Zoho Workerly | Using Advanced Filters

Using Advanced Filters


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The advanced filter is a powerful search tool that enables you to extract valuable information in no time - information, which could otherwise take you much longer to find out. With a regular filter, your search is based on field values - for example, all temps who are from "California". This is pretty straightforward and ordinary. Whereas with advanced filters, you can run intelligent searches based on the activities associated with the records, such as temps "that have no open jobs assigned to them". Or "jobs without any notes for the last 6 months".

When the criteria for advanced filters are based on priorities such as jobs, notes and emails rather than just field values, your chances for discovering valuable information is much higher. When you use intelligent combinations of the available criteria, advanced filters truly work like magic.

Filter records using advanced filters

To filter records using advanced filters

  1. Go to the desired module.
  2. Select the required module list view.
  3. Under Filter [Records] By, select the desired combinations.
    You can select any number of search combinations as required.
    Click More to see more search criteria.
  4. Click Apply Filter.
    The records that meet the criteria are displayed.
  5. You can select records and assign suitable followup activities or run macros on them.

Use advanced filters effectively

Following are some common staffing scenarios in which you can effectively make use of the benefits of advanced filters. Remember, these are only examples. There are similar countless scenarios you can come up with depending on the combination of search criteria.

Discover untapped temps

You may work on a fresh set of jobs every week from various clients. Among those jobs, there might just be a great potential waiting for you - but only if you follow up on it. Advanced filters can filter out such records for you within seconds.

  1. Go to the Jobs module.
  2. Select the required module list view.
  3. Under Filter Jobs By, select the following combinations:
    • Select Job Status > is > Active
    • Select No. of Temps Required > 8

    You can select any number of search combinations as required.

  4. Click Apply Filter. The records that meet the criteria are displayed.
  5. You can select records and assign suitable followup activities or run macros on them.

Keep a track of staffing activities

With advanced filters, you can narrow down all Temps who are not yet assigned to any Jobs. Select the required module list view.

  1. Go to the Temps module.
  2. Under
    Filter Temps By, select the following combinations:
    • Select Assigned Jobs > is not assigned.
  3. Click Apply Filter.
    The records that meet the criteria are displayed.
  4. You can select records and assign suitable followup activities or run macros on them.

Besides overdue assignments, you can also filter the following information about temps and jobs:

  • Jobs that are tagged "hot" are jobs that fetch a lot of comission.
  • Temps having an experience of 4 or above maybe wanted by many.

Act instantly on the insights discovered

Advanced filters not only enable you to discover quick insights but also follow up on the results obtained. For example, you have discovered temps that have gone unnoticed. You have filtered out jobs that need your attention. But what next?

The moment you filter out records, advanced filters let you can act on them instantly. There are quick actions that can be taken on the records such as Macros, Mass update, Create Task and so on. From the very same results page, you can follow up on the records instantly.

  1. Go to the desired module.
  2. Select the required module list view.
  3. Under Filter [Records] By, select the desired combinations.
    You can select any number of search combinations as required.
  4. Click Apply Filter.
    The records that meet the criteria are displayed.
  5. You can select records and assign suitable followup activities or run macros on them.

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