Note |
When you make changes to a question, response or the quota's settings, it takes a few minutes to sync the responses with the quotas. You cannot edit the quota while the response sync is in progress. |
Click the Quota Completion Notification dropdown list.
Select the emails to be notified of the quota completion.
Click Save.
Click the Settings tab and select Survey Quota in the left pane.
Hover over the Survey Quota and click the button.
Make the necessary changes and click Save.
Click the Settings tab and select Survey Quota in the left pane.
Hover over the survey quota you've created, and click .
Click Delete to confirm.
Click the Settings tab and select Survey Quota in the left pane.
You can view the number of completed response values and Quota limit.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
Click Enable.
Add a name to your conditional quota in the Quota Name field.
Enter the required number of responses in the Quota Limit field.
Select a question in the question dropdown list in the Condition section.
Select a condition in the following dropdown list.
Select the answer choices in the following dropdown list.
Click <+> to add more conditions.
Click <x> to delete any conditions.
Select the action to be performed once the quota is complete in the Quota Completion Options section. You can select one of the following options:
Close the survey - Close the survey and inform the future respondents that the survey has ended.
Terminate respondent session immediately and skip to the over quota page - End the respondent session immediately and choose the next action to perform through the Survey Over Quota Page.
Continue collecting responses above limit as over quota - The survey will continue collecting responses above the quota limit.
Select Increment response count for over quota responses if you'd like to add the over quota responses to the Completed Responses counter.
11. Click Save.
Click the Quota Completion Notification dropdown list.
Select the emails to be notified of the quota completion.
Click Save.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
Click Create and follow the procedures to add a conditional quota.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
Hover over the conditional quota you've created, and click .
Make the necessary changes and click Save.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
Hover over the conditional quota you've created, and click .
Make necessary changes to the Quota Name and click Create.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
Hover over the conditional quota you've created, and turn the button off.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
Hover over the conditional quota you've created, and click .
Click Delete to confirm.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
You can view the number of completed response values and Quota limit.
Click <Balancing> to the right of the condition.
On the Balancing screen, enter the balancing values next to the selected choices, to sum up for a total of 100%.
Note: The Total balancing value has to be equal to 100% to update the balancing.
To remove the balancing values, click Remove Balancing.
To add a choice, click <+>.
To remove a choice, click <x>.
Click Update.
Click the Settings tab and select Conditional Quota in the left pane.
Click on the value of Responses to the right of the conditional quota that shows the number of responses received to open the Quota Metrics widget.
​Here, you can view the Desired Percent, Completed Percent, Desired Count, Completed Count and Over Quota for every condition.
Click the Settings tab and select Survey Over Quota Page on the left pane. Choose the action of your choice.
Custom message - Add a custom message to display to your respondents. You can apply styles and formatting by using the rich text editor.
Redirect to a new page - Select this option and enter the URL in the URL field to redirect your respondents to a new page.
Click Save.
When a response matches various quotas in a survey, it is placed in all the matching quotas if none of the quotas reject a response. If one or more quotas reject a response, then it is placed in all the quotas that rejected the response.
In such cases, the following precedence of action is performed:
Note |
As quotas are all about restricting responses after a certain limit, the actions with the highest response denial will be given the highest priority. However, if multiple quotas with the same complete action reject a response, then the quota hierarchy (Survey, Collector, and Conditional) decides the precedence of action. For example, assume there's a survey with a survey quota with a quota limit of 50 and a collector quota with a quota limit of 100. The first 50 responses received will be placed in the survey quota and collector quota. The 51st response is marked as over quota and will not be placed in the collector quota since the survey quota rejected the response. Assume a survey has a survey quota with a quota limit of 100 and a collector quota with a quota limit of 50. The first 50 responses will be placed in the survey quota and collector quota. The 51st response is marked as over quota for the collector quota and is not placed in the survey quota as the collector quota rejected the response. Assume a survey has a survey quota with a quota limit of 100, and two collector quotas (C1) and (C2) with a quota limit of 50 for each of them. The first 50 responses will be placed in the survey quota as well as in the collector quota (C1) if collected through the first collector. The 51st response is marked as over quota for collector quota (C1) and is not placed in the survey quota as the collector quota rejected the response. The upcoming responses, if collected through the second collector (C2) will be placed in both the collector quota (C2) and survey quota. In the Reports, the Over Quota Responses count can be seen in the Summary of Responses. The response status is available in the Individual Responses, where Over Quota indicates that the response has been placed in the Over Quota status. The Conditional quotas in which the responses are placed are mentioned in the Quotas field. All the completed responses of a survey/collector are placed in the survey and collector quota respectively. To filter the reports based on quota, click Add Filter in the Filter by dropdown in the left pane. In the Create Filter window, select the required Response status from the available options and choose the required Conditional quota from the Conditional quotas dropdown. |
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