To add an attachment from the mail detail view to the Mail Composer:
Click the email with the attachment you want to share.
To attach emails as .eml file:
Select the email you want to attach.
Drag the email and drop it to the Mail Composer.
To share files from Cliq:
Choose the file you want to share.
Select the file and drag and drop it to the Mail Composer.
To share files from Mail:
Choose the attachment you want to share.
Select the attachment and drag and drop it to the Cliq chat box.
To upload a file to WorkDrive:
Drag the file you want to upload.
Drop it in the My Folders view.
You can upload files from within Trident and from your system using drag and drop.
To add files from the WorkDrive widget to email as attachments:
Drag the file you want to attach.
Drop it in the Mail Composer.
To share a WorkDrive file in a chat conversation:
Open the WorkDrive widget in Trident.
Select the file and drag and drop it to the Cliq chat box.
In the pop-up that appears, choose the access level you want to provide.
Click Share.
To view the permission-related popup, go to the Cliq web app > Personalize > Privacy > Public Links and select View preview for all links.
In one-on-one conversations, you can grant the user one of the following permissions: View, View and Comment, Edit, or Share.
In group or channel conversations, you can share the file with all members of the respective group or channel.
To add WorkDrive Smart Mail files as attachments:
Click the file in the Mail detail view.
Drag the file and drop it in the Mail Composer.
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