Free webinar: Custom user roles and permissions in Zoho Sign

Free webinar: Custom user roles and permissions in Zoho Sign


Do you have a lot of users in your organization that use Zoho Sign? Are you finding it difficult to segment or limit their access to relevant documents and data?

If so, we invite you to join us on Tuesday, April 23, for an exclusive webinar, where our experts will walk you through the latest updates to the Users and control module in Zoho Sign. Participate in this session to learn how you can now customize user roles and permissions within Zoho Sign to control document access and visibility and improve overall data security.

Register and attend one of the three sessions based on your convenience:
10 AM AEST | 10 AM BST | 10 AM PT

Over 40,000 organizations use Zoho Sign today to digitally sign and manage all their business documents! With an increasing number of employees across departments and functions now using Zoho Sign—as opposed to only the senior staff—organizations must take additional measures to ensure data doesn't inadvertently fall into the wrong hands. Limiting access to confidential paperwork and aligning Zoho Sign with your reporting hierarchies or team structures helps avert business and legal risks. 

Join us to discuss and learn more. Looking forward to your participation!


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