You can synchronize customer-specific emails between Google Apps and Zoho Recruit by configuring POP3 in Zoho Recruit. Once your email account is configured, you can view customer-specific emails under the relevant candidate or contact page.
- Centralize all client information and email correspondence in Zoho Recruit
- Associate clients' email conversations with their Recruit data (candidates, contacts, and job openings)
- Share and update customer-specific emails with other users in the account
- Send and receive emails simultaneously in Zoho Recruit and Gmail
Key Features
- Email tab in Zoho Recruit
- Send and receive all your emails without leaving Zoho Recruit
- Share customer emails with colleagues
- Thread view of email conversations
- Synchronize sent and received emails with Google Apps
Set up Gmail in Zoho Recruit
- User Functions
- Administrator Functions
Google Apps User Functions
Once the IT administrator has enabled the Zoho Mail add-on, you will have to configure Gmail for your email account.
- Step 1: Configure Gmail Account in Zoho Recruit
- Step 2: Configure Zoho Mail add-on options
Step 1: To configure Gmail in Zoho Recruit:
- Log in to Google Apps.
- Click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and then Zoho Recruit.
You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, navigate go to Setup > Marketplace > Google.
- Enter your Google Apps password in the Configure Google Email page.
- Click Configure Now.
Your Google email account will be configured in Zoho Recruit. You are now ready to send emails to candidates or contacts.
When configuring the Zoho Mail Add-on, you can choose to either share the customer emails with other users (Public) or keep them personal (Private) in your Zoho Recruit account. The table below shows the difference between a Private and Public email account:
Private Email Account
Public Email Account
Private Email Account
Email account with sharing
Other users cannot view your customer emails
Other users can view your customer emails
Recruiter Admin and any other interviewer or a guest user can have their emails kept confidential
Emails between all users will be transparent
What can you do?
What can you do?
You can view others' emails that are public
You can view others' emails that are public
You can reply to others' emails
You can reply to others' emails
Other users cannot view your sent emails in Zoho Recruit
Other users can view your sent emails in Zoho Recruit
Other users cannot view your received emails
Other users can view your received emails
Why there is no default public option?
To protect the privacy of email conversation. For example, emails between the recruiter admin and recruiters should not be visible for any other user like a guest or interviewer.
Step 2: To set up a private or shared email account:
- Log in to Google Apps.
- Click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and then Zoho Recruit.
- You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, navigate to Setup > General > Email Settings.
- In the POP3 (Zoho Mail) page, click Configure Now.
- Choose a Zoho mailbox and set email sharing permission as Private Account.
- Click Save.

To set up a shared email account:
- Log in to Google Apps.
- Click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and then Zoho Recruit.
- You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, click [Settings icon] and navigate to Setup > General > Email Settings.
In Zoho Mail Add-on page, do the following:
- Select the Share Email option.
- Select the mailbox.
- Enter your Google Apps password.
- Click Save.

Administrator Functions
The most important functions of the Google Apps domain for the Administrator to set in the process of configuring Gmail inside Zoho Recruit are:
- Step 1: Subscribe to the Zoho Mail add-on
- Step 2: Activate Zoho Mail add-on for Google Apps users
- Step 3: Activate the Emails tab in the user profile settings
- Step 4: Select Emails in the tab settings
- Step 5: Select Emails in the candidate, contact, and job opening page settings
Step 1: To subscribe to the Zoho Mail Add-on:
- Log in to Google Apps.
- Click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and then Zoho Recruit.
You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, click Upgrade.
- In the Choose Plan page, click Manage your Plan.
- In the Manage Subscription page, select the Number of Zoho Mail Add-on Users.
- Click Update Account.
- In the Credit Card Information page, complete the credit card transaction.
Once the transaction is completed successfully, you can activate Zoho Mail add-on for Google Apps users.
Step 2: To activate Zoho Mail add-on for Google Apps users:
- Log in to Google Apps.
- Click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and Zoho Recruit.
You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, click [Settings icon] and navigate to Setup > Users & Control > Security Control > Profiles.
- In the Profiles page, click the Edit link for the profile you want to give permissions to.
- Select the Zoho Mail Integration checkbox in the Apps Permissions.
- Click Save.
Step 3: To activate the Emails tab:
- In Google Apps, click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and then Zoho Recruit.
You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, click [Settings icon] and navigate to Setup > Users & Control > Security Control > Profiles.
- In the Profiles page, select the profile, e.g. Standard Profile.
- In the Edit Profile page, select the check box for Emails from the Tab Visible column.
- Click Save.
The table below explains when the Emails tab is enabled for Google Apps users:
Zoho Mail Add-on
Profile for Emails Tab
Email tab is visible to the user
Email tab is invisible to the user
Email tab is invisible to the user
Email tab is invisible to the user
Step 4: To select Emails in the tab settings:
- In Google Apps, click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and then Zoho Recruit.
You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, click [Settings icon] and navigate to Setup > Customization > Modules > Organize Modules.

- In the Organize Tabs page, make sure that Emails is in the Selected Tabs list.
- Click Save.
Step 5: To select Emails in the Candidate or Contact page settings:
- In Google Apps, click on the Apps icon.
- Click More and then Zoho Recruit.
You will be redirected to Zoho Recruit.
- In Zoho Recruit, navigate to Setup > Customization> Modules > Candidates.
- In the Candidates page, click the Layouts tab.
- In the Edit Layout page, make sure Mail is in the selected list.
- Click Save.
Follow the same procedure in the Contacts and Job Openings modules.

If the Zoho Mail add-on is deactivated, users cannot:
- Configure the Zoho Mail add-on
- Fetch emails from Gmail to Zoho Recruit
- View the Email tab in Zoho Recruit
- Share email and users dropdown list options in candidate or contact pages
- View emails sent from Gmail in Recruit and vice versa
- View reply and reply to all options
Through the Candidates, Contacts, or Job Openings module
- Click Candidates, Contacts, or Job Openings tab.
- In the [Module] Home page, select the record.
- In the Record Details page, click Send Mail in the Mails related list.
- In the Compose Email page, enter the message, attach files, and add email addresses in the CC and BCC fields.
- Click Send.
The email will be sent to the recipient and copies will be stored in the Emails related list view and the Sent folder in Gmail.
Through the Zoho Recruit Emails tab
Click Emails and then Compose.
The compose window functions similarly to any email compose editor with a set of editing and formatting options. If you have configured your outbox, then the emails will be sent after a few minutes.
Through Gmail
To get this option working for your Gmail account, configure the filter for a Gmail POP account in Zoho Mail:
- Log in to Zoho Mail.
- Click Settings and then Filters.
- Click Add Filter.
In the Filters pop-up window:
- Enter a filter name.
- Select Sender Is and your Gmail account ( for the message criteria.

- In the Move to Folder option, browse and select Sent.
- Click Save.
- Select the filter and click Run through Filter.
When you receive an email from business contacts in Gmail, it is automatically fetched to Zoho Recruit. The emails you receive that are related to a particular candidate, contact, or job opening will then be listed in the Emails section in that candidate, contact, or job opening's page. Emails related to the primary contact will also be listed in the Email section in the job opening page.

- If you configure your Zoho Mail add-on as a shared account, you will then need to enable sharing options for each candidate, contact, or job opening.
- If your Zoho Mail add-on is configured as a private account, you can view emails from other users if they have enabled sharing.
- If your Google Apps password is changed, it must be updated in the Gmail configuration page, or you will not see the emails in the Recruit modules.
- There will be no emails in the Emails sections of candidates, contacts, or job openings with no email address.
- If the email address for a candidate or contact is changed, only emails linked to the new email address will be shown. Emails linked to the previous email address will no longer be available in the ATS.
- If the mailbox configured for Zoho Recruit is changed, emails from the previous email address will no longer be displayed in Recruit.
- Emails for deactivated Google Apps users will not be displayed in the candidates, contacts, or job openings pages.