Dependency between work items in Zoho Sprints can be tracked by creating a link between the dependent item and the item on which it is dependent. This link is largely used to track closure of items that come with dependencies on other items. Therefore, the dependency link can be used in cases where the completion of one item depends on the progress or completion of another item or multiple items.
The linking based on dependency on items can be done across projects. That is, you can link a work item belonging to project A with a work item belonging to project B.
Let's assume your organization provides architectural design solutions. Your process is such that when you deliver drawings, you need to get your floor plan finalized before moving to structural column design drawings. This implies that the column drawings can be completed only when the floor plan is completed. This is a dependency.
The column design work item is dependent on your floor plan design work item.
This association as a dependent work item enables you to track both the items in tandem and ensure that the dependent item is moved to closed status only if the linked work item is moved to completion.
Note: Changing the status of the dependent item to closed status without closing the item on which it depends on is also permitted. We do not restrict the dependent item from being moved to closed status, although you will be notified that the item has dependencies. You can decide your course of action according to your requirement.
Update items linked through dependency
While updating the status of a work item that is dependent on another item, you will get a pop-up notification informing that the item you're trying to update has dependencies.
Your course of action can be:
- To move the dependent item to closed status, regardless of the linked work item's status.
- To move the linked work item that causes the dependency to closed status, before closing the dependent status. This ensures that the linked item that has a bearing on this dependent item is completed, thus enabling completion of the latter.

Delete items linked through dependency
When you link items through dependency, both the work items will list each other under linked work items. The dependent item will display the linked item as "Depends on" and the item on which it depends will display the linked item as "Has dependent". When you delete either of these items, the deleted item will automatically be removed from the linked items listing section of the other item.