Zoho Workerly reports are the detailed and informative list of records. Each report provides access to important data required for various purposes. In Zoho Workerly, standard reports are provided in various modules, which can be either used as it is or customized further as per your business requirements.
Profile Permission Required: Users with the Reports permissions can access this feature.
Report Name | Description |
Job vs Projected Revenue | Forecasting revenue for open jobs |
Agent vs Projected Revenue | How much revenue can an agent make |
Revenue Split-up | Revenue split-up from each agent. |
Agency Revenue | How much revenue an entire agency can make |
Monthly Revenue | Monthly revenue of the agency |
JOBS | |
Jobs vs Temps | Temps for each Job |
Jobs opened this month | Jobs that were created this month |
Adding pending Temps for Job | Add (or fill up) remaining Temps for a Job. |
Jobs vs Timesheets | Timesheets for each Job |
Blacklisted Temps | Temps who are blacklisted by a Client |
Approved Timesheets | Timesheets that are approved by a Client |
Approved Timesheets for Job | Timesheets approved by a Client for a Job |
Rejected Timesheets | Timesheets that are rejected by a Client |
Rejected Timesheets for Job | Timesheets rejected by a Client for a Job |
Email Analytics | Summary of the email status (sent, bounced, opened, and clicked) based on date, template, module and user |
Top 10 Templates by open rate | Top 10 templates based on percentage of recipients who have opened the email. |
Top 10 users | Top 10 users based on sent rate. |
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