Subform Time field to string.

Subform Time field to string.

Good afternoon All.

I have a Subform 'Delivery_Receiving_Hours' that captures Day (Dropdown), Time_Open (Time), and Time_Close (Time). I need to capture this data and send it to a multiline field in the CRM. The code, posted below, below will capture the day but keeps posting the time as N/A. I am performing the tests and I am putting time in. I can't figure out why it's not capturing the time input. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  1. // Initialize the combined information string
  2. combined_info = "";

  3. // Access the subform and iterate through its rows
  4. for each row in input.Delivery_Receiving_Hours {
  5.     // Check and retrieve values for Day, Time_Open, and Time_Close
  6.     day = ifnull(row.Day, "Unknown Day");
  7.     time_open = ifnull(row.Time_Open.toString("hh:mm a"), "N/A");
  8.     time_close = ifnull(row.Time_Close.toString("hh:mm a"), "N/A");
  10.     // Concatenate the current row's information
  11.     combined_info = combined_info + day + ": " + time_open + " - " + time_close + "\n";
  12. }

  13. // Log the combined information for debugging
  14. info "Combined Info: " + combined_info;

  15. // Update the CRM field with the combined information
  16. newLocation.put("Dock_Hours", combined_info);