Zoho Workerly | Manage List Views

Manage List Views

A List View is grouping of records based on a defined set of criteria. List Views are beneficial for displaying specific data according to your business requirements. For example, you may be interested to review overdue tasks or you may want to filter out big jobs. The best way to handle these scenarios is to filter the records using the list views. You can also use the List Views for changing record owners, deleting records in bulk and sending mass emails.

Zoho Workerly provides a set of Standard list views that are ready to be used by all the users in your organization. In addition, you can also create list views and share with colleagues in your organization.

  • Standard List Views: You can modify the standard views and sort the order of the columns in the list. You cannot delete these list views.
  • Custom List Views: You can create, modify and delete the custom views and you can also sort the order of the columns in the list.

List views are categorized under Created By Me and Shared With Me. You can also mark list views that you often use as Favorites and those will be listed first in the List View drop-down. Just click the Star next to a list view and it will available under Favorites.

Standard List Views

In the <Module> Home page, you can select the required list view from the View drop-down list. You can only rearrange the order of the columns or add more columns to the standard view modes. Some of the standard list views are: All Records, My Records, Recently Create Records, Recently Modified Records, Recently Viewed Records, etc.

Create Custom List Views

You can create custom list views in Zoho Workerly by defining criteria as per your requirement. The custom views created by the user will be listed under the Created By Me in the drop-down list.


Permission Required: Users with the Manage Custom Views permission can access this feature.

To create custom views,

  1. Click the [Module]  Tab.( For e.g. Temps, Contacts, Clients, etc.)
  2. In the [Module] Home page, move your mouse pointer to the list view's drop-down.
  3. Click the Create View link.
  4. In the New View page, do the following:
    • Enter the custom View Name.
    • Mark as Favorite, if required.
      The custom list views marked as favorite will be listed first in the list view drop-down.
    • Specify Criteria to filter the records.
    • Select the columns to be displayed in the View mode.
    • Choose the option as to who can see this view.
  5. Click Save.

 Specifying List View Criteria

In the Specify Criteria section you can specify the criteria based on which records will be filters and under this list view. The following table lists the criteria options for certain types of fields:

Field Type
Criteria Options
String fields like:
  • First Name
  • Mobile
  • Email
  • Website
  • Industry
  • Title
  • Created By
  • Skype ID
  • Phone
  • Salutation
  • Company
  • State
  • is
  • isn't
  • is before
  • is after
  • between
  • not between
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Tomorrow Onwards
  • Yesterday
  • Till Yesterday
  • Last Month
  • Current Month
  • Next Month
  • Last Week
  • Current Week
  • Next Week
  • is empty
  • is not empty
  • Age in Days
  • Due in Days
Numeric fields like:
  • Age
  • My Percentage
  • Age in Days
  • My Currency
  • My Decimal
  • =
  • !=
  • <
  • <=
  • >
  • >=
  • is empty
  • is not empty
Date & DateTime fields like:
  • Created Time
  • Modified Time
  • My Date
  • My Date Time
  • is
  • isn't
  • is before
  • is after
  • between
  • not between
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Tomorrow Onwards
  • Yesterday
  • Till Yesterday
  • Last Month
  • Current Month
  • Next Month
  • Last Week
  • Current Week
  • Next Week
  • is empty
  • is not empty
  • Age in Days
  • Due in Days
Boolean fields like:
  • Email Opt Out
  • Active
  • My Date Time
  • True
  • False
  • You can add up to 25 criteria.
  • Specify the numbers without commas. For example, specify 15,000 as 15000.
  • If you select the None option, custom view will not be created.
  • Age in Days option is very useful for the Date and Date Time fields. It can be used to filter records such as, Temps that were created within the last 15 days, jobs that were filled in the past 10 days, or users whose subscription was renewed in the last 5 days.
  • Due in Days is an option that lets you set criteria for Date and DateTime fields based on a specific number of due days. For example, if you want to filter Jobs that are due to be closed in 6 days, you can create a custom view in the Jobs module with the criteria "End Date" "Due in = 6 Days".

Selecting List View Columns

In the Choose Columns section, select the columns to be displayed in the List View from the Available Columns list box. After selecting the columns you can change the order of the columns or remove unnecessary columns from the Selected Columns list box.


  • It is better to select less than 10 columns to avoid horizontal scrolling in List View.

 Setting up Permissions to the List View

In the Accessibility Details section, define the user's accessibility to view the custom lists. The following options are available:

  • All users are allowed to view this custom view.
  • Show this custom view only to me.
  • Allow the following users to view this custom view.

Select All Records in a Custom List View

Zoho Workerly allows you to select all records that belong to a particular custom view in one shot.

Consider this scenario. You wish to change the record owner of all Temps in the custom view called Recently created Temps. Say you have over 20000 Temps in this custom view- it's a hassle to navigate to the "Next" page and select all Temps on every page.

Rather, you can simply click the Select All [Records] in this View link and all the 20000 Temps will be selected in one shot and you can change owner for all these records easily.

To select all records in a custom view

  1. Go to the desired module.
  2. Choose the desired custom list view.
  3. Click the Select All check box on the first page.
  4. Click the Select All [Records] in this View that appears.
    All the records in that list view will be selected.

Once all the records in that custom list view are selected, you can perform the following bulk operations on those Temps.

  • Mass Update
  • Change Owner
  • Delete

After you have applied a mass update/change owner/delete action, the progress bar will let you know about the status of the update.


  • The Select All [Records] in this View link not appear in two cases:
    • if there are more than 50000 records in the custom list view.
    • if there is a mass list view update that is already in progress
  • Assume you have a workflow rule for the selected module in which the Mass Update/Change Owner/Delete actions are associated as the trigger or action. Workflow rule will be executed if the total records selected are less than 1000. If more than 1000 records are selected in the list view, the workflow rule will not be executed.

Edit Criteria Patterns

Criteria Pattern Editor in the custom list views help you to define the advanced filters using simple logic like and / or.


Profile Permission Required: Users who have the access to the Custom List view can use this option.


  • You can specify a maximum of 25 criteria for a list view.

To edit criteria patterns,

  1. Click Module tab.
  2. Select a List View from the drop-down list.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. In Edit View page, review your existing criteria and click the Change Pattern link.
  5. In Pattern Editor box, modify filters and click the Save link.
  6. Save the modified custom view.
You can use the following characters in the Criteria Pattern Editor:
  • Round brackets: ( )
  • and / or operators
  • Criteria Row Number

Important Notes

  • When the Change Pattern box is open, you cannot add or delete a criteria row under the Specify Criteria section.
  • The operator precedence will not be taken into account if you do not specify brackets. For example, if you specify the criteria as 1 or 2 and 3, it will be considered as ((1 or 2) and 3)
  • You can change the and or or of the criteria rows and it will be updated in the Editor below.
  • You can change the and or or condition in the pattern and it will be updated in the rows above.
  • If you specify 1 and 2 and save it, on editing the view the pattern will be shown as (1 and 2). For (1 and 2) or 3 the pattern will be shown as ( (1 and 2) or 3 )
  • If you add more rows in the editor and delete one by one there will be additional brackets displayed in the pattern. For example if there are 5 rows added and you delete the 4th row, it will be shown as ( ( ( ( 1 and 2 ) or 3) )or 4 ) and if the 3rd row is deleted again it will be shown as ( ( ( ( 1 and 2 ) ) ) or 3 ). If the first row is deleted then it will be shown as ( ( ( ( 1 ) ) ) or 2 ). However, upon saving the criteria, it will become ( 1 or 2 ). ( ( ( 1 and 2 ) and 3 ) ) will appear if the last criteria is deleted.
  • Make sure that you do not use the following as they are invalid: ()(and)(or)
  • If the brackets do not match it will be treated as invalid.
  • You will get an error message, if the number of rows and the numbers given in the pattern do not match and also, if there are any missed numbers in the pattern specified.
  • Save and Cancel buttons on the custom view will be hidden while editing the criteria pattern.
  • In case the final brackets are missing, there will be a difference in the Criteria Patterns Editor and its view mode.
    Your Criteria Pattern in Editor
    Your Criteria Pattern in View Mode
    ( 1 and 2 ) or ( 3 and 4 )
    (( 1 and 2 ) or ( 3 and 4 ))
    1 and 2 and 3 and 4
    (1 and 2 and 3 and 4 )
    ( 1 or 2 ) and ( 3 or 4 )
    ( ( 1 or 2 ) and ( 3 or 4 ) )

Use Last Activity Time in Criteria

Apart from editing a record, there are various other activities associated with records. For example, adding a note, closing a task, sending emails etc. The last updated time of such activities is captured in each record as Last Update: Time (only in the Temps, Clients, Contacts and Jobs modules). The information in this field can be used in the List View criteria, to filter out records that had no activity for a specific period of time or those records that had recent activities.


  • This option is supported for the Temps, Clients, Contacts, Jobs and custom modules.
  • The Last Activity Time under list view criteria and the Last Update time in the Record Details page are the same.
  • You can use this criteria only for the custom list views.


Profile Permission Required: Users who have the access to the Custom List view can use this option.

The activities and updates that will be recorded as Last Activity time:

    • Editing fields in a record
    • Adding & updating activities, i.e. Tasks, Events, Calls
    • Sending emails to Temps and Contacts
    • Adding & editing notes
    • Adding jobs & contacts under an account
    • Changing the owner of the record
    • Adding and deleting a record
      (This does not include deleting a record associated to the parent record.)
    • Closing a task
      (This does not apply for events as they are automatically moved under Closed Activities after the End DateTime.)
    • Deleting and restoring the records (individually or in bulk).
    • Mass operations like Mass Update, Mass Transfer etc.
      (Except for Mass Delete option.)

The activities and updates that will NOT be recorded as Last Activity time:

  • Editing contacts or jobs under an account will not be listed under the Account
  • Deleting related lists under a record.

To use the Last Activity Time in criteria

  1. Click the TempsClientsContacts or Jobs module.
  2. Select a List View from the drop-down list and click the Edit link.
    You can specify criteria only for the custom list views.
  3. In Edit View page, under Specify Criteria select the Last Activity Time from the drop-down list.
  4. Specify the criteria conditions.
  5. Click Save.

Clone Custom List View

The custom views that you create can be duplicated and a similar list view can be created. Please note that the default views cannot be cloned or deleted.

To clone custom list views

  1. Click the [Module] Tab.( For e.g.. Temps, Contacts, Clients, etc.)
  2. In the [Module] Home page, select the list view that you want to duplicate.
  3. Click the Edit link.
  4. Then click on the Clone button.
  5. In the Clone View page, do the following:
    • Enter the custom View Name.
    • Select the columns to be displayed in the View mode.
    • Choose the option as to who can see this view.
    • Select the Specify Criteria check box and specify the criteria.
  6. Click Save.

Edit Standard List View

You can edit the standard list views that are by default provided in Zoho Workerly to add or remove the columns in the list view. Please note that you cannot edit the criteria or rename these pre-defined list views.

To edit standard list views

  1. Click the [Module] Tab. (For e.g. Temps, Contacts, Clients, etc.)
  2. In the [Module] Home page, select the list view that you want to edit.
  3. Click the Edit link.
  4. In the Edit View page, select and move the fields to the Available Columns list box.
    After selecting the columns you can change the order of the columns or remove unnecessary columns from the Selected Columns list box.
  5. Click Save

Delete Custom List View

The custom views that you create can be deleted if required. Please note that the pre-defined list views cannot be deleted.

To delete custom list views

  1. Click the [Module] Tab. (For e.g. Temp, Contacts, Clients, etc.)
  2. In the [Module] Home page, select the list view that you want to delete.
  3. Click the Edit link.
  4. Click on Delete.

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