These metrics are supported by LinkedIn for company page only.
Posts on a LinkedIn company page can be monitored for the number of likes, shares, comments, impressions, the total time spent watching videos, etc.
Engagements and impressions
Likes: The number of likes for your post.
Comments: The number of comments on your post.
Shares: The number of times your post has been shared.
Total clicks: The total number of clicks on the post, logo, or company name by a signed-in user.
Engagement rate: The percentage of the number of likes, clicks, comments, and shares over the total impressions.
Impressions: The total number of times your post was displayed on the screen.
Engagement: The total number of likes, comments, shares, and clicks that your post received is considered as engagement. This is represented in a visual chart depicting the individual numbers.
Video insights
Video views: The total number of views of the video you posted.
Viewers: The number of unique users who viewed the video. A user is considered as one viewer even if they view the video more than once.
Time watched: The total time the video was viewed. Auto-looping the video adds to this metric.
Time watched for video views: The total time the video was viewed for at least 3 seconds. For instance, if a user plays a 50-second video for 5 seconds, it's added to the metric. However, if they only view the first 2 seconds, it's not considered. Auto-looping the video adds to the metric.