Add Logic, Piping, Autofill in Zoho Survey | Online Help Guide

Skip Logic

Applying logic to a survey can help you define how your respondents will move through the questions. Using their answers, you can route them to a different page or hide irrelevant questions altogether. This helps shorten the survey for respondents who do not fit your criteria.
Types of logic:
  1. Display Logic
  2. Answer Display Logic
  3. Page Skip Logic
  4. Disqualification Logic

Display Logic

The display logic functions in such a way that you can display or hide a question based on the following options:
  1. Always display the question
  2. Always hide the question
  3. Display the question based on a condition
  4. Hide the question based on a condition
The display logic supports multiple logic conditions using And/Or in a single question. You can also group the conditions to set up the order of execution. There is also a provision to copy the condition and apply it to another question in the same survey and vice versa.

Let's say you ask your respondents to state their opinion on the effects of smoking on one's health, but you actually want to find out if they have had any health concerns due to passive or active smoking and if they need help in addressing it. You could ask questions related to this and add display logic for each of them to display or hide the question based on their responses. If the respondents choose to get in touch with you to address this, for example, they would be directed to more questions related to collecting their contact details or any such relevant information. 

To apply logic to a question:

  1. Hover over the question that you want to apply the logic to, then click .
  2. Click Display Logic. You can also click the question to edit and select the Display Logic tab.
  3. Click the dropdown and select the display/hide option for the question.
    1. Always display this question
    2. Never display this question
    3. Display this question only if a certain condition is met
    4. Hide this question only if a certain condition is met
  4. If you select Display this question only if a certain condition is met, or Hide this question only if a certain condition is met, the Condition section will be displayed.
  5. Select a question in the Subject list.
  6. Select a condition in the Condition list.
  7. Type in or choose the answer you're looking for in the Operand box.
  8. Click + to add multiple conditions.


    Multiple conditions work in a pattern similar to this: (((((C1 and/or C2) and/or C3) and/or C4) and/or C5) and/or ...) where C1, C2, C3, ... are conditions.

  9. Click X to remove conditions.
  10. Click And/Or to connect multiple conditions.
  11. Click Save.

To edit the condition pattern:

  1. After adding logic conditions, click Edit in the Condition Pattern section. The Condition Pattern section will appear only if you add more than two conditions.
  2. Edit the condition IDs (C1, C2, C3...) and And/Or, as required.
  3. Click Apply. Any changes made in the Condition Pattern section get reflected in the Condition section, and vice versa.

To copy the condition to another question:

  1. Click copy the same display logic.
  2. Select the questions you'd like to apply the logic to.
  3. Click Done. This condition will be applied to the selected questions upon saving the logic.


If you had applied any logic to those questions previously, the new logic will overwrite them upon clicking Save.

To copy a condition from another question:

  1. Click Copy condition from other questions.
  2. Select the question from the dropdown list.
  3. You can edit the condition by updating the options in the Subject, Condition, and Operand fields respectively.
  4. Click + to add multiple conditions.
  5. Click X to remove conditions.
  6. Click And/Or to connect multiple conditions.
  7. Click Save.

To view a logic you have added:

  1. In the survey builder, hover over the question you'd like to view the logic.
  2. Click the Create online surveys button and select Display Logic
  3. You can also click  at the bottom right end of the question to view the logic options you have added.

Should a mandatory question be answered if it is part of a skip logic?

No, you needn't answer a mandatory question if the logic skips it. For example, assume that I have question A in my survey, and it has a, b, c, and d as answer options. I apply logic to this question to move to question B, only if option c is answered. Also, question B has been marked as a mandatory question. If the user selects option c, then the follow-up question B is shown and it is mandatory to answer. However, if the user answers anything other than option c, as per the logic, the follow-up question will be skipped (even if it's marked as mandatory).

Answer Display Logic

You can apply display logic to answer fields (choices, 'Comments' and 'Not Applicable' fields) to display or hide an answer field based on the following conditions:
  1. Display these choices only when a certain condition is met
  2. Hide these choices only when a certain condition is met - This comes in handy when the customer wants to remove a certain answer from the survey form but wants to retain the responses
  3. Never display these choices
You can add multiple logic conditions using And/Or in a single question. You can also group multiple conditions and set up the order of execution. 

For example, in a vaccination registration form, the users would want to know the available vaccination centres present in their location. By using answer display logic, they can find the available centres in their area instead of all the centres in the list.


If all the answer choices for a particular question are hidden after applying answer display logic or if the number of choices/rows/columns available is less than the required options (when the mandatory question option is enabled), then that question will be hidden.

To apply a logic condition to an answer choice:

  1. Click the question that you want to apply the answer display logic to, and select the Answer Display Logic tab. You could also hover over the question and select Actions> Display Logic to get there.
  2. Click Add Logic.
  3. Choose a display/hide condition from the dropdown list.
  4. Click Select Choice to add the choices you want to display or hide.
  5. Click the If dropdown and select an appropriate option.
  6. Select a condition in the Condition list.
  7. Type in or choose the answer you're looking for in the Operand box.
  8. Click + to add multiple conditions.
  9. Click X to remove conditions.
  10. Click And/Or to connect multiple conditions.
  11. Click Save.

To edit the condition pattern:

  1. After adding the answer display logic conditions, click Edit in the Condition Pattern section. The Condition Pattern section will appear only if you add more than two conditions.
  2. Edit the condition IDs (C1, C2, C3...) and And/Or, as required.
  3. Click Apply. Any changes made in the Condition Pattern section get reflected in the Condition section, and vice versa.

Page Skip Logic

You can use page skip logic to send respondents to specific pages in the survey based on their responses. You can even use questions from the previous page of your survey to set a redirect page logic, and add multiple conditions using And/Or. You can also group multiple conditions and set up the order of execution. 

To add a page skip logic:

  1. Click Logic in the top right corner of the page name ribbon.

  2. Click Page Skip Logic.
  3. Click Add Condition to redirect your respondents to specific pages based on their response. 
  4. Select a question in the If dropdown. 
  5. Select an operand in the second dropdown.
  6. Choose an answer from the Select an option dropdown list. 
  7. Select the related action for the answer selected in the skip to dropdown list. You can send them to the survey end page or disqualification page. If the conditions do not match, the default flow will be continued in the survey.
  8. Click + to add multiple conditions. 
    Note: Multiple conditions work in a pattern similar to this: (((((C1 and/or C2) and/or C3) and/or C4) and/or C5) and/or ...) where C1, C2, C3, ... are conditions.
  9. Select And/Or to connect multiple conditions.
  10. Select Go to next page in the default flow if you want your respondents to move to the next page after they're done with the current page.
  11. Select Survey End Page if you want to send them to the end page of the survey instead of moving them to a specific page.
  12. Select Disqualification Page if you want to send them to a survey disqualification page.
  13. Click Save.

To edit the condition pattern:

  1. After adding the answer display logic conditions, click Edit in the Condition Pattern section. The Condition Pattern section will appear only if you add more than two conditions.
  2. Edit the condition IDs (C1, C2, C3...) and And/Or, as required.
  3. Click Apply. Any changes made in the Condition Pattern section get reflected in the Page Skip Conditions section, and vice versa.

To edit a page skip logic:

  1. Click Logic in the top right corner of the page name ribbon. 

  2. Click Page Skip Logic.
  3. Hover over the page logic you want to edit and click the edit icon.
  4. Make the necessary changes, then click Save.

To delete a page skip logic:

  1. Click Logic in the top right corner of the page name ribbon. 

  2. Click Page Skip Logic.
  3. Hover over the page logic you want to delete and click the delete icon.

Disqualification Logic

You can set survey disqualification logic to identify respondents who fit your specific criteria. For example, if you want to find out people who smoke and would need help addressing it, ask a question to find out if they or anyone close to them smoke. You can set a survey disqualification logic to those who say No and redirect them to a survey disqualification end page. Only those who say Yes to the first question would be qualified to answer the follow up questions on smoking habits. You can also filter your reports and choose to view only qualifying responses.


You can personalize your survey with the piping feature. Piping customizes questions based on variables you've added to previous questions and helps respondents feel more comfortable answering your survey. There are two ways to do this. The first is to fill in the name by taking details from the URL. The second way to personalize your survey is to use the information from the other questions. 

How does piping work? 

  1. In the survey builder, click the question you want to edit and choose from the following options: 
  2. Assume that you want to add the name of the respondent in a greeting by taking details from the URL. You can perform the following steps.
    1. Insert a URL parameter

      1. Click a question to make edits. 
      2. Edit the text in the question box. 
      3. Keep the cursor next to the text and click Insert Variable
      4. Click the ${param-name}  parameter. The variable will be displayed in the question box. You can edit the variable name 'param-name' to anything of your choice. For example, let's change it to a 'name'  you want to prepopulate. 
      5. Copy the survey link and paste it into another browser tab. 
      6. Add the additional parameter ?name=<the name you want to prepopulate>  to the end of the URL. In the example that follows, the additional parameter used in the URL is ?name=Dorothy. Now when the recipient follows the link, they will see their name in the greeting.
    2. Insert previous responses as variables

You can pipe in responses from previous questions and customize follow-up questions. For example, if you want to ask your respondents where they hail from, you can first ask them to select their country, and later ask them to choose a state based on the answer they gave to the previous question.  
  1. Create a dropdown question in your survey, with a list of countries for your respondents to choose from.
  2. Add subsequent questions with the list of states for each of those countries.
  3. Click one of those follow-up questions that ask for the respondents' state. 
  4. Keep the cursor next to the text and click Insert Variable
  5. Click the question whose answer you want to use. The variable will be displayed in the question box.
  6. Follow the "insert variable" procedure for the rest of the State questions as well.

Note :
If a variable used in the piping logic is not assigned a value, the corresponding question will not appear in the survey. To ensure all questions are displayed properly, verify that all piping variables are correctly defined and have assigned values.


Autofill also allows you to prepopulate single-variable survey responses automatically before sending them to respondents. This helps reduce the number of time respondents take to answer your survey. For instance, if you are sending out this survey to an organization and you already know the names and roles of a few respondents, you can prepopulate the name and role fields.   

How does autofill work? 

  1. Click the question to make edits. 
  2. Select Prepopulate answer. You can get the answer from the URL or give it an initial value: 
    1. To prepopulate a text box with an initial value, click the Initial value in the Value from the list and set the initial value of the question as desired. For example, if you prepopulate the Role question with a responder's role name, the survey will show the responder's role when it is loaded.   

    2. To use data from the URL, select the URL parameter from the Value from the list, then enter a name for the parameter in the Parameter name box. For example, if you use the name as the name of the parameter when you send out the survey, add ?name=<the name you want to prepopulate> to the URL. When the survey loads, the name question will contain the responder's name.   

    3. To prepopulate data for the row/field, select the required row or field under the question label and set the Initial Value or URL Parameter.

    4. To prepopulate the data from a specific row and column, select the required row and column labels and proceed to set the URL Parameter or Initial Value.

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