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Zoho CRM is your one solution for all your sales activities. Zoho TeamInbox's integration with Zoho CRM lets you access emails related to a specific contact or lead right from Zoho CRM. With our two-way integration with Zoho CRM you can keep all your contact information at one place.
Only the admin of your Zoho TeamInbox organization can perform integration with Zoho CRM.
To integrate Zoho TeamInbox with Zoho CRM:
Go to Zoho Marketplace and login with your Zoho credentials.
Search for the Zoho TeamInbox for Zoho CRM extension.
Click Install in the top right corner.
Confirm installation by agreeing to the terms of service and click Install.
Authorize the extension to access your data and click Install Now.
Once the extension is installed successfully, you have to authorize for Zoho CRM to access your Zoho TeamInbox details.
The Zoho TeamInbox extension for Zoho CRM is now installed for your organization, and you can now view email threads from within Zoho CRM. You can revoke this access anytime. Also, you can uninstall the extension whenever needed.
To view emails in Zoho CRM
To view the threads related to any lead or contact, click on the specific lead or contact to go to their detailed view. Click Zoho TeamInbox under the Related List section in the left pane. You will now be able to view the email list, where you can click on a specific thread to preview. To do more actions on the thread, you can select to open the thread in a new window.
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