Integration cards allow integration-related operations like mail subscription, ticket creation, lead creation, etc. These cards will work based on the configurations set under the product integration settings.
Add Lead
This card can be used to generate lead in CRM. To use this card, Zoho CRM integration is mandatory.
- To add the card to the flow, click on the cardholder icon (+) and choose Add Lead under the Integration Card section.
- Inside the Advance Error Handling section, you can handle cases like when the integration is inactive or when the CRM record already exists.
- After clicking Save, you can view the card on the bot builder page.
- These are the possible flows while converting visitors to a lead in Zoho CRM:
- Success - To add cards based on lead creation success.
- Failure - To add cards in case of lead creation failure due to technical reasons.
- Integration is inactive - To add cards in case of the Zoho CRM integration is deleted or disabled.
Example - Generating a lead in Zoho CRM for the visitors.
- Generated lead in Zoho CRM for a visitor along with their name, company, email, and phone. You can also find the Lead Source and Lead Owner.

This card can be used to convert the visitor to a contact. To use this card, Zoho CRM integration is mandatory.
- To add the card to the flow, click on the cardholder icon (+) and choose Add Contact under the Integration Card section.
- Now, Specify a name for the card.
- Provide the output field attribute,
- Contact ID - Variable for the Contact ID to be associated with Zoho CRM.
- Inside the Advance Error Handling section, you can handle cases like when the integration is inactive.
- These are the possible flows while converting the visitor to a contact:
- Success - To add cards based on contact creation success.
- Failure - To add cards in case of contact creation failure due to technical reasons.
- Integration is inactive - To add cards in case the Zoho CRM Integration may be deleted or disabled.
- After clicking Save, you can view the card on the bot builder page.
Example - Associating a Contact in Zoho CRM for the visitors.
- Generated Contact in Zoho CRM for a visitor along with their name, company, email, and phone. You can also find the Contact Owner.

This card can be used to create a deal for the visitor. To use this card, Zoho CRM integration is mandatory.
- To add the card to the flow, click on the cardholder icon (+) and choose Add Deal under the Integration Card section.
- Inside the Advance Error Handling section, you can handle cases like when the integration is inactive.
- Then, click Save.
There are two possible flows while converting the visitor to a lead:
- Success - To add cards based on deal creation success.
- Failure - To add cards in case of deal creation failure due to technical reasons.
- Integration is inactive - To add cards in case of the Zoho CRM integration is deleted or disabled.
Example: Creating a deal for automobile business.
- The deal will be created under the visitor's name with the provided details.
This card can be used to create a desk ticket for the visitor. To use this card, Zoho Desk integration is mandatory.
- To add the card to the flow, click on the cardholder icon (+) and choose Add Ticket under the Integration Card section.
- Now, specify a name for the card.
- Provide the input and output field attributes:
- Subject - Subject for the ticket (dynamic text can be used).
- Status - Status for the ticket, you can use either the inbuilt Desk status such as Open, Need Information, Escalated, Closed, On Hold, or bot context.
- Priority - Priority of the ticket, you can use either the inbuilt Desk priorities like High, Medium, Low, None, or bot context.
- Classification - Classification of the ticket, it can be either inbuilt Desk classification namely Question, problem, Feature, Others, or bot context.
- Department - Department for the ticket to be assigned. (Note: Only the department associated with Zoho Desk will be available here)
- Assignee ID - Unique ID of the agent for the tickets to be associated.
Then, set a variable for,
1. Ticket ID - Variable for the ticket ID to be associated with Zoho Desk.
2. Ticket number - Variable for the ticket number to be associated with Zoho Desk.
- Inside the Advance Error Handling section, you can handle cases like when the integration is inactive, invalid desk department, or invalid ticket assignee. Click Save.
- After clicking Save, you can view the card on the bot builder page.
- These are the possible flows while converting associating a ticket in Zoho Desk:
- Success - To add cards based on ticket creation success.
- Failure - To add cards in case of ticket creation failure due to technical reasons.
- Integration is inactive - To add cards in case the Zoho Desk integration is deleted or disabled.
- Invalid desk department - To add cards in case of the department in Zoho Desk integration is either invalid, deleted, or disabled.
- Invalid ticket assignee - To add cards in case the operator in Zoho Desk integration is either invalid, deleted, or disabled.
Example - Allowing visitors to create a ticket in Zoho Desk using Add Ticket Card. (%issue.request% - bot context for visitor's issue).
- Tickets will be created in Zoho Desk according to the configuration made in the Codeless bot.
Note: The ticket number can be given to the visitor using the output field mapping (Ticket Number - %tic%), which acts as the visitor's field.
In this case, the priority is low because the card is configured as low. The priority option can be made unique to the visitors by using an option card and saving it in the bot context, and this is applicable for Status and Classification. Add to Mailing list
This card can add the visitors to integrated campaign services like Zoho Campaign. To use this card, Zoho Campaigns integration is mandatory. Once the card is activated the visitor will be added to the mailing list of the integrated campaign service.
- Click on the card holder (+) icon to view the cards gallery and select the Add to Mailing list card under the Integration Card section.
Example - Adding a visitor to the Zoho Campaign contact list.
- Add the visitor along with their name, email, and phone in the contact list in the respective List key.

Book Appointment
Book Appointment card allows you to schedule bookings/appointments. To use this card,
Zoho booking integration is mandatory.
- To add the card to the flow, click on the cardholder icon (+) and choose Book Appointment card under the Integration Card section.
- Next, specify a name for the card.
- Followed by this, select the appointment type. It can either be services or staffs.
- Services - List of services under the integrated workspace.
- Staff - List of staff under the integrated workspace.
- Then, choose the service or staff and click on Save.

- When a service is selected, the visitors can choose their preferred staff who comes under the selected service as per their availability.
- Similarly, when a staff is selected, the visitors will have the provision to choose the service that the staff is associated with.
These are the possible flows while using the Book Appointment card:
- Success - To add cards based on successful appointment scheduling.
- Text Response - To add cards in case the visitors send a reply instead of scheduling an appointment.
- Invalid resource - To add cards in case the service or staff is removed/deleted.
- Failure - To add cards when scheduling an appointment failed due to technical reasons.
Example - Allowing visitors to schedule an appointment for a service in Zoho Bookings.
The appointments will be reflected in Zoho Bookings.

Pro Tip: If you have multiple service/staff, list them in the
button card or
options card and schedule an appointment based on the visitors' choice.
Get Payment
- To add the card to the flow, click on the cardholder icon (+) and choose Get Payment under the Integration Cards section.
- Next, specify a name for the card.
- Choose a payment in the drop-down. The payment details will be displayed. After verifying, click on Save.
- Also, provide a context variable in output filed mapping to perform API tasks.

Note: If the card shows "No payment page found". There is no payment page associated with the brand. To add one, navigate to
Settings > Integration > Zoho Checkout and add a payment. To know more,
click here.
These are the possible flows while using the Get Payment card:
- Success - To add cards based on successful payment.
- Failure - To add cards when the payment is failed due to technical reasons.
Example: Payment for an order for e-commerce.
The payment will be reflected in Zoho Checkout.