Available Regions:
You can collaborate on your projects and manage code by integrating GitHub with Zoho Cliq. This integration will help you view your pull requests, issues and commits inside Cliq. To do so, follow the below steps:
GitHub bot
You will receive a bot message posted on the GitHub bot upon successful installation. There are four bot actions present in the GitHub bot : Connect repo, Disconnect repo, Your repo and Help.
Connect repo
Using the Connect repo bot action, you will be able to connect to a repository on Github. To connect to a repository, do the following:
- Select the Connect repo bot action.
- Select a repository from the drop-down list to connect with.
- Select a channel to receive notifications regarding events happening in the repository.
- Check the events you want notifications for from the list and select Connect.

Disconnect repo
If you want to disconnect the current repository, you can select the Disconnect repo bot action. This will post a bot message card and ask your permission if you want to unmap the channel associated with the repository.

On selecting unmap the channel, a notification will be posted on the channel that any future updates regarding the repository will not be posted here until connected again.
Your repo
Your repo bot action will display the list all the repositories associated with your account in a tabular column. Here you will be able to view information such as repository name, owner, contents, commits and issues of each repository.
The help bot action will provide you with a guide on how to view your commits and issues from the repository and how to receive notifications in the channel.
With the Github widget, you can view all your pull requests, issues and commits from GitHub inside Cliq. You will also be able to filter them and view as them in the form of stats. There are four tabs available in the GitHub widget such as pull requests, commits, issues and stats.
Pull requests
You will find all your open and closed pull requests in the pull requests tab.

Here you have two options in the top-right corner : Search and Re-configure.
Using the search button you can search for a particular pull request by entering a keyword and clicking on Search.
Re-configure button will help you config to a different repository so that you can view it inside the widget. Select the repository and click on Configure.
The pull requests are classified into Open pull request and Closed pull request.
Under each pull request you will be provided the following options:
- More info - Here you will find information about assignees, labels, milestones and reviewers. You can also click on "Request Review" to request for a review and add the reviewer. You will also be able to find Merge button in case there are no conflicts and if there are conflicts you will not be able to merge it.

- Comment - You can add your comments to a pull request in the comment form.

- Edit - You can edit details such as title, body, assignees, labels, and milestones.
- Close/Reopen - You can either close a pull request from the Open pull request list or reopen a closed pull request from the Closed pull request list.
You will find all your commits in the commits tab.

Here you have two options in the top-right corner : Change branch and Re-configure. You can change the branch and view commits of the following branch.
Change branch
Select the Change branch button to change the branch in the widget.

Re-configure button will help you config to a different repository so that you can view it inside the widget. Select the repository and click on Configure.
Each commit listed will have the following options:
More info - You may see information about the commit ID, who made the commit, and the number of comments here.

Comment - You can add your comments to the commit in the comment form.
View comments - You can view all your comments on the commit.
View content - Here you can view all your files of your commit.

You will find all your issues in the issues tab.

Here you have two options in the top-right corner : Create Issue, Search and Re-configure.
Create issue
You can create issues inside Cliq by clicking the Create issue button. Enter the title, description, assignees, labels, milestone and click on Create Issue.
Using the search button you can search for a particular issue by entering a keyword and clicking on Search.
Re-configure button will help you config to a different repository so that you can view it inside the widget. Select the repository and click on Configure.
The issues are classified into Open issues and Closed issues.
Under each issue you will be provided the following options:
More info - Here you will find information about assignees, labels, and milestones.
Comment - You can add your comments to an issue in the comment form.
View comments - You can view all your comments on the issue.
Edit - You can edit details such as title, description, assignees, labels, and milestones.
Close/Reopen - You can either close an issue from the Open Issues list or reopen a closed issue from the Closed Issues list.
You can find an overview of the pull requests and issues in the form of stats.

GitHub slash command
By using the slash command "/github", you can pull in your the list all the repositories associated with your account in a tabular column from the GitHub bot.