After you add a media file, such as images, audio, and videos, to a slide, there are several ways you can make it appealing to your audience. Customize your files however you like from your iPhone or iPad using the various formatting options.
Tap on the image, then tap the Format option. This will display the picture formatting options on the bottom panel.
The image formatting options are classified into Picture and Arrange.
Tap on the image and tap Picture.
Apply stroke
Apply shadow
Apply reflection
Apply transparency
Adjust the Transparency slider to reduce or increase the transparency of the picture. You can vary the percentage of transparency from 0% (fully opaque, the default setting) to 100% (fully transparent).
- Tap Crop.
- To crop the image, tap Crop and use the pointers to resize the image according to your requirement.
- To crop to shape, tap Crop to shape and choose any shape. The image will now fit to the selected shape. You can then resize it using the pointers.
- Tap Reset to remove the formatting options in your image.
With the Show app for iOS, you can link a selected image to another slide or an external website, or open an email template.
- Tap Hyperlink. This will take you to the Hyperlink page.
- Tap Link To. You can link your image to a webpage, an email address, and slides.
- Select the required image you'd like to hyperlink.
- Enter the webpage URL.
- Enter a tooltip, if necessary.
Email Address
- Select the required image you'd like to hyperlink.
- Enter an email address and subject.
- Enter a tooltip, if necessary.
- Select the required image you'd like to hyperlink.
- Tap Slide.
- Tap to choose First Slide, Last Slide, Next Slide, or Previous Slide.
- Tap Fixed Slide to choose from the list of slides in this presentation.
Tap the Arrange tab.
Tap on the video and tap the Format option. This will display the video formatting options on the bottom panel.
The video formatting options are classified into Media and Arrange.
- Tap Media tab.
- Enable the Auto Play switch to play the video automatically during the slideshow without any action from the user.
- Enable the Loop switch to play the video continuously during the slideshow.
- To learn how to add a border to your video, click here.
- To learn how to add a shadow effect to your video, click here.
Tap the Arrange tab.

Rotation, Flip, and Maintain Aspect Ratio options are not applicable for video files.
Tap on the audio file and tap the Format option. This will display the audio formatting options in the bottom panel.
The audio formatting options are classified into Media and Arrange.
- Tap Media tab.
- Enable the Auto Play switch to play the video automatically during the slideshow without any action from the user.
- Enable the Loop switch to play the video continuously during the slideshow.
Tap the Arrange tab.

Rotation, Flip and Maintain Aspect Ratio options are not applicable for audio files.