Setup Goals
Filter and segment your goal reports.
Segmenting Goals reports can help you isolate the behavior of specific audience types. To segment the recordings of your goals experiment: 1. Go to the Reports tab of your Goals experiment. 2. Click the funnel icon on the right. You'll see two types ...
Detailed understanding of your goal reports
The following metrics are monitored when you set up a goal in PageSense: Goal Metrics Tab Visitors: The number of unique users coming to your web page. Conversions: Number of visitors who have achieved the goal. Conversion Rate: The percentage of ...
Create a custom event goal
A Custom event goal is different from the other type of goals (Element Clicks, Link Clicks, and Time Spent on Page) in PageSense where you can track clicks and record the success metrics of common behavior of a user on your web page with no unique ...
Create a time spent on page goal
You can track the amount of time spent by your visitors on your web page using the Time Spent on Page goal in PageSense. This goal allows you to track the conversion rate whenever a visitor exceeds the set time frame (in seconds) on the page. For ...
Create a click on link goal
You can create a goal to track when someone clicks a link on your website. In this goal type, clicking on the link usually leads the user to a different web page. For example, you can track when someone clicks the 'Buy Now' link on your product page, ...
Create a click on elements goal
The 'Click on Element' goal is one of the most commonly used goals in PageSense that allows you to track clicks on a specific element in your website such, as SignUp, Submit, or any CTA button. Whenever a visitor clicks on this button, a conversion ...