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Remote Configuration in Zoho Apptics


Remote configuration allows you to make dynamic changes in your app's behavior and appearance remotely, without releasing an actual update. You can toggle features, perform canary launches, rollout or rollback changes, show or hide UI elements for a segment of users, and much more without waiting for the next update and deliver a customized user experience.

Remote configuration works by using parameters(default key-value pairs) responsible for the app's default look and behavior and conditions that control the parameters based on different criteria you set. You can configure in-app default values that control the appearance and behavior of your app, add parameters, and conditions from within the Apptics console after doing the necessary configurations in the SDK. 

Steps to add parameters 

Parameters are the key-value pairs that are used to control the appearance and behavior of your app. 
  1. Navigate to Growth > Remote configuration.
  1. Click on Add parameter and a pop-up will appear on the screen.
  2. Add the details like the parameter key, default value, and description (optional).

  1. Click Create and the parameter will be created and will appear in the parameters list in the dashboard.

  1. Hover on the individual Parameters and click the on menu to edit the parameter, duplicate the parameter, delete the parameter, and view all the chnages done to the parameter as history.
Note: The parameter key should start with an underscore or an alphabet (A-Z, a-z), and can also include numbers.

Steps to add conditions

A condition is used to assign different values to a given parameter. Conditions are made up of one or more filters that must all be true for the parameter to take on a particular value.

Conditions in Remote config can be added either while adding new parameters, or from the Conditions tab. You can add conditions based on the different criteria:
  1. Device types
  2. OS versions
  3. App versions
  4. Countries
  5. Custom criteria (create your own criteria, providing the condition key-value pairs)

Add conditions while adding a new parameter

  1. Click Add condition > New condition. A pop-up will appear on the screen to add a new condition.

  1. Provide a unique condition name and select the condition criteria that you want to configure. You can either select from the default criteria filters like device type, app version, OS version, country, or create your own custom criteria for the condition.

  1. You can configure more than one criteria for the condition by clicking on + button.

  1. To create a custom criteria, click on Custom criteria, provide the condition key and comma-separated values, and click Save.

  1. Now after configuring the criteria for the condition, click Save and the condition will be created and will appear in the Conditions list in the dashboard.

Add conditions from the Conditions tab

  1. Click Add condition in conditions tab and a pop-up will appear on the screen.

  1. Add a unique condition name and select the condition criteria that you want to configure. You can either select from the default criteria filters like device type, app version, OS version, country, or create your own custom criteria for the condition.
  2. You can configure more than one criteria for the condition by clicking on + button.

  1. To create a custom criteria, click on Custom criteria, provide the condition key and comma-separated values, and click Save.

  1. Now after configuring the criteria for the condition, click Add and the condition will be created and will appear in the Conditions list in the dashboard.

Steps to add conditions to a parameter

  1. Go to the the Parameters tab to add conditions to parameters. If you want to add a condition to a new parameter, click Add parameter to first add the new parameter and conditions to it.
  2. For adding a condition to an existing parameter, click on the menu of the individual parameter and click on Edit.

  1. A pop-up will appear where you can click on Add condition and a drop-down list of all the configured conditions will be displayed.
  2. You can either select the conditions that you want to associate with your parameter, or click New condition to create a new condition for the parameter.

  1. After selecting a condition, provide the parameter value that you want to change when the condition is applied. You can add more than one condition to a parameter.

  1. Once the necessary conditions are associated with the parameter, click on Update and you can see the changes in the parameters list.
Note: A parameter can be associated with multiple conditions but the first condition that evaluates to true gets assigned to the parameter. 

Preview and publish the configuration

All the changes done to the parameters and conditions will be reflected only after publishing the changes.
  1. Click Preview & publish and a pop-up will appear on the screen. 

  1. You can either see Diff with full content (the list of all the changes done along with the whole list of parameters and conditions), or view the Lines around the changes (highlight only the review only the conditions and parameters that were changed).
  2. Add your comments for future reference and click Publish. Once it is published, the remote configurations and changes will be reflected in the app immediately.

Note: A parameter can be associated with multiple conditions but the first condition that evaluates to true gets assigned to the parameter. You can always switch to any previous configurations that you have made using the Revert to this version & publish option under History.

Revert to previous remote config versions

  1. Click on History to view the list of all the remote configurations done and the different versions published so far. 
  2. If you want to revert to some earlier versions, you can do that be clicking on Revert to this version & publish.

Delete all existing remote configurations and start afresh

  1. If you want to remove all the existing configurations, click on Discard all to delete all the previous remote configurations that you made so far and configure a new list of parameters and conditions afresh.

Updated: 1 month ago
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