Dynamic Content

Dynamic Content

      Dynamic content refers to website content that isn't fixed or static, but changes based on user action. Use dynamic content on your website to display data from third-party services without updating the website every single time.

For example, you can integrate two different applications such as Zoho Sites and Zoho Creator to display dynamic content on your website.

Steps to Insert dynamic content into your website 

  1. Click the + icon at the top-left corner of your website builder.

  1.  Click App from the dropdown.

  1. Select Dynamic Content from the options.


  1. Drag and drop Dynamic Content to the location where you'd like it to be displayed. Enter Dynamic Content Name.

  1. Click Edit. You will be taken to the Dynamic Content Listing page where you can select the appropriate dynamic content


  1. Click the relevant dynamic content to edit the existing code or write a custom one.  You can edit views, functions and sytlsheets.


There are a few key concepts to know to use dynamic content to your advantage.
  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Deluge Script - Zoho's scripting language that links over 25 Zoho Apps
  5. Face - A language for templates designed for Zoho Sites


The four components of dynamic content:

1. Functions - These are Deluge functions that interact with third-party services to fetch data. They act as an interface between two different applications.
Refer to the Deluge help doc for more information. You can also visit the Deluge console to get a hands-on experience in writing Deluge functions.


2. Stylesheets - Stylesheets are used to determine the look and feel of a webpage. Using this component helps you define the style rules (CSS) for displaying DC. These rules need to be written in the style.css file.

3. JavaScript - JavaScript is written in the main.js file. Make certain your code follows the closure the closure model. Please refer here for more details.


4. Views - Views are written in the Face template language. Dynamic content is usually written in the Face language, while static content is displayed based on the functions in HTML. Learn more about Face language in detail here.


Here's a sample code to integrate Zoho Creator to set up dynamic content on your website. Use it to add more functions to your dynamic content.


Functions are lines of code that perform tasks. They are reusable, which makes them efficient. They may or may not return values depending on the tasks they perform.

With functions, you can access Zoho as well as external services using DRE's (Dynamic Runtime Environment) invokeUrl method.


Here's a function named "fetchPartners" that fetches records stored in Zoho Creator:

records = zoho.creator.getRecords("David","partners","Partner_View");                                                                         
return records;                                 


We have used a DRE function "zoho.creator.getRecords" to fetch records from Zoho Creator. This function is invoked by the below arguments, and it returns a list of records containing partner information.

David - is the Owner name
partners - is the Application's link name
Partner_View - is the Report's link name

Here's another example of a function called "fetchPartnerDetails", which is invoked by the below arguments:
criteria = "ID==".concat(id);
records = zoho.creator.getRecords("David", "partners", "Partner_View", criteria);
record = records.get(0);
return record;                                                                                                                                                                       

To fetch records from Zoho Creator, we used the DRE function "zoho.creator.getRecords" with the criteria as arguments. The function returns records that match the criteria. This dynamic content function has an argument called "id", which is then used to fetch records as a list

Refer to this link for more information on using functions to create an integration.




Every instance of dynamic content has a main view file, and it loads the view available.

All views are cached by default. If the view is specific to a user or request, it is recommended to disable the cache. Please visit the dynamic content edit option to enable or disable cache.

In this example, we display all the partner names on the main page. Once the names are displayed, the user can click on any partner name and view their details. Let's look at how this works:


View: main

{% partners = functions.execute("fetchPartners") %} <div>       <center><h3>Partners</h3></center> </div> <div dc-container="partner-area">       {% for partner in partners %}       <div>         <h2 style="cursor: pointer" dc-param-id="{{ partner.ID }}" dc-bind-click="true"
            dc-view="partner" dc-target="partner-area">             {{ partner.name }}         </h2>       <p>{{ partner.email }}</p>       </div>     {% endfor %} </div>


In the "main" view, we call the DC function "fetchPartners" using the functions.execute() method. This returns a list of partners. We then proceed to render them as HTML. Dynamic Content's View makes the objects and methods available to process request and response. We shall discuss these objects and methods soon after.

Note: The "dc" attributes on HTML tags are used to navigate to another view.




Defines a container to load a DC view, value should be alphanumeric and unique.


Binds click event for the HTML element, value should be either "true" or a name of callback function.


Defines the DC view name when the HTML element is clicked. Required when dc-bind-click = "true".


Defines the container where the DC view defined in dc-view will be loaded. Value should be one of dc-container.


Defines parameters that need to be sent to DC view. There can be multiple use, all such dc-param attributes are sent to DC view.

eg. dc-param-pid="123" can be accessed in DC view with request_object.parameters.pid

 View: partner

{% partner_id = request_object.parameters.id %} {% partner_details = functions.execute("fetchPartnerDetails", partner_id) %} <div>
      <h2>{{ partner_details.name }}</h2>     <p>{{ partner_details.phone }}</p>       <img alt="{{ partner_details.name }}" src="{{ partner_details.image }}" />     <div style="cursor: pointer" dc-view="main" dc-target="partner-area">       back     </div> </div>


In this view named "partner", we call the DC function "fetchPartnerDetails" using the functions.execute() method. This call returns a partner matching with "partner_id". We then proceed to render it as HTML.

DC View function

Using the statement functions.execute(<function_name>) method, one can execute the function that you created in Dynamic Content.

{% records = functions.execute("fetchPartners") %}
The snippet above executes the fetchPartners DRE function and stores the return value in the 'records' variable. Use this record variable in the code to display the data on the website. Some functions have parameters. We must add those parameter values next to the function name like the below.



{% records = functions.execute("fetchPartners",param1,param2, ..) %}
Note : function_name is required and must always be a first parameter.

Below are the objects and functions available in a dynamic content view.

Object: user

Request based on user object values will not work if cache is enabled for the view.




Name of the logged-in user


Email address of the logged-in user


Display name list of portal group the user



{% if user %}       {"display_name":"{{ user.display_name }}","email_address":"{{ user.email_address }}"}. {% endif %}

Object: request_object

Request based on request_object values will not work if cache is enabled for the view.




Domain part of request


URI path of the request


Collection of parameters


Collection of request headers


Collection of cookies


{% partner_id = request_object.parameters.id %}

Function: functions.execute

This is used to invoke functions in dynamic content. 


{% assign variable_name = functions.execute("dc_function_name", param1, param2, ...)%}.
Note: dc_function_name is the name of a function created in Dynamic Content app.

Function: response_object.setStatus
This function is used to set the status code of the response for the view response.
{% response_object.setStatus(status_code) %}
Note: status_code - should be valid HTTP status code

Function: response_object.setCookies
This function is used to set cookies in the view response.
{% response_object.setCookies(cookie_name, cookie_value, path, max_age) %}


Use the in-built JavaScript functions to perform standard UI event handling. If you want  to perform advanced UI event handling, overwrite the defaults of dynamic content.

In JavaScript, the main view loads by default. You can override the default functionality by writing the init function in the main.js JavaScript file.

Initially the Dynamic Content app will try to execute the init function from the main.js file. In its absence, the DC app will load the content stored in the main file(/view).

The init function supports two parameters. The first is a dynamic content context, which is the root element of dynamic content. The second is a query parameter object.

These parameters are passed either in the page url or by adding dc-param- <param-name-placeholder> attribute to elements like <div dc-param-id ="{{record.id}}" dc-bind-click = "showPartner" style= "cursor:pointer:"> in view.

Note: The JavaScript file loads dynamically on the website using RequireJs. The script you are writing should follow the RequireJs define module. For more details about RequireJs define module, please refer here. 

The following are the API methods available for JavaScript.




Sends HTTP GET request to DC view.

  Request Object as an argument, please refer table below.


Sends HTTP POST request to DC view.

  Request Object as an argument, please refer table below.

Request Object




URL of the view


Parameters to be sent to view as JSON object


On successful response, this callback function will be called with XMLHttpRequest as "this" reference.


Collection of request headers


Arguments to be sent to handler as JSON object

Overriding the "init" function

Here is an example of main.js overriding the "init" function and handling view loading itself

define( function() { function showPartner(options){ $DX.get({ url: "/dcapp/" + options.dc_name + "/partner", params : options.params, handler: function (){ options.target.innerHTML = this.responseText } } ); } function init(context, params){ var dc_name = context.getAttribute('data-dc-name'); //the attribute data-dc-name of the root DC element has the DC name var dc_home_page = context.getAttribute('data-home-page') || 'main'; //the attribute data-dc-name has the default view name $DX.get({ url: "/dcapp/" + dc_name + "/" + dc_home_page ,// No I18N handler: function (){ context.innerHTML = this.responseText } } ); } return { showPartner : showPartner, init : init } })
Invoking DC function and view from a JS

Here is an example of how to invoke a function from main.js. It is also possible to invoke a DC function or DC view as a REST end point from a header code or from a JS file on the same domain.
url: "/dcapp/" + <dc_name> + "/function/" + <dc_function_name >,
handler: function (){
      //code to handle function get

Fetching form data from Zoho Sites

Create a connection to the Zoho Sites service in the connections tab in dynamic content. Choose scope ZohoSites.siteforms.read to read Zoho Sites form data. Once the connection is established use the created connection name in the "invokeurl" of the function. Get the 'formid' from the form edit URL in the Zoho Sites builder.

Sample code to fetch form data
headers_map = Map();                                                                                        
resp = invokeurl [
url :"https://sites.zoho.com/zs-site/api/v1/zsforms/" + formid + "/formdata"
type :POST
return resp;                                                                                                                                                                           
Sample form response data
    "output": {
       "status_message": "success",
       "status_code": "0",
      "form_data": {
       "form_status": "0",
      "form_records": [
      "record_id": "1561166000000141011",
      "data": {
      "field_SxBhr3xijI4MBySlKotoZA": {
      "field_value": "mdxxxx@gmail.com",
      "field_type": "email"
       "field_oxcQgkusaiBu_AusENvyJA": {
      "field_value": "Ram",
      "field_type": "name"
      "last_updated_time": "2023-07-14T09:40:03Z",
      "zs_form_id": "1561166000000140071"
      "form_meta": {
      "form_properties": {
      "form_link_name": "New-Form",
      "submit_action": {
      "download": false,
      "domain": "",
      "rel": "",
      "linkType": "fileLink",
      "href": "/POWER%20OF%20PATIENCE.pdf",
      "title": "",
      "url": "/POWER OF PATIENCE.pdf",
      "target": ""
      "form_name": "Filedownload"
      "fields": [
      "field_id": "field_oxcQgkusaiBu_AusENvyJA",
      "field_link_name": "Name",
      "field_label": "Name",
      "data_type": "name",
      "type": "text"
       "field_id": "field_SxBhr3xijI4MBySlKotoZA",
      "field_link_name": "Email",
      "field_label": "Email",
      "data_type": "email",
      "type": "text"
      "extra": {
      "no_of_pages": "1",
       "total_record": "2"
      "api_kind": "form data"

Pushing data to Zoho Creators, Zoho CRM, etc.

The form data can now be pushed to other applications, such as Zoho CRM, Creator, and so on. Here is a sample code for pushing the date to Creator. Data from the Sites form is converted to a list of maps and then pushed to the Creator. It is assumed that the field link names in Sites and Creator are the same. Code can be executed once a connection is created for Zoho Creator.
headers_map = Map();
sites_api_response = invokeurl [
      url :"https://sites.zoho.com/zs-site/api/v1/zsforms/" + formid + "/formdata"
      type :POST

form_records = sites_api_response.get("form_data").get("form_records");
form_meta = sites_api_response.get("form_data").get("form_meta").get("fields");
form_header = Map();
function_response = Map();

for each  meta in form_meta {

for each  form_record in form_records {
    creator_record = Map();
    form_data = form_record.get("data");
    fields = form_data.keys();
    for each  field_key in fields {
    creator_response =      zoho.creator.createRecord("{{owner_name}}","{{app_name}}","{{form_name}}",

    function_response.put(form_record.get("record_id"), creator_response);
return function_response;                                                                                                                                                   

This document should help you understand the Dynamic Content feature in Zoho Sites. This feature opens up a lot of possibilities to address specific requirements of customers. If you require further clarifications, we are always happy to help you. Contact us at support@zohosites.com and we will answer your questions at the earliest.

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