Shortcut is a project management and issue tracking platform that helps users to plan and create projects easily. By integrating Shortcuts with Zoho Cliq, you can manage your project tasks and updates directly within Zoho Cliq. You can create stories (project pieces), enable notifications to channels, and get notifications on events and stories.
The extension is available in the following regions:
United States (US) Installation
Go to the Zoho Cliq Marketplace and search for "Shortcut" or install it from here →. Specify if you want to install the extension for your entire organization or specific teams and click Install.
Accept the extension's permission requests, and you're good to go.
Generate API token
To connect to your Shortcut account, you'll have to generate an API token from your Shortcuts account.
Log in to your Shortcuts account and go to Settings.
Navigate to API token
Give a name to the token and click Generate API token.
Copy the token generated.
Connect your Shortcut Account
To connect your Shortcut account to Zoho Cliq:
Click the Connect Shortcut button. Enter the Shortcut Token and click the Connect button. Your connection will be authorized.
Shortcut Bot
The Shortcut bot helps you create stories and manage your notifications of your stories and epics in channels. There are three bot actions available:
Create Story
A "story" is a fundamental unit of work that represents a feature, bug, chore, or any task that needs to be completed as part of a project. Stories help teams break down their work into manageable, trackable pieces.
To create a story, do the following:
Click the Create Story button.
In the pop-up that appears, enter in the following details:
Objectives You Choose: Select the relevant objectives for the story.
Epics in Your Objective: Choose the epic that the story belongs to.
Story Title: Enter a clear and concise title for the story.
Team: Assign the story to the appropriate team.
Workflow: Select the workflow stage for the story.
Due Date: Set a due date for the story to be completed.
Owner: Assign an owner responsible for the story.
Set Priority: Indicate the priority level of the story.
Set Label: Add any relevant labels to categorize the story.
Description: Provide a detailed description of the story, including objectives and requirements.
Attachments: Add any necessary attachments or files related to the story.
Once all the details are filled in, click the Create Story button to save and create the story.
Using the Configuration bot action, you can map/unmap channels and manage notifications of epic or story in Zoho Cliq.
Map Channel
To enable notifications related to an epic or story, you can map them to a channel. To map a channel:
Click the Map Channel button. An 'Associate a channel' form will appear. Add the following details:
Select Team: Choose the team you want to associate with the channel.
Select Event for getting notification: Check the events for which you want to receive notifications (e.g., epics, story).
Pick a channel for Team notification: Select the channel where you want the team notifications to be sent.
Click the Map button.
Unmap Channel
To disable notifications from a channel, you can unmap the channel. To do so:
Click the Unmap Channel button.
A table will be posted on all the mapped channels with information about the team, mapped channel, mapped by and actions to be performed. Click the Unmap button to unmap or Edit to edit the details.
To receive all notifications in Zoho Cliq, you can use the Notifications button. A message will be posted on how you can configure webhook connection and receive all notifications. You can select Personal Notify to enable personal notifications.
Here, you can enable personalized notifications from the bot and click the Configure button.
Help gives you an overview of what the extension offers.
The Shortcut widget offers a streamlined interface with two main tabs to manage and interact with your Shortcut account.
My Objective
Access all epics associated with a particular objective.
All Stories
View Stories by Category
Today: View all stories due today.
Overdue: Access stories that are past their due dates.
Upcoming: See stories scheduled for future dates.
View Stories by Search Results
Change Team: Switch to a different team to view all stories associated with that team.
Apply Filter: Filter stories based on labels and workflow stages.
My Stories: View all stories you have created.
Slash commands
By using the slash command '/createstory,' you can create a story from any conversation.
By using the slash command '/searchstory,' you can filter out stories that are due today.
By using the slash command '/webhookcreation,' you'll be able to generate webhook for shortcut.
Message Actions
Hover over any message and convert it into a story by using the Convert to Story message action.