Create tailored schedules with customizable templates and copy them instantly. This helps save your valuable time and efforts.
You can create these shifts using
Copy your schedules
Fill in schedules by copying them from the previous day or week and apply them to the current calendar schedules.
Note: You cannot copy the entire month schedule as the total number of days vary from month to month.Click Schedule Editor.
Click Tools dropdown in the top-right corner and select Copy Previous Day/Copy Previous Week. The Copy Shifts window will appear.
Select the date range for which you're going to copy schedule and click Copy
Note: You can also drag and drop employees' shifts. Just hold your employee's shift that you want to move by dragging and dropping them in their desired location.
Shift template
Create schedules using shift templates. These shift templates help save time on recurring schedules tailored to specific needs and avoid reworking schedules from scratch. To do this:
Click Schedule Editor in the Schedule tab.
Select the cell corresponding to the employee for whom you want to manage the shift template, athen click (+).
Navigate to the Shift Template. Select the template you want to assign.
Schedule template
Save schedules as standard templates to organize and plan work ahead. These templates can be saved and used when required.
Click Schedule Editor. Go to the calendar you want to save as a template.
Click the Tools dropdown in the top-right corner and select Save as Template. The New Schedule Template window will appear.
Enter the name of the template, and click Save Template.
Apply Template
Click Schedule Editor. Go to the calendar you want to apply schedules as templates.
Click the Tools dropdown in the top-right corner and select Apply Template. The New Schedule Template window will appear.
Choose the calendar that you want to apply the template to by selecting the template's name.