The metrics for Twitter are grouped as engagements, impressions, and video insights. The number of views, clicks, likes, and other interactions can be monitored.
Engagements and impressions
Likes: The number of times your tweet has been liked.
Replies: The number of times any user replied to your tweet.
Retweets: The number of times your tweet was retweeted. This does not include quote tweets.
Quote tweets: The number of times your tweet was retweeted with an accompanying comment.
URL link clicks: The number of times users click on the URL link or the preview card that points to your website content.
User profile clicks: The number of times users click the display name, Twitter user name, or the profile picture. Users click on the profile to see or know more about the tweet's author. This metric can help you understand how well your tweet interested the reader.
Impressions: The number of times a user saw your tweet on their screen.
Video insights
Video duration: The total duration of the video you posted as a tweet.
Video views: The number of times the video in the tweet was viewed.
Video view quartiles: The number of users who played through each quartile in a video. The graph shows the number of views and video view quartile, which shows in which quartile users have seen the video. For instance, if your video duration is 50 seconds, you will be able to see how many users saw the video through the first quartile (25%) through the fourth quartile (100%).
The above-mentioned metrics can only be viewed for tweets that were made in the past month. These statistics are not supported by Twitter for retweets.