Reports - Zoho SalesIQ


View the reports module, by clicking Reports on the Left-Hand side navigation, an overview section of the reports module will open up. The reports module consist of four sections Overview, Visitor Reports, Operator Reports, and tracking Reports.

How to change the range you run the Business Overview dashboard?

Selecting a range allows you to generate reports on a specific period (For ex. Last month, July to August, This week, etc.)
  1. Navigate to Reports.
  2. In the Overview section, click the Drop-Down Menu with a calendar icon, at the top right.
  3. Choose from a pre-defined option you want to generate the reports for: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month.
  4. Or pick a custom Range, to select the exact dates you want to generate.
Note: By default, the dashboard will be set to All departments and display the reports for the current day only. In the future, whichever time frame you have last selected from the drop-down menu will be displayed

Overview Dashbord

The Overview section in the Reports module, is a robust dashboard that gives you a feel for everything going on throughout your entire Live Customer Support Chat operation. The first two reports you will see are Visitor Status, on the left, and Visitor Region, on the right.

Visitor Status Report

The Visitor Status report displays in a bar graph all of your visitors for the defined time of the report—broken down into their status— Calls, Attended Online, Closed, Missed, and Tracked in CRM. This report displays results for all your departments by default, but you could further filter this report by department, by clicking the drop down menu just above it and clicking the department you wish to view the report for.

Visitors Regions Report

The Visitors Regions report, displays the visitors who have interacted with your Zoho SalesIQ over the defined time period by the country they are located in on a map. Darker the shade, the more visitors from that country. You can hover over particular countries to see the actual visitor count from that country.

Top Operators Report

The Top Operators report, displays the top three Operators for the given time period, displaying their profile photo, name, e-mail and the amount of online and offline visitors they attended. You can also see the operator’s aggregate rating from visitors. 

Back on the Business Overview dashboard, you can scroll down to view more reports.

Operators Activity Report

To the right of the Visitor Regions report, you have access to the Operators Activity report, which displays the activity of all of your operators throughout the day, for the selected time frame. The red line graph tracks the average amount of visitors attended online for each hour of the day, while the blue line tracks the average amount of visitors’ requests that are closed for each hour. This report is a great way to see what hours of the day your customer support operation is the busiest, and make informed decisions about your resource allocation in the future.

Departments Usage Report

Below, you can find the Departments Usage report, where you can compare the visitors each department attended over the selected time period against the amount of support representatives that are in that department.

Visitor Analysis:

Discover what percentage of your visitors are new customers versus those who are returning again to seek support through your on-demand customer support software.

Operator Activity Ratio Report

The Operator activity ratio report lets you view the aggregate time your operators spend chatting with visitors against time they sit idle. You can filter this report by department, or view all of your departments together to see the overall activity ratio of your entire live customer support team.

Visitor Reports

You are not limited to the Overview section of reports, you can also learn more about your customers and how they interact with your live customer support structure from the Visitors section inside the Reports module. Here you have access to another in-depth, pre-loaded dashboard of enlightening reports.

From the top of this dashboard, you can configure the input for the following reports, with the ability to run a report by a specific department (or across all departments) and the time period you want to gather the reports’ data from (Today, Yesterday, This week, Last week, This month, Last Month, or Choose your own range).

Visitor Details Report

The first report in the Visitors section, is the Visitor Details report. This report consists of three reports in one, as you have the option to run this report and visualize your total visitor interactions by day, by hour or by your brands. To switch the version of the report you view, click the option you want to view (Day, Hours, Brands) at the top right just above the report.

Let’s first look at the Visitor detail report viewed by Day. This particular report will display the total amount of customers your live customer support team interacted with for a given day and also break these customers into their status (Attended Online—Green, Closed—Yellow, Calls — Blue, Missed — Violet or Tracked in CRM—Red). Hover over a particular bar graph to see the number of visitors for each section handled for a specific day during your defined time period.

Click Hours to view the report broken down into visitor activity by hour of the day. Here the total results for each hour are cumulative for the whole time period you are currently running the report for. Through this view, it is easy to see which hours of the day are your live support operation interacts with the most visitors, and also see which hours your agents attended more visitors online (or closed the most tickets, or attended visitors by tracked in CRM).

Clicking Brands, displays the Visitors Detail report with the total customer interactions broken down by which brand/website they entered your Zoho SalesIQ through. This is a quick and easy way to see which of your brands are the most effective at reaching out to your customers over a particular period of time. If your brands represent different products you are supporting, you can discover which customer segments are seeking more customer support through your live chat operation.

Visitor Waiting Time Report

Below the Visitor Detail report, you will find the Visitor Waiting Time report. This report also has three separate views (Day, Hours and Brands), which you choose by clicking the view you want from the top right corner of the report box.
Let’s first explore the report by Day, where we can see the average time your customers who initiated a live chat waited for an agent to answer their request.

By clicking Hours, we can see for the selected time period, how long a customer waited to have their live chat request answered depending on what hour of the day he attempted to connect with your Zoho SalesIQ.
Note: Hours that your Zoho SalesIQ is offline will not show a waiting time, as customers do not have the ability to initiate a live chat.
When you click Brand, you view your customers’ average wait time for each brand.

Visitor Waiting Time Ratio Report

The next report you can view in the Visitors section, is the Visitor Waiting Time ratio, It shows the ratio of the waiting time spent by the visitors to connect with the operators after initiating a chat. You can see what percentage of your visitors (and the specific number of visitors when you hover over a region) wait before an operator answers their chat request. The waiting time segments display your visitors into specific ranges (less than 5 seconds, 5 to 10 seconds, 10 to 15 seconds, 15 to 30 seconds, 30 to 45 seconds, 45 to 60 seconds) which you can hover over to see a quick picture of what segments are most common.

Support Info Report

The last report box in Visitors section, is the Support Info report. To generate this report, you must first select if you want to generate the report for all your agent’s or for a particular agent—and choose from the drop-down menu. Then you must choose which status (Closed, Attended Online, Attended E-mail, or Missed) you want to view the report for, or you can select All Status to see the report across all statuses.

When you have configured which data you want to pull the report from, click Generate.

Information given in the report
  1. Visitor ID - Unique ID provided by SalesIQ for each visitor.
  2. Name - Name of the visitor who visited the website.
  3. Question - The first message sent by the website visitor while initiating a new chat.
  4. Department - Department selected by the visitor while initiating a new chat.
  5. Email - Email address of the website visitor.
  6. Calls - Number of VOIP calls initiated from our audio call feature.
  7. Attender - The operator who assisted the visitor in chat.
  8. Status - The status of the chat initiated by the website visitor. 
  9. Date - Date on which the visitor initiated the chat.
  10. In Time - Time at which the visitor initiated the chat.
  11. Country - The country from which the website visitor accessed the website.
  12. Phone Number - Phone number updated by the website visitor.
  13. Visitor Type - To know if the website visitor is a new or returning visitor.
  14. Reason for Missed - Shows the reason why the chat was missed. For example, if the chat was missed because the operators are unavailable, reason like "Operators were unavailable" will be displayed in the report.
  15. Missed By - The operator to whom the missed chat was assigned.
  16. Chat Duration - Time spent from answering to closing the chat.
  17. IP - IP address of the website visitor.
  18. Current Page - The page from which the chat was initiated.
  19. Recent Email Sent On - The date and time at which the last email was sent to the visitor from SalesIQ dashboard.
  20. Chat Ended By - To know who ended the chat. (Operator/Visitor/System)
  21. Operating System - The operating system of the device used by the visitor to visit the website.
  22. Browser - The web browser using which the visitor reached the website.
  23. Device - The device using which the visitor visited the website.
  24. Average Response Time - Average time spent by the operator to reply back to the visitor.
The report when generated, will display a table with each visitor’s name, e-mail address, their request status, which agent attended them, the date they created the request, the time they connected with your Zoho SalesIQ, their IP address, and the department they connected with. If the selected configuration for your report generates more than 10 visitors, you can scroll down within the report window to view the other results.

Operator Reports

The third section inside the Reports module, Operators, is a pre-loaded dashboard where you can generate and view reports to learn more about your Zoho SalesIQ’s operators and track growth and goals.

In the Operators section, you can configure the data set you generate each report from at the top by selecting which department from your Zoho SalesIQ (or All Departments) you want to view the report for. You can also select the time period you want to generate the reports for (Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, or define your own custom range).

Operators Activity Report

The first report in the Operators section, is the Operators Activity report, which displays all of your operator’s vitals in table form. In this report you can view the Operators' Info's like:
  1. Name - Name of the website visitor 
  2. Calls - Number of VOIP calls attended by the operator
  3. Total Duration: Time Spent by the operator on SalesIQ
  4. Total Chats: The number of chats handled by the operator. This includes the chats picked when visitor initiates conversation, the chats transferred by other operators etc.
  5. Chats Owned: The number of chats assigned to the operator. This only includes the chats that have been ended by the operator.
  6. Total Chat Time: Total time spent by the operator to assist the visitor's queries on the website via chat.
  7. Average Chat Time: Average time spent by the operator to complete assisting a visitor on your website via chat.
  8. Linear Chat Time: The time spent by the operator to respond to each chat of the website visitors i.e If the visitor is handling more than one chat then, from the time the operator has attended the chat and the time the operator takes to complete the chat simultaneously.
  9. Multiple Chat Time: Time spent by the operator to assist multiple visitors on the website at the same time.
  10. Idle Time: The Idle time of the operator in SalesIQ ie., the operator is logged into SalesIQ but did not perform any action in the SalesIQ dashboard.
  11. Average Response Time: Average time spent by the operator to respond to the visitors.
  12. Missed Chats: Number of chats missed by the operator when available online.
You can also view at the bottom of the report, the cumulative totals for your whole Zoho SalesIQ.
You can scroll down and side-to-side if the full report doesn’t fit inside your browser.
Operator's Rating Report

The next report you can view is the Operator's Rating report. You can view this report in both Graph and Tabular form. To choose which view you want to display, click either Graph or Tabular at the top-left just above the report’s window.

The Graph view displays a pie graph of your operators’ ratings from customers by star. Hover over each section of the graph to see what rating it represents and the percentage it makes up.

The Tabular view, displays a table breaking down all the customer ratings by operator. Here you can see an operators total chats for the selected period vs. the total number of rated chats, and also see how their rated chats break down by star-rating. At the bottom of the report you can also see the cumulative totals for your Zoho SalesIQ (or selected department).

Operators Availability Report

The final report you can view in the Operator's section, is the Operator Availability report. This report also gives you two views (Graph and Tabular).

In the Graph view, accessible by clicking Graph at the top-left of the Operators Availability report window, you can visualize your operator’s availability across the selected time frame. The graph displays by color each operator’s availability, with the green representing the time they were available, the red being the time their status was busy, and yellow representing the time they spent idle inside your Zoho SalesIQ. Only the time an operator spends logged into Zoho SalesIQ will be represented on the graph. Any time they are not logged in will appear blank on the graph.

By hovering over a particular section in an agent’s availability graph you can see when that specific section began exactly.

Click Tabular to display a table view by date of each segment of your operators’ availability. Here you can see exactly when an agent’s available, busy, or idle status began, when it ended, and thus how long it lasted. Because each change of status is a separate entry in the table, this can become a particularly lengthy report—depending on the defined time period. You can scroll down to continue viewing the details of your operators’ availability going backward in time until the beginning of your selected time period.

Tracking Reports

The Tracking reports section in the Reports module, is a robust dashboard that gives you a feel about everything in the entire live chat tracking operations.

You can enter the Tracking Reports module, by clicking “Reports tab” on the left side of your SalesIQ dashboard followed by a click on the “Tracking Reports” from the drop down on the top left corner of the Reports module.

Tracking Summary

The tracking summary line graph displays the overall summary about the visitor tracking in your website.
  1. Visits - Count on total visit in the website.
  2. Contacted - Count on number of proactive triggers initiated by the agent.
  3. Responded - Count on chats replied by the visitor on proactive chat triggers.

Note: But you are not limited to viewing reports only for today, and it is easy to change the range of the report.

Tracking Analysis

The tracking analysis report lets you view the average number of pages visited by a visitor and the average time spent by the visitor in a page.

  1. Page Visits - The average number of pages visited by a visitor.
  2. Average Time - The average time spent by the visitor in a page.

Website Visitor Analytics

In the final report section you can view the visitors website activity with the aggregate count. In this view, you can visualize your site visitor activity across the selected time frame.

  1. Visits - Visits is the total number of visits to your website during the set date range.
  2. Unique visitors – Unique visitors refers to the number of unique individuals that visited your website within a specific timeframe, with the aggregate percentage.
  3. Contacted - Count on number of proactive triggers initiated by the user.
  4. Responded - Count on chats replied by the visitor on proactive chat triggers within a specific timeframe, with the aggregate percentage.
  5. Avg Time Spent - The average time spent by the visitors in your site for a specific time frame.
  6. Avg Page Visited – Average number of pages visited by the visitors.
  7. Total Page Views – Count on total number of pages viewed
  8. Total Visitor – Count on number of visitors

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