition, automate an email notification to the Recruiter.

Global Transition

Choose this option if you wish to configure a transition for a state that can be reached from any other state in the process. A Global Transition will appear for all states in the process (or the states you choose) and can be used in any of these states. Global Transition is frequently used for an exit state (the final stage in a process).

A Global Transition is a transition that can be executed from all states in a process. For example, a candidate can be associated with a job opening even after they have been Unqualified or Rejected by a Client. A candidate may not be a good fit for a Java Developer, but you may still want to associate them with a different position.

Active Process

An active process is one that is already in use. You can choose to edit an active process but the changes made to an active process will only affect the records that enter the process after the changes were made.

Inactive Process

Inactive processes are those that are not currently in use. You can edit an inactive process to suit your needs to use or delete them.

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