Custom Portals in Recruit are designed for administrators to extend Recruit access to their clients, contacts and Candidates. A portal user can access the modules and some of the associated data, such as job openings, candidates, and interviews that are present in Zoho Recruit. They can also view, edit records, create records, and add notes and attachments.
Let us consider a few scenarios to understand how portals can be useful for your business.
Placements & onboarding : If you wish to onboard candidates to your organization, you would have to collect details (Personal details, banking details etc). The candidates can track their onboarding status and other check lists. They can follow-up with their recruiter for onboarding and review offer details etc. via the custom portal.
Employee Referral : You can faciIitate an Employee referral system with a custom portal. Employees can login to the portal and upload the resumes of candidates they wish to refer. They can further track the status of each referral.
Collecting Candidates from Partners : Generally, staffing companies partner with other staffing companies to share candidates and job openings. If an opening is available, it will be shared among partner networks. Partners can login to the custom portal and upload their candidates or job openings.
- Users with the Manage Portal Profile permission can create a portal and invite customers.
- Available only for the Enterprise and Enterprise Trial versions of Zoho Recruit
- You can configure up to five portals. The first portal will be the default, and created for the Candidates module.
- These portals can be created for the Clients, Contacts, and Custom modules.
- Additional portal user licenses are needed for custom portals.
- By default Zoho Recruit will offer 10 free portal licenses. Upon exhausting your portal licenses, you can purchase additional licenses.
Create, edit, or delete records in the Recruit module to which they have access to.
Edit records that are associated with them, that are added by other Recruit users, if they have the required permission. For example, if a candidate or assessment is associated with the portal user, then he can edit the details of those records.
Editing the fields on a record that is shared with them, for example address, phone number, email address etc., will reflect in their Recruit account.
Clone other records that are associated with them (candidate records, interviews, job openings, etc.) and add more details as required. For example, if a portal user wants to replicate a candidate record or a job opening, then instead of creating a new record from scratch they can clone an existing record and make edits wherever necessary.
Setting up a Custom Portal
Setting up a portal involves the following four steps:
- Defining a Custom Portal
- Configuring portal type
- Specifying field permissions
Defining a Custom Portal
Name your portals for the users who will be accessing the Recruit modules. Permissions can be defined for the portals that will enable or restrict access to the data in your Zoho Recruit account. Some examples of Custom Portals are: Contact, Candidate, Department, and Onboarding.
To define a Custom Portal
- Enter a name under Naming your Custom Portal.
- Click Next.
Configuring the portal tab
In this step, you will choose the modules and the specific layouts that portal users will be able to access, and define permissions to either create, edit, view, or delete records. For example, imagine that you run a staffing agency and want your clients to enter some information. You can configure a portal exclusively for these clients, and give them access to the Candidates module. The clients can enter their details in the portal to be added to their Recruit record. Configuring the portal tab includes the following steps:
- Choose the module: You can choose to give the portal users access to the Candidates, Contacts or custom modules. The customers will be able to view their own details in the module and based on their permissions, they may be able to add and edit the records.
- Select the related modules: The modules that have a candidate or contact lookup are listed under the related modules. You can choose the list of related modules that you want the customers to be able to access. Here, only the records that are associated with the module (Candidates, Contacts or custom modules) through the lookup field can be viewed.
- Define the module record permission: You can set the permission level for each record in a module. For example, you can allow the clients to view or edit their mailing address, or give a read-only permission to Job openings.
- Filter By: Select the records that the portal user will view by using the lookup filter. For example, if you have added two lookup fields in the candidates module, you can choose a lookup based on the records that you want the portal user to view. However, the lookup filter will only be available to the existing portal users if they edit the portal configurations.
- Select Public Modules: The job openings module is the public module. Users (portal) will only have View permission for the records that are present in the module. When a module is selected from the public modules category, it will be removed from the related modules list. You'll see the option to Filter by All records/ publish, the All records option will list all the records from the job openings module and the Publish option will only list published jobs.
To configure the portal tab
In the Portal Tab Configuration page, select a module from the Choose Module option in the dropdown list.
In the Related Modules section, do the following:
- Tabs - Select the checkboxes for the related modules that the portal users will be able to access.
- Layouts - Select one or more layouts that the users will have access to.
- Permissions - Choose to create, edit, view, delete, or edit (shared) module permissions. Portal users will only be able to perform actions on the records based on their permission. The edit (shared) permission will allow the portal users to edit those records that have been added to the module by Recruit users.
- Filter By - Select the filters from the dropdown list.
- Select the modules from the Public Modules section.
- Click Next.
Specifying field permission
The related modules that you selected in the previous step (Portal Tab Configuration) will be listed under the Field Permission section. You can select the fields that you want the portal users to access. You can also mark the fields that you do not want the customer to edit as Read Only. The mandatory fields inside Recruit will also be marked as mandatory in the portal.
To specify field permissions
In the Field Permissions page, select the check boxes for the fields that need to be available for the portal users.
- Click the Read Only checkbox, if required.
- Click Save and Next to move to the next layout or module to define field permissions.
- Click Finish.
View portal preview
Once the portal configuration is complete, you can preview the portal to see how the customers will see the records.
To view the portal preview:
- Navigate to Setup > Portal Setup > Custom Portal.
- In the Customer Portal Configuration page, click Preview.

- Select the Custom Portal from the dropdown list to preview it.

- You can view the portal summary after the portal configuration is completed. You can edit the Field Permission and Portal Tab Configuration in the portal configuration details.
- You can also add a new Custom Portal, if required.
Purchasing portal users
When you want to create an additional portal user aside from the default client portal, you need to purchase the portal users. You can purchase from the Portal Configuration page, as well as the Manage Subscriptions page.
- To purchase portal users from manage subscription page:
- Click your profile icon and select Manage Subscription.
- Click Upgrade User / Add-Ons in the Subscription page.
- Select the number of portal users, then click Continue.

- Click Proceed to Pay.

Working with portals
Send portal invitation to users
Once you have created the portal, you can start inviting customers. The email invitations will contain the portal URL details. Once the users accept the invitation, they will be prompted to set a password. In the portal, the customer must first set basic information, such as their preferred language, time format, time zone, and country (the Recruit settings will be displayed by default). They will then be redirected to the module page that they have been given access to.
To send an invitation
- Go to a module (Candidate, Contacts, Custom module) and select a record.
- In the record detail page, click the More icon, then click Invite to Custom Portal.

- Select a portal from the list and click Invite.
- You can send an email invitation to the customers from the Record detail page. The send invite option will only be available if the email address is present.
- The invitation email will only be valid for seven days.
- You can not send bulk invitations to the portal.
- For example: Patricia Boyle is a Recruit user who invites Terrance to access the portal with the permission to create contacts and candidatess. Wen Terrance creates a contact through the portal, it will be added to the Recruit database, and Patricia Boyle will be the owner of the new contact.
Records, notes, or values added by a portal user can be viewed inside the Recruit module.
For example, Russel is a Recruit user who invited Terrance to access the Contacts module. Terrance has the permission to create contacts and candidates. When he creates a new contact in the portal and saves the record, Patricia can view it inside the Contacts module in his Recruit account.
Note that the record owner will be Terrance by default.
Remember to add the module that you have given access to the portal user in Feed preference. Only then you will receive a notification.
Transfer portal users to another Custom Portal
There may be occasions when you have to move a user from one Custom Portal to another. For example, you have created two different portals for customers interested in Product A and Product B. If the customer is no longer interested in buying Product A and wants to buy Product B instead, you can easily move them to the Product B Custom Portal. You can transfer users from one Custom Portal to another from any of the following places:
Record Detail Page - You can change the Custom Portal from the record's detail page.
Portal Users List - If you want to change multiple portal users to another Custom Portal at once, you can do so from the Portal Users List popup in the Portal Configuration page.
Convert a candidate to contact
In Zoho Recruit, you can convert qualified candidates to contacts either manually or automatically using the workflow rules. If you have created one Custom Portal for candidates and two types for contacts, and added your Recruit candidate and contacts to the appropriate portals, you will be prompted to choose one of the Custom Portals under Contacts when you convert the candidate to contacts in your Recruit. For example, you have four candidates, A, B, C, and D, in the candidate Custom Portal; and Contacts 1 and Contacts 2 as two Custom Portals in the Contacts modules. When you convert candidates A, B, C, and D into contacts in Recruit, you will be prompted to choose the Contacts Custom Portal (Contacts 1 or Contacts 2) to transfer the candidates to.
Delete a Custom Portal
There may be instances when you want to remove a particular Custom Portal. In that case, you will first have to transfer the users to another Custom Portal, then delete the Custom Portal. You can only transfer the users to another Custom Portal if you want to delete their original Custom Portal.
If you have not associated any user to a Custom Portal, you can delete it as it is.
To delete and transfer a Custom Portal:
- Navigate to Setup > Portal Setup > Custom Portal.
- Select a portal, hover over it, then click Delete.
- In the pop-up, click Transfer and Delete.
- Choose a Custom Portal to transfer the user to from the dropdown list.
- Click Yes Proceed.

- If you want to rename a Custom Portal, click the Edit option in the Portal Configuration page.
- You can deactivate users who are added to a portal if you don't want them to be a part of it anymore. You can add another user instead, as deactivated users won't count towards your user license.
Deactivate a Custom Portal
You can deactivate a portal user whenever you need to.
To deactivate a portal user
- Navigate to Setup > Portal Setup > Portal.
- In the Manage Portal User tab, toggle off the status bar of the user.
When you deactivate a custom portal, the users in the portal will not be able to access the custom portal and its data.