The basics of importing a base

The basics of importing a base

When you choose to import your base, all your data is read and categorized into different fields in your table. But before you complete the importing process, you can customize the base using different configurations.

  1. Filtering: You can easily tailor the table to your specific needs and preferences with filters, making it easier to analyze and work with the data. To learn more, head to the Filter help page.

  2. Find and replace: Find specific details from your file and replace them with the desired data:

    1. From the toolbar, click Find & Replace. A dialogue box will appear.

    2. In the Find box, type the word you're looking for. Then, in the Replace with box, type the word you want it to be replaced with.

    3. With the Search in option, you can either select a particular field where the search is to be conducted or choose All to search the whole sheet.

    4. Choose Up or Down to customize the direction of your search.

    5. Select the Match case option to match the case of the input while searching; and Match entire cell will find cells that have the exact content, irrespective of the case.

    6. Choose Find to search the data, Replace to replace the found data with something else, and Replace All to replace all the same data with your desired input.

  3. Customize fields: Your field types will be automatically identified at import, but you can still change them to another field

    1. To change the field type, click the dropdown menu in the field header.

    2. Choose the Customize Field optionA dialog box then opens up, where you can rename your field and change the field type.

    3. Based on the field type you select, options for more customization will be listed. For example, if you select Number as the field type, you can configure the Max digits option.

    4. You also have the option of making the field mandatory by checking the Mandatory option. If you don't want this field to get duplicated, select the No duplicates option. By default, both these options will be turned off.

  4. Select all:
    Note: The checkbox next to the field name denotes the select all button. By default, the checkbox is selected, and all the records in the field will be displayed. You can uncheck the option if you'd like to exclude any of the fields from getting imported.

  5. Sorting: If you wish to reorganize your fields, you can sort them in ascending or descending order.

  6. Set row as header: You can easily select a row and choose it to be the header of your table:

    1. Click the dropdown icon next to the table name.

    2. From the dropdown menu, you'll see the option "Use the first row as field headers." There's a checkbox next to it, to include or exclude the field header while importing.

    3. If we uncheck the option, the field header names will be removed, and the field type identified by Tables will be displayed.

  7. Include this field: You can include/exclude any specific table from getting imported:
    1. Click the dropdown icon next to the table name.

    2. From the context menu, you'll see the option to "Include this table." There's a checkbox next to it to include or exclude the table while importing. Excluded tables will appear grayed out. 

  8. Edit identical cells in a column: Let's assume you have the same data in multiple cells in a column, and you want to edit them all at once. You can choose the Edit identical cells option to make changes to all of that data at once:
    1. Right-click on one of the identical cells; from the context menu, choose Edit identical cells in column. A dialog box will then open.

    2. Type the content that should be updated in the identical cells and click Apply.

  9. Remove row: You can delete any rows that you don't want to be included in your table. Just right-click on the row you wish to delete, and, from the context menu, choose Remove row. 

  10. Record resizing
      1. Hover the mouse over the field header till you can see the line separator.

      2. Using the line separator, you can drag and drop to adjust the width of the field to view the text.

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