Ask the Experts - Zoho Inventory #15: 7 hours of live discussion on the integration between Zoho Inventory and Zoho Desk

Ask the Experts - Zoho Inventory #15: 7 hours of live discussion on the integration between Zoho Inventory and Zoho Desk

Hello all!
Customer experience lies at the heart of business success. In this week's 'Ask the Experts - Zoho Inventory', let's discuss integrating Zoho Inventory and Zoho Desk for better customer experience.

Zoho Inventory integrates with Zoho Desk to bring you the speediest communication with your customers. This integration helps you make sure that your customer service representatives and your sales team are always connected to your back office so they can immediately respond to order-related information, invoices, shipments, and more. Your representatives can also create orders on demand and link invoices and transactions with customer tickets, even without complete access to your Zoho Inventory account.

Here are some topics we'll be covering during this session:
  • Setting up this integration with your Zoho Inventory account
  • Configuring your signature in your Zoho Desk account
  • Setting the right access points for your users
  • Managing sales transactions with Zoho Inventory and related tickets
  • Associating customer tickets with transactions
Post your questions, use cases, and suggestions on this topic below, and our experts will give comments, answers, and pro tips during the live session.  
We'll be live on July 9, 2020 from 9am-2pm PDT | 3pm-10pm BST | 6pm -11.30pm IST.

Don't forget to check out the previous episode of 'Ask the Experts - Zoho Inventory' to find our discussions on the Avalara Ava Tax integration.

The Zoho Inventory Team

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