Create presentations with Show's built-in themes, templates, and individual slide designs.
Themes come with a pre-designed set of fonts, colors, and minimal designs that help your presentations feel unified.
Presentation templates are a group of slides that contain layouts, colors, fonts, effects, background slides, and designs. Some also include placeholder content according to the topic selected.
Slide designs:
Individual slides are predesigned slides that are required to create a presentation.
Create presentations
In the listing page, click +New Presentation. This will open the Themes, Templates, Slides page.

Alternatively, within the Gallery section in the listing page, select Themes, Templates, or Slides to create a presentation with it.
Create a presentation with themes
Show offers a wide range of theme designs for both Wide (16:9) and Normal (4:3) screen grouped into various categories.
- Click on the selected theme and the theme's font scheme, color scheme, and a preview of the theme layouts will be listed in the right pane.
- Click Untitled Presentation and add a name for the presentation.
- Click the Fonts dropdown to choose fonts from other themes' fonts.
- Click the Colors dropdown to choose colors from other themes' colors.
- Click Choose Theme to create a presentation with a theme.

Create a presentation with templates
Show offers various templates grouped under different categories.
- Click on the selected template to preview the slides on the right pane.
- Enter a name for the presentation in the Untitled Presentation space in the right pane.
- Click Choose Template to create a presentation with the template.

Create a presentation with slide designs
Show has various slides categorized into cover, content, comparison, image, quote, end, and seasonal slides.
- Click on the required slides to select them. A preview of the slides can be viewed in the right pane.
- Enter a name for the presentation in the Untitled Presentation space in the right pane.
- Click Choose Slides to create a presentation with slides.