Personalization Experiments | Zoho LandingPage User Guide


Personalization helps you create unique landing page experiences for individual visitors rather than providing the same experience to all visitors. This helps you understand different personas, tailor your page to fit their profile, and ultimately provide the best message, content, or offer that improves your conversions.

Creating a personalization experiment

  1. Create your default landing page experience in the landing page builder. This will be the default version for all visitors who don't fall under any category of personalized audience. Once you have created your landing page, you can click on Optimize in the top left corner of the landing page builder.

  2. In the popup that is displayed now, select Personalization to begin creating your personalized landing page experience

  3. Once you enter the personalization experiment, your default landing page experience will be cloned. You can now manage your experiences in the Experiences pane by clicking on the hamburger navigation menu in the top left corner of the personalization window.

  4. You will be able to create additional experiences by clicking on the New Experience button. You can also rename, and delete personalization experiences in this pane.

Choosing the target audience

There are multiple ways in which you can determine the audience for a personalization experience. Based on your landing page goal, you can choose the target audience for the experience.
If you are running PPC campaigns through Google Ads, you will likely want to create exclusive landing page experiences for the various ad groups in your campaigns. In Zoho LandingPage, you can create personalized landing page experiences for each ad group that you have created in your Google Ads account.

  1. Choose Google Ads from the target audience options displayed on your screen. You must have integrated your Zoho LandingPage account with Google Ads to view your campaign details in the next step.

  2. Select the Google Ad campaign and Ad group that you want to map this landing page experience with. You can also choose multiple campaigns and ad groups if necessary. Once you have selected the campaign and ad groups, click Save and Proceed. You will now be taken to the landing page builder where you can make changes to the landing page design based on your target audience.

Default Presets

Default audience presets are commonly used target audience criteria that can be used to easily segment your audience. Using presets ensures consistency in audience segmentation across campaigns and enhances your overall marketing strategy.

  1. Choose Default Presets from the target audience options displayed on your screen.  You will now be able to choose presets for visitor type, source, and device.

  2. In the visitor section, you can choose to map the personalization experience either to new visitors or returning visitors.

  3. In the source section, you can choose direct traffic, social traffic, referral traffic, organic search, or paid campaigns.

  4. In the device section, you can choose either desktop users or mobile & tablet users. Once you have chosen your preferences, click Save and Proceed. You will now be taken to the landing page builder where you can make changes to the landing page design based on your target audience.

UTM Parameters

To create precise personalization experiences users can make use of UTM parameters to segment the target audience even further.  With UTM parameters, marketers can precisely attribute traffic sources and optimize personalization strategies based on real-time data insights.

  1. Choose UTM Parameters from the target audience options displayed on your screen. 

  2.  You will now be able to choose the UTM values for parameters such as UTM Source, UTM Campaign, UTM Medium, UTM Term, and UTM Content. Once you have entered the desired UTM parameters, click Save and Proceed. You will now be taken to the landing page builder where you can make changes to the landing page design based on your target audience.  

Custom Audience

In cases where standard personalization presets and UTM parameters are insufficient, users can create custom audience groups based on a wide range of criteria.
  1. Choose Custom Audience from the target audience options displayed on your screen.  You will now be able to choose from a wide range of criteria such as source, URL, query parameters, location, browser, day of the week, hour of the day, and so many more factors.

  2. Once you have entered the desired UTM parameters, click Save and Proceed. You will now be taken to the landing page builder where you can make changes to the landing page design based on your target audience.

Modifying the audience for an experience

You can toggle between the Design and Audiences screen to make changes to the landing page design and audience preferences respectively.  

  1. In your landing builder, click on the Audiences tab to view the target audience selected for the particular experience.

    2.  You can click on the Edit Icon to make changes to your audience preferences. To change the audience type, click on Modify Audience.

Ending the personalization experiment

Once you have published your personalized landing page experiences, you can choose to end the experiment at any time by deleting your experiences in the experience pane. Click on the three dot menu next to the experience name and select Delete to delete the particular experience. When you delete all the created experiences, the personalization experiment will end.

Viewing personalization analytics

Once you have published the personalized landing page experiences, you can start viewing the personalization analytics. Click on the analytics icon on the top left corner of the landing page builder to access the overall page analytics. In the page analytics window click on the Personalization tab to view how your personalized experiences are performing when compared to the original.

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