Supported files for conversion
Zoho's built-in Office Suite helps you edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations using Writer, Sheet, and Show respectively. (
Learn more)
You can upload files in different formats, such as .docx, .pptx, or .xlsx format, and convert them to Zoho format (Writer, Sheet, or Show), which will create a new copy in your WorkDrive account.
The supported file formats for conversion
Document files
.doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .docm, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, and .odt
Spreadsheet files
.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .tsv, .csv, .ods, and .sxc
Presentation files
.ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .odp, and .sxi
You can convert files with size up to 20 MB in Writer, 25 MB in Sheet, and 500 MB in Show.
Supported files for preview
Zoho WorkDrive supports preview for
220 different file formats.
Size limits for file preview
Zoho Writer and other word files - 20 MB
Zoho Sheet and other spreadsheet files - 25 MB
Zoho Show and other presentation files - 500 MB
Video files - 1 GB
Audio files - 500 MB
PDF files - 250 MB
Zip files - 250 MB
Developer files - 10 MB
Supported document formats for preview
(maximum size: 10 MB)
.docx - 50 MB (exception)
.pages - 50 MB (exception)
Supported spreadsheet formats for preview (maximum size: 25 MB)
.xlsx - 25 MB (exception)
.numbers - 50 MB (exception)
Supported presentation formats for preview (maximum size: 400 MB)
.keynote - 50 MB (exception)
Supported image formats for preview [maximum resolution (width*height): 50 megapixels]
.jpeg - 250 MB
.jpg - 250 MB
.png - 250 MB
.bmp - 250 MB
.psd - 250 MB
.gif - 250 MB
.ttf - 20 MB
.svg - 20 MB
.heic - 250 MB
.webp - 250 MB
.sketch - 250 MB
.ai - 250 MB
.dng - 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
- 250 MB
*(NEW) -
Preview for new uploads will be generated as soon as the files are uploaded, and preview for existing raw image files will be generated only on access.
Supported video formats for preview (maximum size: 1 GB; maximum length: 180 minutes)
Supported audio formats for preview (maximum size: 500 MB)
Supported PDF formats for preview
.pdf - 250 MB
.tiff - 50 MB
Supported zip format for preview (maximum size: 250 MB)
Supported email formats for preview (maximum size: 250 MB)
Supported developer file formats for preview (maximum size: 10 MB)
gms (.gms)
python (.py)
profile (.profile)
ruby (.ruby, .rb, .irb, .rbw)
haml (.haml)
perl (.pl, .perl)
php (.php, .php3, .php4, .php5, .php6)
scala (.scala)
groovy (.groovy, .gvy, .gy, .gsh)
go (.go)
golo (.golo)
gradle (.gradle)
xml (.xml, .rss, .atom, .xsl, .plist)
xhtml (.xhtml)
lasso (.lasso)
css (.css)
scss (.scss)
less (.less)
stylus (.styl)
markdown (.md, .mkdown, .mkd)
asciidoc (.adoc, .asciidoc)
twig (.twig)
handlebars (.hbs, .handlebars)
dust (.dust, .dst)
json (.json)
mathematica (.nb, .mma)
typescript (.typescript, .ts)
coffeescript (.coffeescript, .coffee, .cson)
iced (.iced)
javascript (.js)
dart (.dart)
livescript (.ls, .livescript)
actionscript (.as)
haxe (.hx, .haxe)
vbscript (.vbs)
vbnet (.vb)
protobuf (.proto)
capnproto (.capnp)
thrift (.thrift)
lua (.lua)
delphi (.delphi)
oxygene (.oxygene)
java (.java)
jsp (.jsp)
processing (.pde)
aspectj (.aj)
fortran (.f90, .f95)
irpf90 (.irpf90)
cpp (.cpp, .c, .cc, .h, .c++, .h++, .hpp)
objectivec (.mm, .objc)
vala (.vala)
csharp (.cs)
fsharp (.fs)
ocaml (.ml, .mli)
d (.d)
rsl (.rsl)
rib (.rib)
mel (mel)
sql (.sql)
smalltalk (.st)
lisp (.lisp)
clojure (.clj)
scheme (.scm, ss)
ini (.ini)
diff (.diff)
dos (.dos)
bat (.bat)
cmd (.cmd)
bash (.sh, .bash, .zsh)
makefile (.mk, .mak)
nsis (.nsis, .nsi)
1c (.1c)
tex (.tex)
haskell (.hs)
elm (.elm)
erlang (.erl)
rust (.rs)
glsl (.glsl)
applescript (.applescript, .scpt)
vim (.vim)
brainfuck (bf)
autohotkey (.ahk)
swift (.swift)
gcode (.nc)
verilog (.v)
xpath (.xq, .xpath)
accesslog (.log)
prolog (.prop)
ceylon (.ceylon)
openscad (.scad)
armasm (.armasm)
autoit (.au3)
crystal (.cr)
properties (.properties)
apache (.conf)
deluge (.al, .alf, .ald)
Only the first page can be previewed for .pages (document), .numbers (spreadsheet), .keynote (presentation), and .sketch (image) file formats.
File Preview Errors
You may not be able to preview a file if:
- You enter an incorrect password
- The file size exceeds the stipulated limit
- The file extension does not match the format
- There is no file extension
- The file format is not supported
- It is a spreadsheet containing more than 5 million cells. For example, more than 131072 rows and 1024 columns.