Wiki - Latest Updates

Wiki - Latest Updates

Hi All,

Please have a look at our latest updates below.

May 27, 2011


  1. Twitter Profile and Search widgets given in widget list.
  2. You can allow public to view your company logo in the private wiki login screen.

  3. Position of the widget icon in the editor toolbar changed. It is next to Insert Image icon.

May 11, 2011

Features / Issues Fixed

  1. Switch To menu changed as Zoho Apps. It now lists Zoho services by category.

  2. Schedule time added in Watch settings. You can set the time interval when you want to be notified of the page changes.

  3. Issue related to is fixed.
  4. Workspaces can be accessed without the trailing slash.
  5. Issue related to view attachment is fixed when version is 2.0. 
  6. Issue related to Delete pages from Trash is fixed.

  7. User's email address is included in the Users tab under My Home.

Apr 25, 2011

Features / Issues Fixed

  1. Add Users option in My Home.
  2. Issue related to Attach from Google Docs, foreign languages in file name is fixed.

  3. Issue related to Google Search widget is fixed.

  4. Issue related to Page Attachments count is fixed.
  5. Issue related to Sitemap navigation in IE8  is fixed.
  6. Issue related to delete particular version of attachment is fixed.

Feb 25, 2011

Features / Issues Fixed

  1. Confirmation message added while click the close editor  button.
  2. Issue related to page options(Modify the URL, Save As, Duplicate, Export as Doc) in workspace of the organization wikis is fixed.

  3. Issue related to page list pagination is fixed.
  4. Sorting option in the page list.
  5. Issue related to CustomTopPanel editing is fixed.

Jan 27, 2011

Features / Issues Fixed

  1. Google Translator widget added.
  2. Sitemap drag and drop feature enhanced. Multiple pages can be drag and drop at a time.
  3. Issue related to Russian language is fixed.
  4. Global users list given in My Home page.
  5. All Tags menu item added in the wiki menu.
  6. Delete All Tags option given in All Tags page.
  7. English language added in the translate menu item.
  8. Zoho Creator forms, views & applications are listed in widgets. User can insert their creator forms from the editor directly.
  9. Upload file size increased to Paid users from 50MB to 250MB. Paid users can upload a 250MB file.
  10. Usability improvement in access denied page. Invitation link given for pending users to accept their pending invitation to access the page. 
  11. Use Shift+Right Click in the editor to use Browser's default context menu.
  12. Manage users link added in Permission Dialog.


Dec 29, 2010

Features / Issues Fixed

  1. Flexible width option given for Iframe, Iframe source URL  shown while mouse over for security reason.
  2. Issue related to attachment's content type is fixed.
  3. Issue related to owner change case sensitive issue fixed.
  4. Loading message changed in navigation.
  5. Issue related to broken image in Export As Doc is fixed.
  6. Space check added in the Drag & Drop.
More updates at the following url

Zoho Wiki Team

    • Topic Participants

    • Mano

      • Recent Topics

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