Interview Evaluation | Zoho Recruit

Interview Evaluation

In the competitive recruitment landscape, providing structured and insightful feedback is crucial for making informed hiring decisions. Zoho Recruit's Interview Evaluation feature serves as a central hub for delivering comprehensive interview evaluation, ensuring objective and consistent feedback for all candidates. This feature streamlines the evaluation process for interviews conducted via video call, face-to-face meeting, or pre-recorded session. 

What is Interview Evaluation?  

Interview evaluation is the process of assessing and recording a candidate's performance during or after an interview.  Effective interview evaluation helps organizations select the best candidates, ensures fairness in the hiring process, and improves the overall quality of hiring decisions.


  1. Efficient Candidate Management:
    Enables quick viewing of each interview's status and reasons for not moving a candidate forward, preventing unnecessary backtracking and ensuring a seamless hiring experience.
  2. Flexibility in Recruitment:
    Allows easy revisiting and reconsidering of candidates based on their evaluations, especially useful when roles need to be filled quickly or parameters change during the recruitment process.
  3. Enhanced Interview Efficiency:
    Provides default evaluation reasons and interview statuses visible to authorized users, facilitating faster and more efficient interviews.
  4. Customizable Options:
    Offers the ability to add tailored reasons and statuses to better align with your hiring process.

Interview Evaluation Types

In Zoho Recruit, we offer two types of evaluations for assessing candidates:

1. General Evaluation  

A General Evaluation allows you to provide an interview evaluation without associating any specific assessments or questions. This type of evaluation is ideal for capturing overall impressions and qualitative feedback about a candidate's performance during an interview.

2. Assessment based Evaluation

The Assessment based evaluation involves detailed questions containing numerical star ratings or thumbs-up and thumbs-down options, along with a comments section for additional feedback.
Note: If no interview assessments is selected during the creation of the interview, then the general evaluation form will automatically open when the Submit evaluation button is clicked.

Who can Evaluate Candidates?  

When creating interviews, users added to the Interviewers field with change status permission can provide evaluations post Interview.

Adding Questions for Interview Evaluation 

When creating interviews, there is a field called Assessment. Choose the type of assessment from those created in the Assessment module. This will include questions for evaluation.

Interview Evaluation Process

1. Access Interview Module: Navigate to the Interviews module in the top navigation menu. This will take you to the Interviews module overview page.
2. Method 1: Click on the Interview Kit (Quick View), This will open a Interview Kit page, here you can evaluating the candidate.

      Method 2: Select any specific interview record for which you want to submit an evaluation and Click the Submit Evaluation button.

4. Rate Questions: Interviewers can submit Rating based on their level of satisfaction for each question asked during the interview.
  1. When creating interviewer's assessments in the Assessment module, it provides you with two rating options, Thumb Rating and Star rating. The rating type you choose will be applied to all reviews made using the assessment.
  2. Thumb Rating uses Thumbs-up and Thumbs-down and Star Rating ranges from 1-star to 5-stars.
  3. A numerical weight is assigned to each response (5 for thumbs up, 1 for thumbs down). The below images shows the examples of Star and Thumbs Rating

5. Provide Overall Ratings: Is the average rating calculated based on the cumilative average inferred from the ratings provided to all the questions.
Note: If a questions are not rated/rating is not provided to the average rating field, then, the overall evaluation will be determined by the chosen interview status (next component).  In addition to this, Interviewer can also manually provide a rating in the average rating.
6. Choose Status: This is the status of the Interview, which allows interviewers to indicate their overall decision regarding the candidate based on the interview performance. The default statuses and their associated ratings are:
  1. Strongly Hired: 5
  2. Hired: 4
  3. On-Hold: 3
  4. Rejected: 2
  5. Strongly Rejected: 1
  6. Custom Statuses: 4 (default)

Note: When submitting an interview review in Zoho Recruit, the platform offers default reasons to be selected when rejecting or cancelling a candidate. If the provided default options are not suitable, you can add custom reasons for rejections and cancellations, as well as custom statuses. Check out this document to customise status

7. Provide  Overall Comments: This optional field allows you to provide any additional feedback or comments for the candidate.
8. Check out Application Status: This is an optional field. Interviewers can enable this once the entire interview process is complete, interviewers may need to change the status of the candidates.
9. Submission: Once you've completed the evaluation, click the Submit Evaluation button.
Note: The Submit Evaluation button will be enabled based on the time of the interview.

Viewing Submitted Feedback 

  1. Navigate to the Interview Module.
  2. Select the specific interview record for which you want to view the evaluation.
  3. Click on Details. This will display the submitted evaluation.

Other Areas of Using Interview Evaluations

There are several other areas where this feature can be utilized effectively:
  1. Submitting Assessment during Interview Logging:
    Allows interviewers to submit assessments and feedback directly within the interview logging process. Check out: Submission module
  2. Live Interview Evaluation Page:
    Enables interviewers to provide immediate feedback and ratings on candidates. For more details refer Scheduling Live Interviews
  3. Video Interview Evaluation Page:
    Similar to the live interview evaluation page, this feature focuses on assessing candidates' performance in pre-recorded video interviews. For more details refer this Scheduling Video Interviews
  4. Home Page My Actions Component:
    1. Interviews Sub-tab: Within the My Actions component, this sub-tab view allows Interviewers and Hiring Managers to access and Interviews tab.

      5. Client Portal Interview Evaluation:
            When an interview is scheduled with a client, Client can provide their evaluation through the Interview module in the Client Portal.

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