Reboot stuck in safemode

Reboot stuck in safemode

I just purchased Zoho Assist to see if this will work for my company. I decided to test it on the system next to me. Both systems "tech" and "client" are fully patched Windows 10 Home  editions. The connection worked just fine, I was able to transfer a file and finally I tested reboot into safe mode to see how quickly it would reconnect.

Upon reboot of the client system stopped at the password. I entered it on the client side, but when the client system finished booting it did not have networking turned on. Eventually the Tech computer timed out, and I opted to end the session and reboot the Client system.

Here's the problem, the Client system now only boots to safe mode. I have logged in as an administrator, opened MSCONFIG and clicked Normal and apply, went to Boot and unchecked Safe mode and hit apply. I went back to the general tab and selective start was checked off again. I changed it to normal and hit apply and check the boot tab and it's back to safeboot being checked.

At this point I just unchecked safe boot and restarted. The system boots back up into safe boot. I am unable to enter using a standard account it gives the error that a Policy is in effect that only allows admins to log into safe mode. I entered the existing admin account and created a new admin user and restarted and tried to log into that account. it is booting into safemode as well. The same inability to restart the system in normal boot exists.

I have uninstalled the Zoho Assist application and cleared the files in program files x86 and programdata. The problem persists. I've spent 3 minutes testing the Zoho Assist client and 35 minutes troubleshooting this. Does anyone have a suggestion? I am about to rebuild the system, but that is an extreme answer to the problem.