Integrate Zendesk with Zoho SalesIQ

Integrating Zendesk with SalesIQ

Zendesk & SalesIQ

Zendesk is a customer ticketing system that allows companies to track and respond to customer service requests. When integrating Zendesk with SalesIQ, you get a complete view of all your support interactions logged in one, organized database.

Benefits of integrating Zendesk with SalesIQ

  1. View, manage, and maintain Zendesk help desk tickets directly from the SalesIQ dashboard.
  2. Convert SalesIQ chats into helpdesk tickets with a single click, as required.
  3. Automatic conversion of chats into helpdesk tickets, ensuring that you never miss a customer or prospect.
  4. Integrate your Zendesk Knowledge Base with SalesIQ articles so that visitors can easily view these within the chat window.
  5. Get the SalesIQ chat transcripts within the helpdesk tickets on Zendesk, for your agents to get full knowledge of the issues to assist customers.

Integrating your Zendesk account with SalesIQ

Before you start exploring, you need to link your Zoho SalesIQ with your Zendesk account. If you don’t have a Zoho SalesIQ account yet, you can learn how to create a new Zoho SalesIQ account here.
Requirements for this integration:
  1. You need a SalesIQ account with an Enterprise/Professional/Basic plan enabled. Alternatively, you can also try this feature during your 15 day free trial of SalesIQ.
  2. You need a Zendesk account with admin role/access. We recommend having an administrator for the Zendesk account, turn on the integration inside Zoho SalesIQ. 
If you have active accounts for both Zendesk and Zoho SalesIQ (in the Professional/Enterprise/Basic Edition), you can continue with the instructions below to link up your Zoho SalesIQ to your Support account.
  1. Login to Zoho SalesIQ.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Developers > Integrations > Help Desk and click on Zendesk.
  3. On the Zendesk integration page, click the Add button on the top right.

  1. Add your Zendesk portal name in the space provided.

  1. You will be redirected to the Zendesk login page, enter the Zendesk Username and Password, click Sign in.

  1. This will automatically link up the Zoho SalesIQ account to the Zoho Desk account. All the privileges, access and permissions you hold in your Desk account will be replicated in the SalesIQ account as well.

  1. To change the Zendesk account details that your Zoho SalesIQ is linked to (as the admin of the desired Zendesk account), click "Change" button.

How to enable/disable Zendesk integration?

If desired, you can disable the SalesIQ - Zendesk integration at any time.

Disabling the integration with Zendesk

  1. From your SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to Settings > Developers > Integrations and click on Zendesk.
  2. On the Zendesk integration page, click on the Disable button on the top right corner of the page.

Enabling the integration with Zendesk

 You can easily re-enable the integration with the same settings:
  1. From your SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to Settings > Developers > Integrations and click Zendesk.
  2. Then, click the Enable button. 

Zendesk Configurations

Now that your Zoho SalesIQ is linked up to your Zendesk account, let's explore the options available for configuring the integration to best fit your team’s specific needs.

Chats to be converted as tickets in Zendesk

With this configuration, you can choose which of the SalesIQ chats need to be automatically created as helpdesk tickets inside Zendesk. You can choose either All Chats, Operator Attended Chats, Missed Chats, or None. Whichever you choose, the system will create requests inside Zendesk for all chats that fit your defined configuration.

To configure visitors chats as automated requests inside Zendesk,
  1. From your SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to Settings > Developers > Integrations and click Zendesk.
  2. On the Zendesk integrations page, click on the Zendesk Configurations section. In the 'Chats to be converted as tickets in Zendesk', in the dropdown select the type of chats which you would like to be automatically created as tickets in Zendesk.
    1. All Chats – Converts all the visitors chats into Zendesk tickets.
    2. Operator/Bot Attended Chats – Converts only those chats attended in Zoho SalesIQ to Zendesk tickets.
    3. Missed Chats – Converts only missed chats to tickets.
    4. None – This option will not convert any chats into Zendesk tickets. But, your operators can manually convert chats to Zendesk requests based on their requirements.

Setting status for the automated Zendesk tickets

The status of the chats that are automatically converted as tickets can be configured here. You can keep them as Open or Pending while moving from SalesIQ to Zendesk. 

Sync Zendesk Knowledge base with Zoho SalesIQ articles

If you maintain your knowledge base in Zendesk, you can sync it with the SalesIQ's articles section. You do not have to create your Zendesk articles again in SalesIQ to make it visible in the chat window. You can simply sync the Zendesk Knowledge base to SalesIQ's articles section and display all the published articles inside the chat window.

To sync articles from Zendesk to SalesIQ:
  1. Navigate to Settings > Developers > Integrations and click Zendesk.
  2. On the Zendesk integrations page, click on the Zendesk Configurations section.
  3. Scroll down to 'Sync the Zendesk knowledge base with Zoho SalesIQ articles' option and toggle the button to enable the syncing option. 
  4. On the left side, a list of the departments inside SalesIQ will be listed. On the Zendesk side (right), choose the Zendesk article category that you want to map each SalesIQ department to.
  1. Choose the syncing articles' status in SalesIQ - You can choose the syncing articles' status in SalesIQ, whether they need to be kept as published or as drafts.
  1. Auto-sync SalesIQ - Zendesk Articles - Choose a time frame after which the articles have to be synced automatically. This can either be: Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

  1. You can map a Zendesk category to only one SalesIQ department. But, you can map a department with multiple article categories.
  2. If the articles sync frequency is set to:
    1. Daily - Sync will take place in the early morning hours of every day
    2. Weekly - Sync will take place on the same day of the week on which you had synced the articles first. (For example, if you had synced the articles on Monday, the articles will be synced on Monday of every week)
    3. Monthly - Sync will take place on the same day of the month on which you had synced the articles first. (For example, if you had synced the articles on the 1st of January, the articles will be synced on the 1st of every month).
  1. Then, click on Sync Now and all the articles syncing process will begin. This will take some time. Once the articles are synced, you will receive an email from SalesIQ as shown below.
Note: In case, there are no modifications in the sync process i.e. no articles to be synced, then the below mail will not be triggered.

  1. You can view all the synced articles inside Resources > Articles.
  2. The articles that are synced from Zendesk will be saved as drafts or as published in the SalesIQ articles section as per the configuration chosen previously.
  3. The articles will have a distinct tag "Synced from Zendesk", which will reflect after they had been synced from Zendesk.

  1. Make sure that your Zendesk articles are published to sync with the SalesIQ's Articles section.
  2. You can preview the articles inside SalesIQ but it cannot be edited until the integration is disabled. Once disabled, the Zendesk articles will be treated as SalesIQ articles.
  3. These articles can be synced only by the administrators.
  4. If you are not able to view the articles in the chat window, it might be because the articles are not synced properly i.e it is not published in Zendesk Knowledge base / the integration is disabled.
  5. When sync is turned off, article syncing stops but the existing articles remain unchanged.
  6. The articles will be synced at early hours in the morning once the frequencies are set (Daily, Weekly or Monthly). In case you edit the articles inside Zendesk, you need to click Sync Now for the changes to immediately reflect inside SalesIQ. Otherwise the changes will be reflected only during the sync cycle that you have set.
  7. When the Zendesk article has to be synced, make sure that the display permission for the article in your Zendesk account i.e., "Visible to" field must be set to "Everyone" in order to view the article in SalesIQ.
  8. The name of the article category in the chat window will be visible only if you have created the same category name in Zendesk, i.e., the section name of the Zendesk article will not be taken as the article category in the chat window.
  9. The Zendesk articles with formatted text like bold, italics, etc will not be reflected with the format while it is synced in the SalesIQ's Article section. You can only link to other pages, add an image/video, and insert tables.

Mapping SalesIQ Departments with Zendesk

You can configure here for your SalesIQ chats that are being converted to tickets, to be logged to the right department inside Zendesk i.e., you can choose the relevant Zendesk departments to be mapped to the right SalesIQ departments in this section. In the department mapping section, you will see your existing Zoho SalesIQ departments listed on the left side, with a drop-down menu on the right where you can configure which Zendesk department you wish to pair this Zoho SalesIQ department with.
  1. In case you have chosen for chats to be automatically converted to Zendesk tickets in the Zendesk configurations, it is necessary to map a SalesIQ department with Zendesk department in this section. 
  2. And in case you do not want the chat to be automatically converted to tickets, you can also configure a department to have no integration, be read-only, or give your operators the ability to choose the intended Zendesk department on demand.

Department linking settings

As mentioned, if you don't pair a Zoho SalesIQ department with a specific Zendesk department you can choose one of three general settings: No Integration, Read only and Choose on demand. These predefined settings give you added flexibility to decide where to create or send Zoho SalesIQ chats inside Zendesk. These predefined settings can be chosen for all the departments in your Zoho SalesIQ.
  1. No Integration - If you choose this setting for a particular Zoho SalesIQ department, your operators cannot create or view any Zendesk requests while conducting chats in that department, and no requests will be automatically created from chats in that Zoho SalesIQ Department. These departments become effectively disintegrated from your Zendesk account. If you have a Zoho SalesIQ department that doesn't handle customer desk issues, this setting works great as you won't overpopulate your Zendesk database with non-Desk related chats.
  2. Read Only - If you configure a department to the "Read Only" setting, your operators can view the existing Zendesk requests from that customer's account, but they cannot create new Zendesk tickets, or edit the status of existing tickets.
  3. Choose on Demand - By selecting the "Choose on Demand" setting for a department, your operators can view existing tickets and convert chats from this department in Zoho SalesIQ to a request in Zendesk for whichever department it needs to be in.
For Choose on Demand:
When chatting with a customer in a Zoho SalesIQ department configured with Choose on demand, the operator will see a button 'Convert Chat as ticket' on the Zendesk widget to the right of the chat window. By clicking this on the 'Convert Chat as ticket' button, the operator will be able to choose the specifics for the helpdesk ticket to be created on Zendesk like priority, status, classification and department. 
  1.  Priority– An agent can set the priority for the request as Urgent, High, Normal or Low based on the chat with the customer and their specific needs.
  2.  Status– The agent can also choose the status of the request to be created, with the choices being: Open, Pending and Solved.
  3.  Classification– Zendesk agents can classify the chats as a Problems, Incident, Question and Task depending on how your classifications are configured inside the Zendesk account your Zoho SalesIQ is linked to.
  4.  Department– Lastly, the agent can direct the request to specific department inside Zendesk, to ensure the request he is creating from Zoho SalesIQ ends up where it needs to be inside your help desk.
Note: The Department option will not be available in the ticket options if a specific Zendesk department is already chosen in the configurations. 

Department intelligence

  1. Upon enabling Zendesk - SalesIQ integration for the first time, the system will check to see if your Zendesk account and Zoho SalesIQ have matching department names. If there are matches, Zoho SalesIQ will automatically link them. For instance, if you have a department on SalesIQ called 'Support' and there is a department with the same name on Zendesk (Support), then the Support department of SalesIQ will be automatically linked with the Support department on Zendesk. Regardless of how many matches you have, be it one department or 20, your Zoho SalesIQ will automatically route those departments together by default.
  2. This automatic department mapping will also work when there is a new department added on your SalesIQ. In case the Zendesk - SalesIQ integration is enabled on your portal and a new department is being created on SalesIQ, if there's a match in Zendesk for the new department name, then it will be automatically linked.
Note: You can add departments to Zoho SalesIQ at any time and Zoho SalesIQ will automatically map the department to a matching Zendesk department. If you create a new Zoho SalesIQ department and their is no matching department in your Zendesk account, the system will by default configure this Zoho SalesIQ department to "On Demand."

Zendesk tickets to be displayed in Zoho SalesIQ

The “Recent Zendesk tickets” and “search results” on the Zendesk widget on the Operator chat window can be filtered based on department or you can fetch tickets from all the Zendesk departments. Below options are available.
  1. All Departments – This will show the recent requests and search results from all the departments of Zendesk on your operator's Zendesk widget.
  2. Mapped Departments – This will show the recent requests and search results only from the Zendesk department mapped in the configurations.

Note : For Read-Only and Choose on Demand departments, the recent request/search will display the support requests from all the departments.

Merging Zendesk tickets

When a customer starts a chat with you and it becomes clear they are asking for the same thing as they have in an existing request, you can associate the current chat with the existing one.

Associate chat

While chatting, you can click on any of the customer's existing requests on the right-hand sidebar. A click on the existing request will display the information about the request, along with a chat transcript if it was from a past chat. Below this you will see a button, Associate Chat that you can click to associate your current chat with that existing request, effectively merging the two requests.

Using the integrated information

When you know how to use the instantly available information from Zendesk, you get the most value from your integrating live chat support with your existing customer support database.

Viewing the recent chat transcript of a visitor

When an agent receives a chat from a visitor the recent requests inside Zendesk from that visitor will be displayed below the visitor info on the right sidebar. By clicking a request an agent can view more information about the request, including a complete chat transcript if there is one.

Quick, direct access to Zendesk 

If your Zoho SalesIQ agent also has access to the Zendesk account, a simple click on the "Read More" icon in the recent request, and they will automatically get a complete view of that specific request inside Zendesk. With instant access to a past, or related requests, your operators can quickly get a better view of how they can help the customer they are currently chatting with.

Searching Zendesk tickets

While conversing with customers, your operators can search for Zendesk tickets by visitor name, ticket number, a visitors email address, or even by a requests subject. For this, use the search bar within the Zendesk widget under Recent tickets. 

Changing request status

Also while chatting, your agents can open or close related Zendesk requests from Zoho SalesIQ. Lets say you are chatting with a customer and learn from chatting that his password has not actually been reset. So instead of creating another request, you can re-open the associated request you see in the sidebar and ensure the task gets taken care of without the mess of redundant requests.

Visitor info pushed from Zoho SalesIQ to Zendesk

When the visitor chat is converted as support ticket, the important information that is available in Zoho SalesIQ is automatically pushed to Zendesk.
  1. You can find the Visitor Information in the Internal section of your Zendesk account. This info helps your support executives who do not have access to Zoho SalesIQ to know important details about the visitor. 

  1. The Zoho SalesIQ chat transcript will be available under the "Public" section of the Zendesk. The chat transcript will be pushed to the Zendesk immediately after the conversation gets over in Zoho SalesIQ (if converted as ticket).

  1. The Name, Email address and Phone number of the visitor will be displayed in Zendesk.

Adding Zoho SalesIQ’s Email signature for the emails sent from Zendesk

  1. Login to your ZenDesk account.
  2. Click on the “gear” icon at the left bottom.
  3. Navigate to “channels” section.
  4. Select “email “ from the list.
  5. Scroll down to “Email Template
  6. Go to “HTML Template” section and copy the signature chat code as to where you would like to display the chat button.

Add Zoho SalesIQ to your Zendesk Help center

  1. On the Zendesk dashboard, click on Zendesk products icon > Guide.

  1. Click on Guide admin at the top.

  1. On the left menu, click on the Customize design icon.

  1. Click the Customize button of the theme you want to edit.

  1. At the bottom, click on Edit Code.

  1. In the templates section, click header.hbs to modify the code. Paste the SalesIQ live chat code at the bottom and then click on Publish.

  1. Now your SalesIQ chat will be visible on your Zendesk Help center.

Getting your Zoho SalesIQ Code Snippet

  1. Login to your Zoho SalesIQ Operator console.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Brands, click on the name of the brand for which you want the code.
  3. Choose Installation > Website.
  4. Click on Copy this code to copy the code snippet and paste it on your website's HTML source code.

Note: To receive live chat notifications you should be logged in to

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