Zoho Recruit | getFields Method



You can use the getFields method to fetch details of the fields available in a particular module.

Request URL

XML Format:

JSON Format:

Note:  Module refers to Candidates, JobOpenings, Clients, Interviews, Contacts, CustomModule1, CustomModule2, CustomModule3, CustomModule4, and CustomModule5.

For OAuth Authentication

Header Name
Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}


Possible Scope Names (Case Sensitive)
Operation Types
referral, campaign, assessment, vendor,  event, task, candidate, jobopening, client, department, interview, contact & custom (for all Custom Modules )
ALL - Full access to the record
READ - Get records from the module

For Authtoken Authentication

Data Type
Encrypted alphanumeric string to authenticate your Zoho credentials. 
Specify the value as recruitapi

Request Parameters

Data Type

Specify the value as 1 or 2

  • 1 - To retrieve all fields from the summary view
  • 2 - To retrieve all mandatory fields from the module

Note: Do not specify the type, if you want to retrieve all fields from the module.

version=2 for getting response with new implementation. Kindly pass this parameter for all APIs
Note: Parameters marked with * are mandatory.
Sample Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Candidates><section name="Basic Info" dv="Basic Info"><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="40" label="First Name" dv="First Name" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="AutoNumber" isreadonly="false" maxlength="120" label="Candidate ID" dv="Candidate ID" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Email" isreadonly="false" maxlength="100" label="Email" dv="Email" customfield="false"/><FL req="true" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="80" label="Last Name" dv="Last Name" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Phone" isreadonly="false" maxlength="30" label="Phone" dv="Phone" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Phone" isreadonly="false" maxlength="30" label="Mobile" dv="Mobile" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Website" isreadonly="false" maxlength="120" label="Website" dv="Website" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="30" label="Fax" dv="Fax" customfield="false"/><FL req="true" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="250" label="Mandatory Field" dv="Mandatory Field" customfield="true"/></section><section name="Address Information" dv="Address Information"><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="250" label="Street" dv="Street" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="30" label="City" dv="City" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="30" label="State" dv="Province" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="30" label="Zip Code" dv="Postal Code" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="30" label="Country" dv="Country" customfield="false"/></section><section name="Professional Details" dv="Professional Details"><FL req="false" type="Double" isreadonly="false" maxlength="2" label="Experience in Years" dv="Experience in Years" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Picklist" isreadonly="false" maxlength="120" label="Highest Qualification Held" dv="Highest Qualification Held" customfield="false"><val>-None-</val><val>M.C.A.</val><val>B.E.</val><val>B.SC.</val><val>M.S.</val><val>B.Tech</val></FL><FL req="false" type="Picklist" isreadonly="false" maxlength="100" label="Current Job Title" dv="Current Job Title" customfield="false"><val>-None-</val><val>Fresher</val><val>Project-Candidate</val><val>Project-Manager</val></FL><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="100" label="Current Employer" dv="Current Employer" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Currency" isreadonly="false" maxlength="16" fval="$0.00" label="Expected Salary" dv="Expected Salary" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Currency" isreadonly="false" maxlength="16" fval="$0.00" label="Current Salary" dv="Current Salary" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="TextArea" isreadonly="false" maxlength="32000" label="Skill Set" dv="Skill Set" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="TextArea" isreadonly="false" maxlength="32000" label="Additional Info" dv="Additional Info" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="50" label="Skype ID" dv="Skype ID" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Text" isreadonly="false" maxlength="50" label="Twitter" dv="Twitter" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="OwnerLookup" isreadonly="false" maxlength="25" label="Modified By" dv="Modified By" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="OwnerLookup" isreadonly="false" maxlength="25" label="Created By" dv="Created By" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Picklist" isreadonly="false" maxlength="25" label="Salutation" dv="Salutation" customfield="false"><val>-None-</val><val>Mr.</val><val>Mrs.</val><val>Ms.</val></FL><FL req="false" type="DateTime" isreadonly="false" maxlength="25" label="Last Activity Time" dv="Last Activity Time" customfield="false"/></section><section name="Other Info" dv="Other Info"><FL req="false" type="Picklist" isreadonly="false" maxlength="120" label="Candidate Status" dv="Candidate Status" customfield="false"><val>-None-</val><val default="true">New</val><val>Waiting-for-Evaluation</val><val>Qualified</val><val>Unqualified</val><val>Junk candidate</val><val>Contacted</val><val>Contact in Future</val><val>Not Contacted</val><val>Attempted to Contact</val><val>Associated</val><val>Submitted-to-client</val><val>Approved by client</val><val>Rejected by client</val><val>Interview-to-be-Scheduled</val><val>Interview-Scheduled</val><val>Rejected-for-Interview</val><val>Interview-in-Progress</val><val>On-Hold</val><val>Hired</val><val>Rejected</val><val>Rejected-Hirable</val><val>To-be-Offered</val><val>Offer-Accepted</val><val>Offer-Made</val><val>Offer-Declined</val><val>Offer-Withdrawn</val><val>Joined</val><val>No-Show</val></FL><FL req="false" type="Picklist" isreadonly="false" maxlength="120" label="Source" dv="Source" customfield="false"><val>-None-</val><val default="true">Added by User</val><val>Advertisement</val><val>API</val><val>Cold Call</val><val>Embed</val><val>Employee Referral</val><val>External Referral</val><val>Facebook</val><val>Gapps</val><val>Google import</val><val>Import</val><val>Imported by parser</val><val>Internal</val><val>Partner</val><val>Resume Inbox</val><val>Search Engine</val><val>Twitter</val><val>Imported from Zoho Recruit</val></FL><FL req="false" type="Lookup" isreadonly="false" maxlength="120" label="Candidate Owner" dv="Candidate Owner" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="Boolean" isreadonly="false" maxlength="50" label="Email Opt Out" dv="Email Opt Out" customfield="false" enabled="false"/></section><section name="Attachment Information" dv="Attachment Information"><FL req="false" type="UploadText" maxlength="250" label="Resume" dv="Resume" customfield="true"/><FL req="false" type="UploadText" maxlength="250" label="Formatted Resume" dv="Formatted Resume" customfield="true"/><FL req="false" type="UploadText" maxlength="250" label="Cover Letter" dv="Cover Letter" customfield="false"/><FL req="false" type="UploadText" maxlength="250" label="Others" dv="Others" customfield="true"/></section></Candidates>

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