Inbox can be incredibly useful once you've set up the dashboard according to your requirements. You can monitor and respond to different types of interactions, and keep track of the details of all the customers who have interacted with you.

Feature Availability
- Inbox is currently available to users in Premium, Agency and Agency Plus plans of Zoho Social.
- You can monitor your interactions on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, Google Business profile, YouTube, and TikTok.
Navigate your way around and understand Inbox
The Inbox dashboard lists all types of interactions. You can open each interaction and respond to it without leaving the dashboard. You can also use Zia, Zoho Social's AI-powered writing assistant, to draft replies to customers or modify existing replies.
To enable Reply using Zia
- Navigate to Settings -> General Settings -> Preference.
- Enable the Reply to an inbox interaction using Zia feature.

Users who have the Zia permission will be able to enable or disable the feature.
Manage and Respond to Interactions
- Click on the specific interaction to open it.
- Draft a suitable response in the text box or ask Zia using a prompt to generate the content.
- Click Post to post it as a reply to the specific network.

- TikTok won't be available to access via Inbox in India due to the ongoing regulatory restrictions on the platform.
Inside an Interaction

Activity: All the activity related to the interaction: change in status of interaction, internal comments, and mentions to discuss within team.
User Info: User details like their Profile Bio, Number of followers, and other details depending on the network. Email, Contact details, Website, Location, and Description can be added. You can also edit or delete any information here manually.
History: All interactions the particular user has had with the brand so far.

: Copy the link to any interaction and share it with a team member or anyone else. This way, the person who accesses the link will be able to view the entire interaction.
Follow: Follow an interaction to make sure that you're updated on all the activities that take place in your Social account with respect to that interaction.
Sentiment: The sentiment of the message is identified as Positive, Neutral, or Negative.
Replies: All saved replies are listed here. You can add them directly to your interactions as responses to customers.
Filter and View Interactions
Views: Some views, such as All Interactions and Open Interactions, are listed in the Inbox dashboard by default. Click the drop-down to choose any default view or shared view, or to create a custom view for your account.
Channels: Channels connected to your Social account.
Filter by: Filter the interactions according to the different criteria:
- Type: Types of interactions are Comment/Reply, Message, Review, @Mention, Dark Comment, Question.
- Assignee: Interactions assigned to a specific person.
- Priority: Priority of interaction - Low, Medium, and High.
- Status: Status of interaction listed as Open, Under Review or Closed.
- Date: Interactions received on a specific date/for a time period.
View unread: Check the box to view only unread interactions.

You can also pin any view to your drop-down window for quick access.
To create a custom view
- Click the drop-down listing all the views in the top-left corner of your Social dashboard.
- Click Add custom view to create a specific view for yourself or your team.
- Add the following details: Name of the view, Channels you want to monitor, Assignee for the interactions, Type of interaction, Priority, Status, members to share this view with, and the time-period for which you want to view the interactions.
- Click Submit to save and create the view.

Once the custom views are created, they can be pinned to the top and also shared with other portal members.
Saved Replies
Saved responses or saved replies are pre-made responses that can be quickly added to your responses in all Inbox interactions with a single click. These responses can be saved into different groups that you can create based on the type of responses you're sending to your customers.
For example, you can draft a response that is a greeting message for a customer who initiates a conversation with you and save it with a title 'Greeting Message'.
Saving responses in these templates will help your brand stay consistent in the tone and messaging, and you can ensure that no matter who is responding, the communication will look professional and align with your business' voice and branding across all channels.
- Saved replies are available for use across all networks in Inbox, except for WhatsApp, which has its own unique reply templates.
- A saved response must be within the limit of 280 characters.
To add a saved reply to Social
- Go to Settings -> Inbox Preferences.
- Under the Saved Replies section, click + Add a new reply.

- Enter a title for the reply.
- Enter the message content.
- Select a group that you want to add the reply to from the drop-down. You can also create one by clicking Create new group from the drop-down.
- Click Save. screen showing all options
- Alternatively, you can also save a message as a template while typing it in the Inbox module by clicking Save as reply.

Organize your interactions
Archive: Archive an interaction to remove it from your Inbox view. You can track it under the Archived Interactions view.
Mute: Mute a user if you don't want to be notified about any further interactions with them in your account. Once you mute the user, no further engagements with them will be shown in Inbox.
Mark as spam: Mark an interaction as spam if it's irrelevant or looks like spam to you. This will move the interaction to the Spam Interactions view.
Delete: Delete an interaction if you don't find it relevant anymore. This will permanently delete the interaction from your Inbox.
Bulk actions: You can also select multiple interactions and mark them as read or spam, or archive them.